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Jointly for our common future SILVER CITY - SEE/D/0325/4.1/X Innovative urban strategies and action plans to increase the social and economic role of seniors.

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Presentation on theme: "Jointly for our common future SILVER CITY - SEE/D/0325/4.1/X Innovative urban strategies and action plans to increase the social and economic role of seniors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jointly for our common future SILVER CITY - SEE/D/0325/4.1/X Innovative urban strategies and action plans to increase the social and economic role of seniors State of art of the WP2 activities 3rd Thematic Workshop Galati 5-6 November, 2013

2 Launching Brochure In Burgas we set 1 September as deadline. No brochures prepared yet!!!! WHEN? HOW IS THE PROCESS? Once realized, please send a hard copy to me, and load up the electronic version to Documents Jointly for our common future

3 1st leaflet Also we set jointly 1 September, template was sent before However ony Galati, Treviso and Maribor has prepared it so far Paper versions? WHEN? HOW IS THE PROCESS AT OTHER PARTNERS (CRO, BG)? Treviso is not on the website Shall be uploaded to the website (documents) Jointly for our common future

4 2nd leaflet Inputs have been sent Until 6 November OlsenSport sends out the text 30 November as deadline for partners Shall be uploaded to the website (documents) Jointly for our common future

5 1st and 2nd newsletter Template was sent (1st newsletter) ASAP!!!! What are you waiting for? Shall be uploaded to the website (documents) Third newsletter? About local pilot. 30 March, 2014? Jointly for our common future

6 Website, social media Burgas – empty Pressroom: local articles, press releases Introductory text from the pilot plan FB: sharing, posting Jointly for our common future

7 Solution Prepare all required docs until 30 November Personal SKYPE or phone calls the week after With WHOM exactly? Contacts: and Jointly for our common future

8 Joint Communication Campaign (pilots) Organise a photo competition in your city related to the next 3 topics: 1. solidarity between generations; 2. active ageing (showing physical activity of elderly); 3. elderly in labour environment. Use FB and the website for dissemination! At least 300 dpi Send the 3-3 winner photos to OlsenSport (18 pics in all) – 28 February, 2014 OlsenSport creates a montage in each topic (6 pics) for roll- ups Jointly for our common future

9 Joint Communication Campaign (pilots) Each partners is requested to print out at least 1 roll-up OlsenSport creates a montage for Youtube in EN Please use the joint roll-up and the Youtube for local pilot campaigns Check your budget, this is only one part of the pilot dissemination only, plan your activities! Jointly for our common future

10 Participation at dissemination events Treviso: 2210 EUR Maribor: 1950 EUR UniZagreb: 900 EUR Any ideas? Jointly for our common future

11 4th Workshop in Budapest and Thematic Briefing Any ideas related to the date (March-May)? Thematic Briefing: adressing professional networks. Any ideas? Jointly for our common future

12 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Ferenc Szigeti-Böröcz, external consultant, HBH Euroconsulting Ltd.

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