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ASME Turbo Expo June 11-15, 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark

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1 ASME Turbo Expo 2012 June 11-15, 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark
On the Effect of Thermal Energy Transport to the Performance of (Semi) Floating Ring Bearing Systems for Automotive Turbochargers Luis San Andrés Mast-Childs Professor, Fellow ASME Texas A&M University GT Accepted for journal publication

2 Authors GT2012-68355 Luis San Andrés Vince Barbarie
Thermal Energy Transport to the Performance of (Semi) Floating Ring Bearing Systems for Automotive Turbochargers Authors Luis San Andrés Turbomachinery Laboratory Texas A&M University Vince Barbarie Avijit Bhattacharya Kostandin Gjika Honeywell Turbo Technologies Torrance, CA 90504 Honeywell Turbo Technologies, Thaon-les-Vosges, France Supported by Honeywell Turbocharger Technologies (HTT) 2

3 Fully Floating Bearing
Types of bearing supports Ball Bearing Semi Floating Bearing Fully Floating Bearing Low shaft motion, expensive, limited lifespan Oil lubricated bearings are economic with longer life span; but prone to harmful subsynchronous whirl & depend on engine oil condition. The driver: Increased IC engine performance & efficiency demands of robust turbocharging solutions

4 Thermal management & reduce thermal loading
Major challenges extreme operating conditions: - Low Oil Viscosity, e.g. 0W30 or 0W20 - High Oil Temperature (up to 150°C) - Low HTHS (2.9); Low Oil Pressure (1 bar), - Increased Max. Turbocharger Speed 5 kHZ - Variable Geometry Turbo Technology & Assisted e-power start up - High Engine Vibration Level - More Stringent Noise Requirements Thermal management & reduce thermal loading Need predictive too to reduce costly engine test stand qualification

5 Literature Review: TAMU work
2004 IMEchE J. Eng. Tribology 2005 ASME J. Vibrations and Acoustics ASME DETC 2003/VIB-48418 ASME DETC 2003/VIB-48419 2007 ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power ASME GT ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power ASME GT ASME J. Tribology IJTC ASME DETC 2010 ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power ASME GT IFToMM Korea TC linear and nonlinear rotordynamic codes – GUI based – including engine induced excitations Realistic bearing models: thermohydrodynamic Novel methods to estimate imbalance distribution and shaft temperatures NL analysis for frequency jumps (internal & combined resonances) and noise reduction Measured ring speeds with fiber optic sensors Predictive tool for shaft motion benchmarked by test data

6 VIRTUAL TOOL for TC NL shaft motions
Tool demonstrated 70% cycle time reduction in the development of new CV TCs. Since 2006, code aids to develop PV TCs with savings up to $1XX k/year in qualification test time Predicted shaft motion Measured shaft motion ASME DETC TC testing is expensive and time consuming Predictive tool saves time and resources

7 Conjugate heat transfer in TCs
Thermal energy analysis in TCs complicated b/c of Hot gas -work and heat flow from turbine Cold gas +work and heat flow from the compressor internal heat flow across shaft from T to C and radially thru bearings Mechanical drag power in bearings Heat flow to/from casing to ambient (convective and radiant) Engine lubricated bearings: (a) low friction-load support (b) oil carries away heat (cooling)

8 Heat flows & energy transfer in a TC
Hot air (energy) in Compressed hot air (energy) out Oil in -Hot air (energy) out Cold air (energy) in turbine work compressor Heat conducted (shaft) Heat conducted (casing) Heat conducted (casing) Bearing drag power generation Heat conducted (casing) Oil out Baines, N., Wygnant, K., Dris, A., 2010, J Eng Gas Turb. Power,

9 Thermal energy analyses in TCs use
Lumped parameter models with empirical formulas for heat transfer coefficients and simplified formulas for drag power, flow & heat flow in the lubricated bearings Current 3D modeling stresses on solids with over-simplified coupling to the lubricant flows GOAL Engineered thermal management to avoid severe thermal loading with improved reliability of bearing system: avoid oil coking, optimize flow rates, ensure proper clearances, eliminate seizure.

10 SFRB system in engine-oil lubricated TC
Lubricant flow paths into bearings on turbine and compressor sides casing Oil supply at Psup, Tsup compressor turbine shaft Turbine side bearing Outer film with ½ moon groove Compressor side bearing oil supply holes to inner and outer films Oil supply holes to inner film Semi-floating ring bearing Oil discharges at ambient pressure Pa Anti-rotation pin

11 Geometry & coordinate system for typical SFRB
Definitions: X,Y: fixed (inertial) coordinate system g : direction of gravity q :Circumferential coordinate Y Y Oil supply hole LG ½ moon groove outer film Casing Z : axial coordinate Lo : axial length of outer film Li : axial length of outer film LG: axial length of ½ moon groove DRo: Ring outer diameter DRi: Ring inner diameter DJ: Shaft (journal) diameter DB: Bearing casing inner diameter DB-DRo : outer film diametral clearance DRo-DJ : inner film diametral clearance inner film q Li Z DJ DRi X Shaft shaft Shaft rotation W WR Ring Lo g Ring rotation DRo DB

