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Senior-OLA 1 Fatal Accidents involving Senior Citizens, 2002-2004 Analysis of the SRA’s in-depth studies of private car drivers, cyclists and pedestrians,

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Presentation on theme: "Senior-OLA 1 Fatal Accidents involving Senior Citizens, 2002-2004 Analysis of the SRA’s in-depth studies of private car drivers, cyclists and pedestrians,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior-OLA 1 Fatal Accidents involving Senior Citizens, 2002-2004 Analysis of the SRA’s in-depth studies of private car drivers, cyclists and pedestrians, aged 65 and over, who died in road traffic. Johan Strandroth, SRA Consulting Services

2 2 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Police – background information and traffic case notes Forensic medicine - autopsy reports Technical examination of vehicles Emergency services – callout report SRA – collision report Excerpts from the national driving licence and vehicle registry In-depth studies

3 3 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Generalslides 3-20 Accident trends 4-5 Road user category 6-9 Time 12-13 Light conditions14-15 Age16-17 Gender18-19 Cause of death20-21 Alcohol 22-23 Posted speed limit24-25 Own or other’s mistake26-27 Road manager28 Carsslides 29-40 Accident trends30-31 Type of accident32-33 Seat belt use 34 Estimated speed35 Other party36 Risk of the driver injuring or killing a pedestrian or cyclist 37 Vehicle age38-39 Safety class40 List of contents Cyclists slides 41-47 Accident trends42-43 Other party44 Traffic environment45-46 Helmet use47 Pedestriansslides 48-54 Accident trends49-50 Other party51 Traffic environment52-54

4 4 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Accident trends Number of seniors killed in traffic, 1996-2005 In recent years, about 120 seniors were killed in traffic every year. Every fourth road death is a senior citizen.

5 5 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Accident trends Number of seniors seriously injured in traffic, 1996-2005 In recent years about 450 seniors were seriously injured in traffic every year. Every ninth person seriously injured in traffic is a senior citizen.

6 6 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Road user category Percentage who died Most seniors who die in traffic are killed in cars, and they are over-represented in cyclist and pedestrian road fatalities. Only pedestrians hit by a vehicle.

7 7 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Road user category Percentage seriously injured* Most seniors seriously injured in traffic are pedestrians, and they are heavily over- represented in serious pedestrian accidents. * Strada health care data 2003

8 8 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Most seniors slightly injured in traffic are pedestrians, and they are heavily over- represented in less serious pedestrian accidents. Road user category Percentage slightly injured* * Strada health care data 2003

9 9 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Road user category Percentage fatalities and vehicle mileage, 2001-2005 Almost half of all cyclists and pedestrians as well as every fifth driver killed in traffic are seniors. Seniors account for only about 10% of the vehicle mileage in these categories.

10 10 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Selected case studies 281 seniors died in 262 accidents Material analysed in more depth: 219 fatalities in 200 accidents. Natural death, 56 Dropout, 52 accidents 219 fatalities in 200 accidents Suicide, 5 Homicide, 1

11 11 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Selected case studies 281 seniors died in 262 accidents It was found that over every fourth car driver killed in traffic died a natural death. Car drivers Cyclists Pedestrians 100 50 26 3 33 5 10 67 16 1 1 2

12 12 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 The percentage of seniors involved in fatal accidents is twice that of other road users in December. Time - Month 200 accidents, percentage

13 13 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Pedestrian fatalities occur primarily in the winter, and cyclist fatalities in the summer. Fatalities amongst car drivers are spread more evenly throughout the year. Time - Month 200 accidents – Car drivers, Cyclists and Pedestrians

14 14 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Light conditions 200 accidents Every fourth fatality involving a senior citizen occurs at night.

15 15 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Light conditions 200 accidents – Car drivers, Cyclists and Pedestrians Older pedestrians are over-represented in fatalities that occur during darkness. Car drivers Cyclists Pedestrians ca 15% cycling in the dark * Almost 20% walking in the dark* Source: TSU 92-, VTI

16 16 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 The risk of dying in traffic increases with age. The number of seniors killed in traffic who died a natural death is spread relatively evenly within the 65-89 age category. Age 256 accidents (including natural death) %-age killed %-age vehicle mileage

17 17 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Age 200 accidents – Car drivers, Cyclists and Pedestrians The risk of being killed as a car driver, cyclist or pedestrian increases with age.

18 18 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Three of four seniors killed in traffic were men. Gender 200 accidents

19 19 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Men are killed in traffic to a considerably greater extent than women as drivers and cyclists. Gender 200 accidents – Car drivers, Cyclists and Pedestrians

20 20 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Cause of death 209 fatal injuries* for 200 seniors Skull and chest injuries are the most common cause of death in traffic for seniors. *Indicate the part of the body subjected to the fatal collision force.

21 21 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Cause of death 209 fatal injuries for 200 seniors A skull injury is the most common cause of traffic death for cyclists and pedestrians. A chest injury is the most common cause of traffic death for drivers.

22 22 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Alcohol 200 accidents Seniors die in alcohol-related traffic accidents to a lesser extent than other age categories. %-age of alcohol or drug- related * accidents for all age categories is one in four, according to ”In-depth studies of fatal collisions in southern Sweden 1997-2002”. * Alcohol-related means that one of the active parties in an accident was under the influence.

23 23 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Alcohol 200 accidents – Car drivers, Cyclists and Pedestrians Every 20th car driver killed in traffic was under the influence of alcohol. Car drivers Cyclists Pedestrians 5% 95% 9% 91% 7% 93%

24 24 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Posted speed limit 200 accidents, percentage Seniors are clearly over-represented in traffic environments where the speed limit is 50 km/h compared to other road users.

