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© West Educational Publishing Adulthood and Aging C HAPTER 12 F or most people, adulthood is the time to try to bring everything learned in childhood and.

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Presentation on theme: "© West Educational Publishing Adulthood and Aging C HAPTER 12 F or most people, adulthood is the time to try to bring everything learned in childhood and."— Presentation transcript:

1 © West Educational Publishing Adulthood and Aging C HAPTER 12 F or most people, adulthood is the time to try to bring everything learned in childhood and adolescence together into a whole. EXIT

2 © West Educational Publishing Early Adulthood (20-39) Most people get married, but 50% of those couples get divorced. Mutual respect is key for a happy marriage. Women assume more of the family obligations, although men are slowly doing more (up from 20 to 25% of housework and childcare). The American family is changing. Less than 10% of the American population is made up of married couples with children with only the father employed. EXIT

3 © West Educational Publishing Midlife Transition In their late 30s and early 40s, people begin to reexamine their lives. They look at such issues as  What to do with the remaining years of life  One’s physical condition and normal aging  Parents are getting older and may need care  Demands of children are growing  The uncertainty of life This time may lead to marital refocusing or to crisis. EXIT

4 © West Educational Publishing Middle Adulthood (40-59) 1. Generally, men become more expressive and women become more independent and assertive. This may lead to low marital satisfaction. 2. For women who have had few outside contacts, empty-nest syndrome may occur when the children have left the home. 3. In the late 40s most women begin to experience menopause. Psychological problems associated with this change have been exaggerated. Not everyone experiences difficulties. Some common factors include EXIT

5 © West Educational Publishing Late Adulthood (60 and older) Gerontology is the study of aging and the problems of the aged. By the year 2030, 1 in 5 people will be over 65 years old. Contrary to stereotypes, a serious decline in mental ability is not a factor of aging. EXIT

6 © West Educational Publishing The Aging Process  The lifespan for each species is preprogrammed.  Body cells begin to break down after a fixed length of time.  Memory may be impaired as the ability of cells to communicate begins to weaken.  Older people are more prone to disease and injury, often a result of poor nutrition.  Anxiety and depression may result because of frustration from memory problems.  Common problems include senile dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. EXIT

7 © West Educational Publishing Concerns in Late Adulthood Achievement Retirement Institutionalization Isolation and Bereavement Click the arrows for more information. EXIT

8 © West Educational Publishing Concerns in Late Adulthood The elderly can continue to make important contributions. Aging is not all gloom and doom. Achievement Retirement Institutionalization Isolation and Bereavement EXIT

9 © West Educational Publishing Concerns in Late Adulthood Despite the stereotypes, most people adjust well to retirement. Achievement Retirement Institutionalization Isolation and Bereavement EXIT

10 © West Educational Publishing Concerns in Late Adulthood Only about 5% of older people live in institutions. Well-run institutions can be positive factors in older lives. Achievement Retirement Institutionalization Isolation and Bereavement EXIT

11 © West Educational Publishing Concerns in Late Adulthood Social isolation is a fear (but fortunately not a reality) for older people. Women live longer than men, which means time alone. Achievement Retirement Institutionalization Isolation and Bereavement EXIT

12 © West Educational Publishing Thanatology (the study of death)  loss of mastery over themselves  separation from loved ones  the thought of being replaced by another Terminally ill people are most afraid of EXIT

13 © West Educational Publishing Kübler-Ross’s Stages of Dying People who are terminally ill go through a series of stages as they approach death. Some of the stages can be legitimate expressions of other concerns, however. The stages are: Denial Anger Bargaining with God Depression Acceptance of death EXIT

14 © West Educational Publishing Summary of Main Topics Covered Early Adulthood Midlife Transition Middle Adulthood Late Adulthood The Aging Process Thanatology EXIT

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