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Flowers are symbols of beauty. This beauty is the reflection of God. God’s goodness is reflected in all the creation. If flowers.

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14 Flowers are symbols of beauty. This beauty is the reflection of God. God’s goodness is reflected in all the creation. If flowers reflect image of God, aren’t we better images?

15 But, each flower is different in size, shape and colour from the other. Each has a beauty of its own. We too have a unique role and identity in this world.

16 The bud opens its petals to the light of the Sun. Thus it unfolds to a new beauty, the flower. Everyone goes through change in life. But are we open to God’s Sunshine?

17 The flower shades and hues are varied in a single flower. The shape is geometrically perfect. Each one of us unique in shape, colour and hues. But, no one has my shape, my colour and my identity.

18 Every flower produces fragrance of its own. The fragrance is spread to all those who pass by. Its nectar attracts birds of all kinds. The generosity of the flower in this way teaches us to be more generous and helpful to others unconditionally.

19 The plant may look ugly, horrible, even unapproachable due to the thorns. But, the flowers and the plant have the beauty which no other plant can have. “Man looks at the appearance and God looks at the heart.” (1Sam.16.7)

20 Each flower is unique though they may look the same. And they together make up a beautiful garden. A garden is a combination of varieties of beauty, shapes and colours. We may belong to different culture, family, and attitudes. But, we together form a family, a garden.

21 Some flowers change to fruits and seeds. The flower gradually changes its role for a new purpose. We too go through constant changes. Are we willing to accept the new roles and changes that we face?

22 Every flower dies. The lifespan is too short for a flower. The fallen flower becomes part of the earth to give life to others. We too will die one day, to enter a new life. Points for reflection: 1.God takes care of us, even the lilies of the field! Read Mt. 6.28-29. 2.Our image is God’s image: Read Gen. 1.27 3. You are precious in the eyes of God. Is. 43.4 4. You are rose of Sharon. Song. 2:1-2 5. Each part has role in the body. Read 1Cor.12:12- 26. 6. God is the Gardener, We are the plant. (1 Cor 3: 6- 9) Every flower dies. The lifespan is too short for a flower. The fallen flower becomes part of the earth to give life to others. We too will die one day, to enter a new life. Points for reflection: 1.God takes care of us, even the lilies of the field! Read Mt. 6.28-29. 2.Our image is God’s image: Read Gen. 1.27 3. You are precious in the eyes of God. Is. 43.4 4. You are rose of Sharon. Song. 2:1-2 5. Each part has role in the body. Read 1Cor.12:12- 26. 6. God is the Gardener, We are the plant. (1 Cor 3: 6- 9)

23 This programme is the copyright of Fr. Gilbert Choondal, sdb. You are free to use ths for non-commercial purposes. If you use commercially (either in parts, full or changed format), please do get his permission. Fr. Gilbert Choondal, sdb Kristu Jyoti College, Krishna Raja Puram Post Bangalore – 560 036 Karnataka India Email: Mobile: +91-9448833709 Website:

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