25 25 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Posted speed limit 200 accidents, percentage – Car drivers, Cyclists and Pedestrians Older pedestrians are killed in traffic most often where the speed limit is 50 km/h and represent a larger proportion than other road users.

26 26 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Own or other’s mistake 200 accidents Seniors are killed in traffic more often than others through their own mistake. Percentage killed through their own mistake in all age categories is 54%. Source: In-depth studies of fatal collisions in southern Sweden, 1997-2000

27 27 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Own or other’s mistake 200 accidents – Car drivers, Cyclists and Pedestrians Older cyclists and car drivers are killed in traffic to a greater extent than older pedestrians as a result of their own mistake. Car drivers Cyclists Pedestrians Source: TSU 92-, VTI

28 28 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Road manager 200 accidents, number Nine of ten car drivers were killed on the state road network.

29 29 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Car drivers 100 seniors killed in traffic 2002-2004

30 30 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Private passenger cars – Accident trends Car drivers killed in traffic, 1996-2005 In recent years, about 50 seniors were killed a year when driving a car. Every fifth car driver killed in traffic was a senior citizen.

31 31 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Private passenger cars – Accident trends Seriously injured car drivers, 1996-2004 In recent years, about 180 seniors were seriously injured in traffic a year when driving a car. Every ninth car driver who was seriously injured was a senior citizen.

32 32 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Private passenger cars – Type of accident 100 accidents, percentage Compared to other road users, seniors are over-represented in accidents at intersections and in rear-end collisions but under-represented in single accidents.

33 33 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Private passenger cars – Intersection 41 accidents, percentage Eight of ten seniors who were killed at intersections drove out in front of another car. No older car driver was killed in a roundabout. 0% 20% 80%

34 34 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Private passenger cars – Seat belt use 100 accidents Every fourth senior killed was not wearing a seat belt. More than every third of these would probably have survived if they had worn a seat belt. Number not wearing a seat belt for all age categories is 4 of 10, according to ”In-depth studies of fatal collisions in southern Sweden, 1997-2002 Without seat belt, 24% 9 of 24 would have survived with a seat belt With seat belt, 71% Unknown, 5%

35 35 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Private passenger cars – Estimated speed 100 accidents It seems that only every 20th driver had been driving above the posted speed limit. Posted = max 10 km/h above the posted speed limit Above= max 30 km/h above the posted speed limit Much above = more than 30 km/h above the posted speed limit Posted, 87% Above, 2% Much above, 3% Unknown, 3%

36 36 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Private passenger cars – Other party 80 accidents in collision with another vehicle, number Half of the car collisions involved another car, and a third involved a lorry.

37 37 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Private passenger cars - Risk of the driver injuring or killing a pedestrian or cyclist Older and younger car drivers run from 1.5 to twice as high a risk of injuring pedestrians or cyclists compared to drivers in the 30-64 year age category. Source: Strada police data 2005, VTI

38 38 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Private passenger cars – Model year 100 accidents, percentage Seven of ten car drivers died in cars that were eight years old or older.

39 39 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Private passenger cars – Age of car versus age of owner Killed, slightly or seriously injured More drivers older than 65 are injured in older cars compared to other drivers.

40 40 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Private passenger cars – Safety class 100 cars classified according to ”How safe is your car?” published by the Folksam Insurance Company Every third car driver was killed in a car less safe than the average car.

41 41 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Cyclists 33 seniors killed in traffic 2002-2004

42 42 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Cyclists – Accident trends Cyclists killed, 1996-2005 In recent years, about 15 seniors were killed every year when riding bicylces. Half of all cyclists killed were seniors.

43 43 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Cyclists – Accident trends Seriously injured cyclists, 1996-2004 In recent years about 60 senior cyclists were seriously injured per year. Every seventh seriously injured cyclist was a senior citizen.

44 44 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Cyclists – Other party 33 accidents, number Collision with a car is the most common cause of fatal bicycle accidents.

45 45 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Cyclists – Traffic environment 33 accidents, percentage Most seniors are killed on bikes in urban areas, but the risk of being killed while cycling is greatest on rural roads.

46 46 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Cyclists – Traffic environment 12 accidents on rural roads Eight of twelve cycle accidents on rural roads occurred in connection with a left turn. 8 accidents4 accidents

47 47 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Would probably have survived with a helmet, Cyclists – Helmet use 33 accidents Nine of ten cyclists killed were not wearing a helmet. Almost half of these would probably have survived with a helmet. No helmet, 88% With helmet, 6 % Unknown, 6%

48 48 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Pedestrians 67 seniors killed in traffic 2002-2004

49 49 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Pedestrians – Accident trends Pedestrians killed, 1996-2005 In recent years about 25 senior pedestrians were killed every year. Almost half of all pedestrians killed were seniors.

50 50 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Pedestrians – Accident trends Seriously injured pedestrians, 1996-2004 In recent years about 90 senior pedestrians were seriously injured every year. Every fourth pedestrian who was seriously injured was a senior citizen.

51 51 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Pedestrians – Other party 67 accidents, number Three of four senior pedestrians killed were hit by a car.

52 52 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Pedestrians – Traffic environment 67 accidents, percentage Eight of ten senior pedestrians were killed in urban areas. obevakade

53 53 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Pedestrians – Traffic environment 53 accidents in urban areas, number In urban areas, most fatalities amongst senior pedestrians occur at zebra crossings without traffic lights. without traffic lights

54 54 Senior-OLA In-depth study of road deaths amongst people aged 65 and over, 2002-2004 Pedestrians – Traffic environment 47 accidents, percentage The risk of seniors being killed is higher at pedestrian crossings without traffic lights than where there are traffic lights or where there is no crossing at all. obevakade

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