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Virginia’s Statewide TOC and ATMS Contract
Kenneth King, Jr., P.E. Regional Operations Director Southwest Region
The Everyday Story of Operations
4/13/2017 The Everyday Story of Operations First, let me tell you a Story. You are on your way to work. BANG! Someone hits you from behind. You immediately dial 911 on your phone. Dispatcher: Where are located? YOU: I am on I-95 northbound, just north of Richmond. Dispatcher: Do you know your mile marker? YOU: I just past I-295. Dispatcher: Do you see a little green sign with numbers on it? YOU: Yes, 85.2. Dispatcher takes your remaining information and says they will send someone to you. Dispatcher types this information into their computer (CAD) and dispatches closest trooper. Richmond TOC Operator receives an ALERT on their computer about your crash. Operator uses the closest camera to verify this information, which is just beyond camera view. Richmond TOC looks on their computer to see what Safety Service Patrol (SSP) driver is closest your crash. A SSP is currently on I-295 headed your way. The TOC reroutes him to your location on I-95 because the normal SSP driver is at another incident. Richmond TOC posts a message on an electronic message sign, “ACCIDENT, 4 MILES AHEAD, RIGHT LANE CLOSED.” Richmond TOC updates their software, which automatically updates 511 with your crash. SSP Driver arrives on-scene within 3 minutes of your call and positions himself behind the crash. EMS arrive at the same time. VSP arrives 2 minutes later. SSP Driver provides an on-scene assessment back to the TOC Operator. “2 vehicles, PDO, no injuries, right lane blocked. Traffic backed up ½ mile.” Richmond TOC updates software, which updates 511. VSP arrives and authorizes both drivers to move their vehicles to the shoulder. The other driver’s car has trouble starting, so SSP driver pushes vehicle to the shoulder and helps restart his vehicle. VSP writes a ticket…
Virginia Virginia is a diverse state like California with mountains and oceans. Weather from flooding, snow storms, fires, tornados and hurricanes. Interstates 64, 66, 77, 81, 85 and 95 go through Virginia. Home to National Capital Region, strong federal and military presence, and 7 million people.
VDOT’s Operations Program
4/13/2017 VDOT’s Operations Program Core to VDOT’s mission Traffic Engineering & Operations Central Office Divisions Five Regional Offices Customer focused Maximize system reliability Maintain access Planned and real-time execution Situational awareness Information sharing Second, let me provide you some background about Virginia’s Operations Program. Operations is a CORE part of VDOT’s Mission. In addition to planning, design/construction and maintenance, Virginia has an Operations Program as the 4th leg of the stool. Operations is customer focused on our everyday users to maximize system reliability and maintain system access. Operations applies in both rural and urban environments. Our transportation system in Virginia must be more reliable than other states’ and countries in order for us to remain competitive economically. VDOT’s statewide program consists of Operations and Traffic Engineering Divisions setting policy/planning/guidance and 5 Operating Regions responsible for each District and focused on our 5 TOC’s. We have 5 Transportation Operations Center’s (TOC’s) across the Commonwealth. The TOC’s are the hub of the Operations Program. They need to keep pace with technology and help Keep Virginia Moving in Real-Time. NEXT SLIDE.
