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Results. 2 The number of questionnaires… 3 Pupil…

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Presentation on theme: "Results. 2 The number of questionnaires… 3 Pupil…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Results

2 2 The number of questionnaires…

3 3 Pupil…

4 4 Parent…

5 5 (H) Where does your family live?

6 6 (H) Which department of the school does your child attend?

7 7 Grade/class

8 8 (H) Is there any other child in your family?

9 9 (H) In case of necessity who do you apply to for information? (multiple choice)

10 10 (H) Do you have any connection with NGOs?

11 11 (H) If yes, why do you apply to NGOs and in what case do you need support?

12 12 What kind of communication do you prefer? “Multiple answers are possible.”

13 13 How often do you get in contact with the people mentioned below in a course of a school year?

14 14 (H) On which subject would you like to have more information according to your child’s development? (multiple choice)

15 15 I participate in the following events….

16 16 New ideas, comments Occupational therapy, possibilities in field of special tools and equipments. The parents have difficulty in being on programs in good time. Parents-pupils swimming competition. Competitions and quiz. To get information before events for parents held the school (by e-mail). Create a social network to get more information and share experiences (upload photos, videos).

17 17 Potential development

18 18 POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OTHER SUGGESTIONS periodical newsletter by e-mail periodical newsletter: possibilities in educational policy, law e-mail do not replace personal appointments! e-mail message automatically if someone has posted a new article on the website e-mail periodically about the costs of boarding, the back pays and debits e-mail about events, programmes e-mail before the main events newsletter not only by e-mail, may be by post virtual round table meetings/web forum web forum or blog about experiences, possibilities, physiotherapy, medical treatments up-to-date information by e-mail connection with our child topic orientated parents’ meeting at school parents' meeting after work, with babysitting

19 19 Statements

20 20 (H) Statements

21 21 What more could we do in Mozgásjavító to support and enhance in your role as a parent? INFORMATION physiotherapy, education possibilities, medical aids, rights, law, etc. OPINION PUPILS information about daily events, tasks for home, common goals for the future, etc. PARENTS meetings/club, possibilities for share experiences, parents=partners, stb. LEISURE ACTIVITIES More possibilities, to be involved, etc. OTHER

22 22 Most important… (1) PHYSIOTHERAPYEDUCATION “WELL- BEING” CONTACTS, COMMUNITY PREPARATION for independent life (activities of daily living) EXTRA SERVICES - leisure activities 514939232013 day-by-day by individual needs swimming teaching developing one's talent complex developing teaching by individual needs atmosphere encouragem ent equality trust psychical support between children between children and staff between children, parents and staff friends culture excursion s theatre handicraft lesson summer camp

23 23 Most important… (2) EXTRA SERVICES - extra lessons EXTRA CONDITIONS STAFF EXTRA SERVICES - medical attendance (caring) THE SCHOOL IS AN INFORMATION RESOURCE OTHER EXTRA S. - sport 111095442 lessons in the afternoons speech therapy new methods individual lessons eating and feeding in the school transport to and from the school small class swimming pool teachers should be: - kind - qualified - many- sided the most important is … - my child's teacher - my child's classroom assistant concerning to: - possibilities after school - development of child behaviour

24 24 Least important there is not any leisure activities summer camp activities in the boarding school medical attendance disorganised leisure activities uncontrolled computer using forums on web medical certificate education career of the child

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