12 Kinematics of journal and ring
Nomenclature: W : journal rotational speed WR: ring rotational speed q :Circumferential (angular) coordinate Y = e eR eJ + co : radial clearance outer film ci : radial clearance inner film ho: outer film thickness hi : inner film thickness eRX, eRY: Ring center eccentricity components eX, eY: Shaft (journal) center eccentricity components eJX, eJY : Eccentricity of journal relative to ring ring rotation WR Journal rotation q W e OR eJ X eR journal ring Outer film thickness Inner film thickness

13 Axial view of inner and outer films: nomenclature
Oil inlet, Psup, Tsup Inlet ½ moon groove Ring, TR(r) Outer film, To(q,z) TC Rc z Po,To Shaft, TS TRo Ro TRM WR Ri TRi W Pi,Ti Inner film, Ti(q,z) RM TS PA, ambient pressure z PA Casing, TC Rs Feed hole

14 Hydrodynamic pressure generation
Nomenclature P : film pressure h : film thickness m : viscosity, fn (T) TRM Ring Pi,Ti Po,To TS Casing TC shaft Outer film Inner film W journal rotational speed WR ring rotational speed Q circumferential coordinate Z axial coordinate RJ: Shaft (journal) radius RB: Bearing casing inner diameter Major assumptions: Laminar flow without fluid inertia effects Average viscosity across film thickness Reynolds equations for inner & outer films

15 Heat flows & power in a FRB
casing Heat flow into casing TC Heat flow carried by oil Flow outer To Outer film Mechanical drag power TRo Heat flow into ring Ring TRi Flow inner Inner film Ti Heat flow from shaft shaft TS Mechanical drag power W

16 Thermal energy transport in inner film
TRM Pi,Ti Po,To TS Casing TC shaft Nomenclature Ti: inner film temperature TJ, TRi : shaft (journal) and ring ID temperatures hJ, hRi : heat convection coefficients Inner film mechanical energy dissipation: with circ. and axial mass flow rates:

17 Thermal energy transport in outer film
TRM Pi,Ti Po,To TS Casing TC shaft Nomenclature To: outer film temperature TB, TRo : bearing casing and ring OD temperatures hB, hRo : heat convection coefficients Outer film mechanical energy dissipation: with circ. and axial mass flow rates:

18 Heat conduction in semi-floating ring
Nomenclature TR: ring temperature TJ, TRi : shaft (journal) and ring ID temperatures hJ, hRi : heat convection coefficients kR: ring material conductivity qR : heat flow Major assumptions: Steady state, no heat flow in axial direction, No effect of ring rotation r Q

19 Heat conduction in semi-floating ring
TRM Ring Pi,Ti Po,To TS Casing TC shaft Major simplification Radial heat conduction only r Q Nomenclature TR: ring temperature QR: radial heat flow kR: ring material conductivity

20 Heat convection Models
Heat flow: Q = h A (TS – Ti) A: wetted area for heat transfer Ts h: heat convection coefficient, a function of Nusselt #, oil conductivity and hydraulic diameter (=clearance). Nusselt # =depends on flow conditions (Prandtl # and Reynolds #) 1 Reynolds/Colburn Analogy), Nu=3 Pr0.33 2 Kays and Crawford - constant wall temperature, Nu =7.54 3 Kays and Crawford - constant wall heat flux, Nu =8.22 4 Haussen - thermally developing constant wall temperature, Nu >3.657 5 Shah thermally developing constant wall heat flux, Nu > 4.364 6 Stephan - Simultaneous developing, constant wall temp, Nu >3.66 7 Stephan - Simultaneous developing constant wall heat flux, Nu > 4.364

21 Numerical method of solution
Finite element method for Reynolds Eqns. b) Control volume method for energy transport Eqns. Includes balance of drag torques, material properties f(T), bearing clearance changes due to temperature rise, etc.

22 Example Semi FRB for PV turbine bearing
120C 213C Shaft (journal) RING CASING Oil inlet Oil: SAE 5W-30 Bearing dimensions Inner Film Outer film Diameter 7.9 14.1 mm length 4.6 6.2 Cold clearance 7.5 35 m 22

23 Meshes for inner and outer flow domains
X =132 Y Z Casing ½ moon groove Feed hole x 4 groove journal ring Mesh: outer film NEX=45, NEY=12 z ½ moon groove Circ. groove 132o Mesh: inner film NEX=52, NEY=12 q z Oil supply hole (4x) Axial groove (4 x) Engineered design to improve flow delivery and reduce temperature rise 23

24 Predictions for inner film at
240 krpm (a) Pressure field (bar) q z TS=213C Feed hole & axial groove Tsup=120C z q (b) Temperature field (C) Oil heats quickly along axial plane

25 Temperatures: maximum in films
Inner film temperature shaft T (< flash T). Outer film relatively cold. Shaft Temp inner film exit mixed films outer film