VDOT is divided into 9 construction districts and we operate the transportation system through 5 operating regions. We made this change back in We have made some adjustments along the way, but several regions simply support 2 or 3 Districts. NWRO = ST, CU SWRO = BR, SA, LY CRO = RI, FR NRO = NV ERO = HR
VDOT’s Statewide Operations Program TOC Components
4/13/2017 Five Regions and TOCs Northern (Fairfax) Eastern (VA Beach) Central (Richmond) Northwest (Staunton) Southwest (Salem) Transportation Operations Center Cameras Advanced Transportation Management System (ATMS) Hardware Software Communications Equipment Message Signs This slide shows you the different TOOLS by the TOC’s. Again, we have 5 operating regions/TOC’s with many field devices (Cameras, Message Signs, Weather Stations, etc.) linked back to the TOC Control Room, using a variety of communications networks (wireless, broadband landline, and fiber optic cable). The software and hardware used to operate the field device, log incident information and provide decision-support is called “AN ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM or “ATMS”. Portable Message Signs Weather Stations Shoulder/Lane Control Traffic Detectors Ramp Meters HOV Gates Overheight Detection Highway Advisory Radio (HAR)
VDOT’s Statewide Operations Program Operations Statistics
4/13/2017 System Mileage Interstate – 1,120 Primary – 7,996 Secondary - 48,809 7 Tunnels 11 Moveable Bridges 3 Ferries Over 2,700 field devices Over 338 miles of VDOT fiber 50 SSP patrol routes covering 503 miles of Interstate 30 routes/250 miles are 24/7 4th Generation Statewide 511 Program Phone, Web, Mobile App Sponsorship/Revenue Generation The Operations Program is responsible to Keeping Virginia Moving in Real-Time Staunton TOC handles about 28 events every day. Northern Virginia TOC handles about 151 events every day. We have over 2,700 field devices, 338 miles of fiber, 503 miles of Interstate covered by SSP and 3rd Generation Statewide 511 Program.
Current State Overview
4/13/2017 Current State Overview Two Advanced Traffic Management Systems Separate system for handling incidents/weather events VDOT had 11 contracts for SSP, TOC Control Room Floor, ITS Maintenance and ATMS services Different requirements and performance measures Only Staunton and Salem shared contracts together Only 2 TOC’s interoperable, Staunton and Salem No statewide contract to implement new technology/innovations Tools and technology work well, but not cohesive Mix of state employees and contractors providing services, but not uniformly Today, VDOT has a good Operations Program, but does not have a cohesive and consistent statewide focus. We have 2 ATMS systems, both good providers. We currently have 11 different contracts to provide all these services. Each with different requirements and performance measures. Only 2 TOC’s are interoperable. No statewide ability to implement new technology or innovations.
Major Project Objectives
4/13/2017 Major Project Objectives Leading industry partner for statewide consistency of services Select strong, innovative, experienced, and financially stable industry partners Contracting flexibility for new innovations, new deployment and initiatives (technology & service) Foster SWAM/DBE involvement The Commonwealth began a project, in 2012, to bundle 11 different contracts with different performance standards into a large statewide contract. We developed an RFI in January 2012 and received 25 responses from the industry that was incorporated into one RFP. This RFP was advertised JULY 10, 2012. We focused on selecting the BEST Industry partners to provide statewide consistency of services. We need to obtain innovative services and technology to improve efficiency and safety. We need the flexibility to obtain new innovations, new deployments and new initiatives in a quick responsive manner. We need to select an industry partner who is STRONG, INNOVATIVE, EXPERIENCED with Similar Scope/Scale and Financially Stable. We need to foster involvement from Small Businesses, Woman-Owned, or Minority-Owned businesses.
