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By Kirsty. Substance use is considered to be a determinant of health as youth at this stage of their lifespan start to experiment with different substances.

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Presentation on theme: "By Kirsty. Substance use is considered to be a determinant of health as youth at this stage of their lifespan start to experiment with different substances."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Kirsty

2 Substance use is considered to be a determinant of health as youth at this stage of their lifespan start to experiment with different substances. This is mainly because youth start to experiment with aspects of their identity and to brain developments that make youths more likely to take risks. Substance use also has adverse effects on a youths physical, mental and social health.

3 Stimulants act on the central nervous system to speed up the messages going to and from the brain. Stimulants can make the user feel more awake, alert and confident. They can increase heart rate, body temperature and blood pressure. Stimulants include:  Cocaine  Amphetamines  Ecstasy Immediate effects  Feelings of great physical strength and mental capacity  Anxiety, agitation and panic  Unpredictable violent/ aggressive behaviour  Reduced appetite  Increased talkativeness or quiet contemplation and rapture  Speeding up of bodily functions- heart rate, breathing, blood pressure  More energy and alertness  Irritability- users become anxious, irritable, hostile and aggressive.

4 Taking drugs can lead to having adverse effects on your physical health. Major health problems could include  Blood- borne disease. If a drug is injected needles can transfer diseases from one person to another.  Violence- the behaviour of people taking dugs can vary. Some can be prone to violent acts that result in physical injuries.  Malnutrition- drug use may interfere with appetite and further contribute to malnutrition. Some substances can affect the retention of different chemicals in the body, which can weaken the immune system making the person more susceptible to diseases. Eg: pain killers can reduce retention of vitamins and minerals.  Cardiovascular disease- some illicit substances can significantly increase heart rate and blood pressure.

5 Mental Health  Risk of developing mental illnesses  Many illicit drugs can cause hallucinations and an altered perception of reality, and can change the chemical make- up of the brain.  Theses chemical changes can trigger a range of mental illness including depression, anxiety and psychosis  The risk of suicide may increase, if a drug leads to a mental illness. Social Health  Some friends may disapprove and distance themselves from the person taking drugs.  If other friends are similarly experimenting with drugs, the individual might spend more time with this group of people.  In the long term, the individual may not be able to hold down a job or participate in full time study. This can affect them as they do not learn the social skills associated with full-time employment or tertiary education.

6 The Health Effects of Teen Drug Use: In recent years, much has been learned about the health effects of teen drug use. Drugs are readily available to those who choose to use them in either an “experimental” way or to those who are chronic drug abusers. The consequence of such use, even causal use, can be devastating to both the user and to the users family members. But, teen drug use is costly to more than just families. It is especially costly to our society as a whole. Youth’s immature physical, emotional, and psychological development make them more susceptible than adults to the harmful effects of drug abuse. The health effects of teen drug use can vary, depending on such factors as frequency of use, the kind of drug taken, how much is taken, how quickly it gets into the brain, what other drugs are taken at the same time, the differences in body size and chemistry, the length of time the drugs are used, and other components.

7 Alcohol is not a stimulant but a depressant drug. Alcohol slows down activity in the central nervous system, meaning that it slows down the messages going between the brain and body. Alcohol related statistics  Alcohol misuse cost the Australian community 15.3 billion dollars each year  Over 3000 Australians die each year as a result of harmful drinking  25% of those aged 14-19 years drank alcohol on a daily or weekly basis in the last 12 months  Nine out of ten Australians aged 14 years or older (89.9%) had tried alcohol at some time in their lives and 82.9% had consumed alcohol in the 12 months proceeding the 2007 survey. ‘Drink too much, it gets ugly..’

8 Physical effects  After a few drinks, the person may feel more relaxed, have reduced concentration and reflexes  May have fewer inhibitions, more confidence, reduced coordination, slurred speech and intense moods eg: happy, sad,angry  May experience confusion, blurred vision and poor muscle control  Continuing to drink may cause vomiting, nausea and sleep Long term effects  Cardiovascular disease  Type 2 diabetes  Certain types of cancers  Mental illness

9 Social Issues Excessive alcohol use can all affect areas of a persons life, including family, work and personal relationships.  Family problems- arguments over someone's drinking can cause family and relationship problems that may lead to break up.  Work problems- Drinking alcohol at work and hangovers can lead to poor performance and accidents at work  Socialising regularly under the influence of alcohol could prevent the individual from developing social skills while sober, and they may rely on alcohol to make friends or socialise effectively. Mental Health  Their self concept could be affected by alcohol consumption, especially if they had negative experiences while drinking.  May suffer feelings of regret and guilt.  In the long term excessive drinking may cause a form of mental illness

10 Tobacco comes from the leaves of a tobacco plant which contain nicotine. Nicotine is a stimulant drug. Tar in cigarettes coats the lungs and can cause lung and throat cancers. Carbon monoxide in cigarettes robs the muscles, brain and blood of oxygen- making the whole body work faster, especially the heart. Cigarette smoke is a complex mixture of over 4000 chemicals. Many of these chemicals come from burning tobacco; the remainder come from burning cigarette paper, agricultural chemicals left on the tobacco leaves, and chemicals added during the cigarette making process.

11 Double Click on black screen to start video..

12 Immediate effects  Initial stimulation, reduction in brain and nervous system activity  Enhanced alertness and concentration  Feelings of relaxation  Increased blood pressure and heart rate  Dizziness, nausea, watery and acid in the stomach Short term effects  Increases heart rate and blood pressure Long term effects  Cardiovascular disease- smoking increases the rate of atherosclerosis in the body and there fore increases the risk of cardiovascular disease  Many form s of cancer  Respiratory conditions such as emphysema ‘Smoking Kills’

13 Mental Health  People with depressive symptoms are more likely to smoke Social Health  Continually leaving a social activity to smoke could affect social experiences for young people.  The financial cost associated with tobacco smoking could leave less money available for other activities such as socialising with friends

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