26 Temperatures: average in films
Shaft Temp Inner film much hotter than outer film. Exit mixing lubricant temperature nearly constant > 90 krpm inner film exit mixed films outer film

27 Ring Temperatures: ID, OD and mean
Shaft Temp Large radial temperature gradient across ring. OD-ID Temperature difference ~ 40oC. RING material conductivity is important. RingID RingOD (mean radius)

28 Oil viscosity (average): inner & outer films
Relative to supply: Inner film viscosity decreases because of increase in film temperature (> Tsup) outer film inner film Thermal effects can not be ignored

29 Oil flow rates: inner & outer
Oil flow is minimum at top speed. Outer/inner flow decreases/increases because of clearance shrinks/grows + lower oil viscosity outer film Flow=1 = out+in inner film

30 Heat flows and drag power
Low speeds: heat from shaft dominates. High speeds: drag power losses increase. For all conditions lubricant carries more energy that casing soaks. Heat from shaft Heat to lubricant Drag power (inner film) Heat to ring Heat to casing + =1 =

31 low speed (45 krpm) Thermal energy transport and balance 36 % 27 % 97%
Width of boxes denotes intensity of heat flows 100% 36 % 27 % Heat from shaft 97% Heat to ring Heat to casing Heat to fluid (i+o) Heat to fluid (o) 10 % Heat to fluid (i) 74 % 64 % 3% Drag Power (inner & outer) Mechanical shear flow energy heating gas film is advected by gas film flow (axial removal) and also conducted into shaft and top foil back surface. Heat conducted into shaft is removed by inner flow stream. Heat flowing from the back of the top foil is removed by either forced outer cooling stream or conducted into bearing cartridge for natural convection. Note significant amount of mechanical energy that converts into expansion (-) work Without forced cooling flows, ~ 58 % of the total energy is carried away by the gas film flow leaving the bearing through its axial edges plus 12 % convected naturally at the back of the top foil. The amount of heat conducted into the bearing cartridge and shaft adds to 31 %. On the other hand, with an outer cooling flow stream, there is only 11.2% of heat advected by the gas film since it operates at a much lower temperature; while ~81.9% of the energy is dumped into the outer cooling stream. The addition of the inner flow stream aids to further cooling the bearing; albeit it is not as efficient as the outer stream to remove heat, as shown in Fig. 5 (c). With an outer cooling stream, the heat conducted into the bearing housing amounts to just 1.2% to 1.5% of the available energy. Lubricant carries away heat from shaft mainly. low speed (45 krpm)

32 high speed (240 krpm) Thermal energy transport and balance 24 % 17 %
Width of boxes denotes intensity of heat flows 100% 24 % 17 % Heat from shaft 65% Heat to ring Heat to casing Heat to fluid (i+o) Heat to fluid (o) 8 % Heat to fluid (i) 35% 83 % 76 % Drag Power (inner & outer) Mechanical shear flow energy heating gas film is advected by gas film flow (axial removal) and also conducted into shaft and top foil back surface. Heat conducted into shaft is removed by inner flow stream. Heat flowing from the back of the top foil is removed by either forced outer cooling stream or conducted into bearing cartridge for natural convection. Note significant amount of mechanical energy that converts into expansion (-) work Without forced cooling flows, ~ 58 % of the total energy is carried away by the gas film flow leaving the bearing through its axial edges plus 12 % convected naturally at the back of the top foil. The amount of heat conducted into the bearing cartridge and shaft adds to 31 %. On the other hand, with an outer cooling flow stream, there is only 11.2% of heat advected by the gas film since it operates at a much lower temperature; while ~81.9% of the energy is dumped into the outer cooling stream. The addition of the inner flow stream aids to further cooling the bearing; albeit it is not as efficient as the outer stream to remove heat, as shown in Fig. 5 (c). With an outer cooling stream, the heat conducted into the bearing housing amounts to just 1.2% to 1.5% of the available energy. Drag power losses increase. Lubricant carries away largest portion of heat flow. high speed (240 krpm)

33 Drag power and heat from shaft
High heat flow High power Inlet plane low power 240 krpm 240 krpm Low heat flow Exit plane Exit plane 30 krpm 30 krpm Heat from shaft (W) Drag power (W) Drag power and heat from shaft are large at inlet because of inlet (cold) lubricant.

34 Conclusions Heat flow from hot shaft into inner film is large; more so at the inlet plane where oil is cold; The inner film temperature increases quickly (viscosity drops) due large heat flow from shaft and drag shear power; The floating ring has a large radial temperature gradient; At all rotor speeds, the lubricant flows carry more than 70 % of the total energy input. The rest soaks into the TC casing. The bearing design must allow for adequate flow paths to cool components. Tool integrated into sponsor engineering design practice to predict thermal loading and mechanical stresses and to ensure lubricant does not overheat (coking)

35 Questions (?) Acknowledgments
Thanks to Honeywell Turbocharging Technologies ( ) Questions (?) Learn more at: Copyright© 2012 Luis San Andres

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