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Mood Disorders and Suicide PSYC 2340: Abnormal Psychology.

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Presentation on theme: "Mood Disorders and Suicide PSYC 2340: Abnormal Psychology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mood Disorders and Suicide PSYC 2340: Abnormal Psychology

2 What We’ll Cover The nature of suicide Prevalence rates Risk factors for suicide Assessment of suicidal risk Treatment considerations

3 The Nature of Suicide Relatively common cause of death in U.S. and around rest of world Varying levels of suicidal behavior Ideation Planning Gestures Attempts Completion

4 Suicide Prevalence Rates Around 3% of people attempt suicide, much higher rates of ideation Rates may actually be higher Higher rates among whites across the lifespan Rates increase throughout lifespan, noticeably spike during: Adolescence Older adulthood Gender differences Females more likely to think about, plan, and attempt Males more likely to complete

5 Risk Factors for Suicide Hopelessness Joiner’s Interpersonal Theory of Suicidal Behavior Desire Sense of disconnection/lack of belonging Sense of being a burden on others Ability Desensitization to violence and pain Acquired competence in one or more suicidal methods


7 Risk Factors for Suicide Hopelessness Joiner’s Interpersonal Theory of Suicidal Behavior Desire Sense of disconnection/lack of belonging Sense of being a burden on others Ability Desensitization to violence and pain Acquired competence in one or more suicidal methods Other risk factors Family history Mental disorders (particularly mood disorders) Impulsivity Alcohol/substance use Stressful life events

8 Assessing Suicidal Risk To ask, or not to ask? What to assess? Suicidal desire Feelings of social alienation/disconnectedness and being a burden on others Hopelessness about positive change in the future Suicidal intent Detailed plan vs. vague ideation Preparatory behavior Suicidal capability Available means Lethality of means

9 Treatment Considerations How high is the risk? How accessible are the means? Has the person recently been exposed to a suicide (e.g., school)? What treatment techniques are used?

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