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EPICS Noboru Yaamamoto Jan 27, 2009 for EPICS seminar at RRCAT, Indore Installing EPICS.

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Presentation on theme: "EPICS Noboru Yaamamoto Jan 27, 2009 for EPICS seminar at RRCAT, Indore Installing EPICS."— Presentation transcript:

1 EPICS Noboru Yaamamoto Jan 27, 2009 for EPICS seminar at RRCAT, Indore Installing EPICS

2 EPICS EPICS Supports a Standard Control System Architecture Workstations(OPI): Sun Hp DEC/Alpha Silicon Graphics PC OS: Unix(incl. Linux and Darwin), Some Windows I/O Controllers(IOC): VME,VXI PCI, Workstations OS: vxWorks, Unix, Windows RTEMS, RTLinux, L4 linux Field I/O Remote and Local I/O Buses: Control Net, PCI, CAN-Bus, Industry Pack, VME, VXI, PCI, ISA, CAMAC, GPIB, Profibus, Bitbus, Serial, Allen-Bradley, Modbus, Yokogawa, G-3, Ethernet/IP Field I/O Site LAN/WAN Field I/O

3 EPICS Ingredient of the system  IOC  CPU Running  VxWorks  RTEMS  Unixen(inc. Linux & Darwin)  Windows  Network  TCP/IP & UDP/IP based network  OPI/Development machines  Unix CPU  Linux  MacOSX(Darwin)  BSD  Windows PC  Cygwin/gcc  MS Visual C++

4 EPICS Field IO  VME/VXI  PCI  Canbus  AB  Serial  GP-IB  USB  Network Including Ethenert  CAMAC,.....

5 EPICS Software  Base  Database  CA lib  CA Server  Tools for Application development  Extensions  Display manager  Gateway  Uses configuration files  Modules  Device support  Sequencer

6 EPICS How to Install? From source  Get Source code, compile and install  Not so difficult on Linux Use distributions: Code collections from base, modules, extensions & elsewhere  synApps: Beamline support code packaged (APS)  LivEPICS: Linux Live CD that includes EPICS (INFN)  MacOSX: CA Client Installer for Mac OS X Leopard (ORNL)  Win32: Extensions programs built for Microsoft systems  TIS-4000: Commercial SCADA software based on early version of EPICS  EPICS on Ubuntu/SL4 Live CD (KEK)  And others.

7 EPICS How to Get Software  Go “EPICS Home page”   Then download  Most software covered by EPICS Open Licence   Base: base-3.14.10is latest  We will use 3.14.9 in this seminar, though.  Extensions:  Configuration files  EDM and/or EDM  Channel Archiver  Gateway  Any other you want to try Modules Soft Sequencer AsynDriver HW Any other device support

8 EPICS 3 rd Party tools  Standard tools  Perl 5.  GNU Make  Optional  VxWorks  Ask WindsRiver or its agent  RTEMS 

9 EPICS Directories  EPICS sourec treee  Base  Extensions  Modules

10 EPICS base/  Configure  CONFIG_SITE  CONFIG_SITE_ENV  RELEASE  os/CONIFG_SITE..  Startup  Site.cshrc/Site.profile  src  Lib  O.  Bin  O.

11 EPICS extensions/  Configure  RELEASE  Set up EPICS_BASE properly.  Src  Medm  Edm

12 EPICS modules/  Soft  Seq  Configure  CONFIG_SITE  RELEASE  Asyn  Configure  RELEASE  Instrument  Directories for each devices

13 EPICS Environment Variables  Refer to base/startup/Site.cshrc or Site.profile  EPICS_HOST_ARCH  You must make sure it is defined when you buid EPICS tools.  - -  Linux-x86  Darwin-ppc  Cygwin-x86  win32-x86  win32-x86-borland

14 EPICS Building Base  Go to base directory  Cd base/  Run make  Env EPICS_HOST_ARCH=linux-x86 make install  Wait for a while  Mileage may vary  Check base/lib and base/bin directory

15 EPICS Building Extensions  Go to exstensions directory  Cd extensions/  Read the document for each product and follow the instruction.  Run make  Env EPICS_HOST_ARCH=linux-x86 make install  Wait for a while  Mileage may vary  Check base/lib and base/bin directory

16 EPICS Learning Curve  The Learning Curve for EPICS can be steep  Installing EPICS  Setting up the application environment to automatically build databases  Setting up the IOC to boot from the workstation  Installing the new drivers  Choosing and learning which client tools to use  Knowledge of how to debug the application - is needed by everyone  Learning to use the process database This learning curve can be eased by receiving training from other laboratories, having one of your employees work and train at an EPICS site, or reading the documents and using the software support document to determine the collaboration member supporting your platform.

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