Project Scope and Approach
4/13/2017 Project Scope and Approach 6 Major Service Categories: Safety Service Patrol TOC Floor Operations ITS Field Maintenance Statewide ATMS Solution &Tech Support Program Management and Governance General Support Services Competitive Negotiation Procurement Contract - 6 year term with three, 2 year renewals July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2019 Performance Based Contract This project covers 6 Major Service Categories: SSP, TOC Floor Operations, ITS Field Maintenance, Statewide ATMS and Technology, Program Management and Governance and General Support Services. This project was procured using COMPETITIVE NEGOTIATION with SUBSTANTIAL COLLABORATION/ LEADERSHIP from the Office of Transportation Public/Private Partnerships. Their experience handling large projects of this scale was very helpful, especially Governance and Terms/Conditions. The initial contract is 6 years long, beginning July 1st and can be extended up to 8, 10, or 12 years total. This contract is a Performance Based Contract with tiered financial disincentives to drive optimum performance. 80% to 100% of monthly payment Improvement Plan $200,000 per month and 5% reduction in monthly payment
Procurement Process Major Milestones
4/13/2017 Procurement Process Major Milestones RFI January 2012 – Advertisement July 10, 2012 Proposals from 4 Offerors on Nov 14, 2012 Extensive selection process based on criteria in RFP Included: Oral Presentations, Site Visits, Negotiations, Demonstrations, Reference Checks and Financial capacity reviews Selected Serco Developed a custom contract to clarify contract terms, manage risk, and facilitate contract administration Transition services over 180 days This slide shows the Major Milestones from the procurement process. We started in January 2012, issuing an RFI to the industry (25 responses) and led to advertising the RFP on July 10, We received proposals from 4 Offerors (Serco, URS, PB, Telvent) on November 14, 2012. The Evaluation Committee (7) completed extensive process to select one Offeror based on the Evaluation Criteria (Technical Approach, Firm/Team Qualifications, Organization Key Personnel, then Cost and Small Business Subcontracting Plan) in the RFP. This included Oral Presentations (Jan 11-14), Site Visits to Bases of Operation/Software Vendors (Feb 25-Mar 1), Reference Checks (12 per company) and Financial Capacity Reviews. HAS SERCO DONE THIS BEFORE? VDOT is leading the nation in bundling services in the Operations arena. However, Serco has performed work of similar scope and scale in Transportation London Olympics Operations, Georgia DOT Operations and ITS Maintenance, Hong Kong and United Kingdom Railway Operations. Most subcontractors have worked on existing operations contracts in Virginia (DTS, Elite, Iteris, FreeAhead, PEMCO. Delcan is new to Virginia but has done 2002 Winter Olympics in Utah, and several states’ and countries (Canada). We developed a custom contract to clarify contract terms, manage risk and facilitate contract administration. We typically assemble the contract by components (RFP, Addendums, Proposal, Clarifying Questions, etc.). The contract will transition services (only SSP, TOC, and ITS Maintenance) over the next 180 days (Staunton-Sept 29, NOVA-Oct 12, Salem-Nov 12, Hampt Rds-Nov 13, and Richmond-Dec 7). We will transition out of our existing 11 contracts once the new contract services are in-place. The software systems will be developed and transitioned over the next 24 months based on a phases implementation schedule.
Proposed Innovations Innovations Interoperability among centers
4/13/2017 Proposed Innovations Innovations Interoperability among centers Modernize technology on road and software Establish statewide process to review and implement new technologies/innovations. Enhanced SSP and Severe Incident Response Vehicles for quick clearance Network Operations Center to improve device availability Improve monitoring and communications to public Statewide Training Academy for TOC staff Real-time monitoring & operation of arterials - traffic signals Think back to the original crash I described previously. Imagine if your crash occurred during a Severe Thunderstorm, when the Richmond TOC is inundated with calls about downed trees/power lines. We will establish interoperability between each TOC to help each other during peak periods or if a TOC goes off-line. Each TOC will use the same protocol and receive same training. We have to keep up with changing technology, both on the road and our software/systems to ensure we are delivering effective and innovative services to Keep Virginia Moving in Real-Time. We have established a statewide process (Governance Committee and Configuration Change Board) to ensure we retain statewide consistency and be able to rapidly deploy new technologies/innovations. Serco has proposed enhanced SSP vehicles and Severe Incident Response Vehicles designed to help clear incidents quicker by having additional capabilities to remove vehicles from the roadway. Serco has proposed a Network Operations Center (NOC) to monitor the field devices, networks and systems before they fail and help proactively troubleshoot problems. Thinking back to your crash, if it had injuries, it may cause substantial delays. We may need to move additional traffic along Route 1, which parallels this section of I-95. We need the capability to improve our monitoring of the roads and communications with the traveling public. 4. Serco has proposed a Statewide Training Academy for TOC Staff to ensure consistency in curriculum. 5. We will monitor and operate traffic signals in real-time, so we can respond quicker to incidents or congestion on the arterial system. Similar to NOVA Signal Operations Center today.
