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1) During which Empire was Galen a very important doctor? The Roman Empire.

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2 1) During which Empire was Galen a very important doctor? The Roman Empire

3 3) Where in his early life did he learn new medical skills? (2 answers) 1) Alexandria 2) He was a doctor at a gladiator training school. Both taught him a lot about ANATOMY (the structure of the human body).

4 3) Did he accept the Theory of the Four Humours? YES Galen accepted most of the ideas of Hippocrates and the Greek doctors – he was a Greek doctor himself. However, he developed many of his own ideas as well.

5 4) Which new theory or treatment did he develop from it? TREATMENT OF THE OPPOSITES T REATMENT O F T HE O PPOSITES

6 5) How did this theory or treatment work? Explain the logic of it, and give a specific example of a cure based on it. If you were unwell it was because you had too much of a certain humour. The way to treat it was with something opposite to it. For example if you had a cold, and were full of phlegm you would sniff some hot pepper to help you sneeze.

7 6) Name another of his key ideas or discoveries. BRAIN CONTROLS THE BODY Through dissecting a live pig he proved that the brain controlled the body. Only when he cut one particular nerve did the pig stop squealing. PERFECT DESIGN Claimed that the Creator fitted all organs together perfectly.

8 7) For how long did his ideas dominate medicine? 1500 years All the way through Roman times, throughout the Middle Ages and right up to the Renaissance (began in 1500).

9 8) Give two reasons why his ideas lasted so long. 1) CHRISTIAN CHURCH ACCEPTED HIS IDEAS Because he spoke about “the Creator” the Church agreed with him. In the Middle Ages no-one disagreed with the Church. This was called HERESY, and you could be killed for it. 2) HIS IDEAS MADE SENSE / WERE LOGICAL There was some logic to the 4 Humours (which he accepted), and the Treatment of the Opposites (which he developed). They matched the 4 seasons of the natural world, and often seemed to work.

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