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By Matt Jacques and David Perry.  Make International shipments  Shipments by FedEx Express (Air) FedEx Ground (Truck) FedEx Freight (Heavy Duty shipments)

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Presentation on theme: "By Matt Jacques and David Perry.  Make International shipments  Shipments by FedEx Express (Air) FedEx Ground (Truck) FedEx Freight (Heavy Duty shipments)"— Presentation transcript:

1 By Matt Jacques and David Perry

2  Make International shipments  Shipments by FedEx Express (Air) FedEx Ground (Truck) FedEx Freight (Heavy Duty shipments)  Introduced Hybrid Electric Trucks in 2003 that get 40% better gas mileage and put out 96% less pollution than its competitors trucks.

3  Originally known as Federal Express from 1973-2000  FedEx Corp. acquired Kinko’s Inc. in 2004 and rebranded it FedEx Kinko’s  In June 2009, FedEx began a campaign against UPS accusing its competitor of receiving a bailout in an advertising campaign called “brown bailout”.

4  FedEx Corp. was started in April 17 1973, during a recession  In started fast and was not effected by the bad economic times  When the 2008 recession hit FedEx did not receive any bailout money from the Federal Government


6  Two Panda Bears to China for a conservation Program  25,000 sea turtles to Florida cost to protect them from oil spills  Carried a Rhino named Heidi from Switzerland to Dublin to be with its baby  Shipped a Black Hawk Helicopter weighing 11,000 to Japan

7  Top 15 of Worlds Most Admired Companies since 2006  100 Best Companies to work for since 2006  Best Companies for Diversity in 2006 and 2007  Top 100 Most Innovative Companies in 2007

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