Staffing Program Management and Governance
Program Oversight at Statewide Level Day to day management and execution at Regional Level VDOT and Contractor Point of Contact Statewide Level VDOT Statewide TOC and ATMS Program Manager SERCO Statewide Program Manager Regional Level VDOT Regional Traffic Operations Manager (RTOM) SERCO Regional Project Manager Providing strong leadership and governance is critical to managing this large program. We have Program Oversight at STATEWIDE Level. Day to day execution is at the REGIONAL LEVEL. We established clear lines of accountability. The Regional Project Manager is on-site and 100% available. Serco established a dedicated statewide PMO office. Neil McLean is here from Serco as the Statewide Program Manager.
Diverse Governance Committee Strategic Thought Leadership
Statewide Governance Committee Serco VDOT Central Office Ops VDOT Other VDOT Field Ops Statewide Team Statewide Team We are going through a transformational change from managing as a collection of 5 to a single statewide program. We need diverse thought leaders from across the state to help provide project direction and governance. However, decision making is pushed to the lowest level of the organization. Statewide Team Statewide Team
Contract Cost and Major Terms
4/13/2017 Contract Cost and Major Terms Contract Cost (initial 6 years) - $355.8 M VDOT - $19.8 M over 6 yrs Payment and Performance Bond Exit Escrow Technology Escrow Federally eligible and full oversight by FHWA Performance measures with tiered disincentives to maintain optimal performance - Response time for SSP, VMS, 511 entry, ITS maintenance . The base contract will cost $355.8 M over 6 years. We currently estimate our costs at $450.1 M over same 6-years. There will be some savings that we can put back into the program to expand SSP Patrols and bring additional innovations forward (Heavy Duty Towing and Recovery Program, life cycle replacement of field devices). We developed Exit Plans as part of the contract and have substantial instruments to deal with planned and unplanned exits. $50 M Performance and Payment Bond to ensure VDOT can continue operations until a new contract is in place. VDOT has ability to have subcontractors assigned to VDOT. $3 M Exit Escrow built over first several months of contract and additional $1.5 M at end to ensure Contractor conducts a smooth exit and protect Commonwealth in an unplanned exit. Give VDOT ability to operate tomorrow if a contractor defaults. Technology Escrow to ensure VDOT has access to the software at any time during the contract. This project is federally eligible and full oversight by FHWA. As we said earlier, we have tiered disincentives to maintain optimal performance. BACKGROUND DATA SSP - $159.8 M, TOC - $48.8 M ITS Maintenance - $65.3 M, ATMS and Technology - $44.2 M Program Mgt and Governance – $37.7 M, General Support Services - $ M VDOT - $19.8 M, Contingency - $7.1 M TOTAL = $450.1 M
Procurement Lessons Learned
4/13/2017 Procurement Lessons Learned Executive Level Support needed Hire full-time Project Manager with staff Relieve Procurement Team from day-to-day assignments Involve legal counsel early Obtain procurement consultant support Exit planning is critical Provide ample time for negotiations Off-site negotiations facility with sufficient working space Improve communications - those not directly involved Do we need all these deliverables? Document management and control . We completed a lessons learned from the procurement process up to this point. Let me highlight a few key items: Executive Support – Secretary of Transportation down Full-time PM – Hire first Legal Counsel – Bring in early, legal counsel invaluable Exit Planning – Critical for long-term success Communications – Keep everyone informed Document management – Lot’s of paper and files…
Status Contract Standup Contract began effective July 1, 2013
4/13/2017 Status Contract Standup Contract began effective July 1, 2013 Held key leadership retreat June 3/4 Established statewide transition team Status of Serco Deliverables 60 of 62 deliverables submitted on-time VDOT approved 59 of 62 deliverables (3 under review) Serco established key PMO and Regional leadership Serco established a strong partnership with VDOT leadership VDOT and Serco jointly developed business processes Commissioner signed contract May 16 and contract began July 1. We gathered all the VDOT staff from around the state to get everyone on the same page, which was difficult to do during procurement phase. Both VDOT and Serco plowed through 45 deliverables to develop, review and approve. The Deliverable Expectation Document (DED) concept, even for non-technical areas, really helped expedite review. VDOT and Serco jointly developed business process for all the major items: Task Orders, Invoices, Performance Measures, etc.
