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Who are Green Switch Solutions? Green Switch Solutions are a leading solar project developer specializing in fully funded solar parks to agricultural markets.

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Presentation on theme: "Who are Green Switch Solutions? Green Switch Solutions are a leading solar project developer specializing in fully funded solar parks to agricultural markets."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who are Green Switch Solutions? Green Switch Solutions are a leading solar project developer specializing in fully funded solar parks to agricultural markets in the UK. We have over 12 years’ experience working in renewable energies in the UK and Europe. We work in collaboration with Savills Energy + to offer the very best professional services and planning to ensure each site receives the highest level of attention and more importantly planning success. Our in-house teams of developers, planners and lawyers enable us to manage all elements of the intricate and often long process of developing a solar park.

2 Solar technology creates a local reliable source of energy which reduces our reliance on foreign oil and gas supplies. It reduces the need for burning fossil fuels, so decreases the effects of Global Warming and improves the quality of air that we breathe. It minimises the depletion of natural resources for future generations. Solar panels are mounted low to the ground, so they are much less visible over distance than wind farms or nuclear power stations. Solar cells are totally silent. They can extract energy from the sun without making any noise. Solar cells require very little maintenance. They have no moving parts that need to be fixed and so last a long time.

3 How do solar panels work? Solar Panels convert daylight into electricity. Light shining on the panel creates an electric field across layers of silicon in each cell, causing Direct Current (DC) electricity to flow. This is then converted by an ‘inverter’ into the usable Alternating Current (AC) electricity that powers our homes. Solar panels do not need direct sunshine to work, just daylight meaning that they can still generate electricity on dull days.

4 Will the solar panels move? No, the solar panels will be fixed in place and will not move. The lack of moving parts reduces the level of maintenance required throughout the lifespan of the development.

5 How efficient are solar panels? It is sometimes said that photovoltaic (PV) solar electric panels require more energy for their production than they produce during their lifetime. This seems to be the kind of "urban myth" that is hard to eradicate. Studies in the Netherlands and USA have concluded that in UK conditions it will take around 2.5 years to "pay back" the energy cost of the panel. PV panels have an expected life of least 25-30 years, so even under UK conditions a PV panel will, over its lifespan, produce many times more energy than was required to manufacture the panel.

6 Why are solar panels blue/black? Blue/black silicon absorbs light in the most efficient way Maximising energy production and reducing reflection

7 What maintenance is involved? Solar parks require minimum maintenance once constructed. The site shall be visited about 4 times per year to cut grass and wash panels with water. Further visits shall be undertaken throughout a year for general maintenance checks. All maintenance workers shall access the site in standard 4x4s, small vans or cars resulting in negligible disruption to local traffic.

8 How long will it be operational? All components of the solar park are built to operate for at least 25 years. Following the end of the operational period, all infrastructures shall be removed and the site returned to its original function.

9 Will the equipment be protected? Each site is protected by a fence to prevent unauthorised access Closed circuit security cameras are installed and will activate only when movement is detected The camera uses infrared technology so no flood lighting is required

10 Additional Questions Does solar park construction increase the risk of flooding in the area? No. The framework is piled directly into the ground so there is no need for the laying of any concrete. Installations will therefore have a negligible effect on run off volumes and do not create a flood risk. Are solar panels noisy? No. Solar panels make no audible noise unlike other renewable technologies such as wind turbines. Does Green Switch Solutions operate the solar park for profit? Yes. Green Switch Solutions is a commercial operation that has chosen solar energy generation as its mode of business. Our returns come from the sale of electricity generated and subsidies under the Feed in Tariff and Renewable Obligation Certificate scheme. This income provides for the operation and maintenance costs of the site, repayment of the initial investment, paying for the lease of the land, and a profit for the running of Green Switch Solutions as a business.


12 Example of Solar Park


14 White Gorse Farm Solar Park The site on land within White Gorse Farm is located to the south of the village of Scredington and approximately 6.1km to the south of Sleaford. The site is set within a relatively flat landscape and comprises of 4 fields currently used for arable farming. The area surrounding the site is predominantly rural in nature dispersed with small hamlets and villages with an area of approximately 62.88 acres. The proposal shall consist of approximately 45,694 ground mounted solar panels. Energy calculations indicate that that site has a maximum peak power capacity for 11.1 Megawatts (MWp). Based on Business, Enterprise, and Regulatory Reform (BERR) average UK domestic electricity consumption statistics, this equates to the electricity usage of approximately 3300 households.


16 White Gorse Farm Proposed site

17 White Gorse Farm Solar Park

18 Ground Mount Installation Process Lease Agreement signed

19 Strictly Private and Confidential 19 Green Switch Solutions Ltd 501 Merlin Park Ringtail Rd Burscough L40 8JY Sales: 0845 643 0562 Tel: 01704 898 126 Email:

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