Status Contract Standup
4/13/2017 Status Contract Standup Significant staffing changes for VDOT, Incumbents and Serco Substantial document development and management VDOT continues to evolve statewide approach Serco has assumed Operational responsibilities in Staunton, NOVA, Salem, & Hampton Roads. Richmond final transition is scheduled for December 7th. Contract scope/scale allows Serco to standup dedicated PMO office, near VDOT Offices We have had a few challenges along the way. The movement of people from VDOT to Serco, Incumbent to Secro, Serco to others was substantial. Serco Technology Manager left the organization and caused them to reevaluate a critical piece of the organization. Serco transitioning Richmond TOC Tuesday, November 19th. Due to size of the contract, Serco was able to create an office rather than use an existing office.
Operations Performance Measures
4/13/2017 Operations Performance Measures Measures Travel Time Reliability Index Annual Hours of Delay Incident Duration HOV Performance VDOT have been using Performance Measures through our Dashboard since We now have performance measures for our Operations Program. Travel Time Reliability Index and Annual Hours of Delay are the primary Perf. Meas. We are currently reporting and developing strategies/plans for Incident Duration and HOV Performance as secondary performance measures. We enjoyed reading California’s experience with Hybrid Vehicles in HOV Lanes and removing them does not improve HOV Performance. The key is holding our leadership accountable for improving/managing system performance.
Operations Performance Measures
Active Traffic Management (ATM) in Virginia
Kenneth H. King, Jr., P.E. Southwest Region Operations Director
ATM Precursors in Virginia
Woodrow Wilson Bridge Work Zone Variable Speed Limits Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel Variable Speed Limits I-66 and I-264 Hard Shoulder Running
Application of ATM to I-66 Corridor
Project Scope District of Columbia (Exit 74) to Gainesville (US-29) 34 mile corridor with diverse needs and characteristics including suburban, urban, bidirectional peaks, transit, HOV, and ride sharing Assortment of ATM treatments in a two-stage design-build process
ATM Display Concept Example with HOV Lane and Shoulder Running Example with HOV Lane, No Shoulder Running Between ½ mile to 1 mile spacing (1 Kilometer to 1.5 Kilometer)
I-66 ATM Procurement & Schedule
Eight teams submitted Statement of Qualifications (Dec 2011) Short listed three teams, released Design-Build RFP (April 2012) Project awarded to Transcore (January 2013) Contract award: $34M; Original estimate: $32M Scope Validation & Design underway, break ground May 2013 ATM full Start-Up: Early 2015 (interim deliverables include ramp metering and additional CCTV/DMS) Additional info available at: 26
Active Traffic & Safety Management System
Primary goal: Improve safety of travel along Fancy Gap Mountain Secondary goal: Increase operational efficiency of travel along the corridor
I-77 at Fancy Gap Mountain
I-64 & I-77 Active Traffic Management System for Mountainous Regions
Active Traffic & Safety Management System Significant Incidents Fancy Gap on November 16, 2010 75 vehicles, 2 fatalities, 16 injuries Foggy conditions
Active Traffic & Safety Management System
Most recent crash on I-77 Fancy Gap Mountain: Easter Sunday 2013, 1:00 pm 3 fatalities, 25 injuries 17 separate accidents 95 vehicles
Active Traffic & Safety Management System
Proposed Countermeasures Variable Speed Limit (VSL) Signs Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) Closed-circuit TV (CCTV) Cameras Visibility Detection Systems (VDS) Entry Control Gates Additional Pavement Markings and Markers
Active Traffic & Safety Management System
Active Traffic & Safety Management System
Active Traffic & Safety Management System
Next Steps Toward Implementation on I-77 Complete System Requirements and High-Level Design Complete System Verification and Validation Plan Completed 30% Design with Special Provisions RFP Released for Design-Build Contract September 2013 Bids received November 2013 Projected December Award
Active Traffic Management (ATM) in Virginia
Kenneth H. King, Jr., P.E. Southwest Region Operations Director
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