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Presentation on theme: "1 TRAINING FOR CHAPERONES LOOKING AFTER CHILDREN WHO PERFORM."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 TRAINING FOR CHAPERONES Are you thinking: - Why am I here? Isn’t this a lot of fuss over nothing? Why are you making us train to become Chaperones?

3 3 RESPONSIBILITY OF THE LOCAL AUTHORITY Ensure safety, well-being and kind treatment of all children engaged in entertainment Ensure children are properly supervised by a Chaperone at all times To only approve a chaperone who is suitable and competent.

4 4 CHILD PROTECTION THE L.A. SHOULD PROVIDE AWARENESS RAISING TRAINING To identify potential Child Protection issues To advise what initial steps should be taken To know how to inform the appropriate authority of any concerns about Child Protection

5 5 CHILD PROTECTION A Few Basics! Statutory responsibility for Child Protection Support schools where any concerns about Child Protection We are your Child Protection Liaison Officer Confidentiality No discussion with others

6 6 CHILD PROTECTION Exercises:- Situations a Chaperone may face


8 8 THE PAPERWORK Most children MUST be licenced to perform Licence applications – complicated! Exemptions:- Body of Persons applications/school performances Performances within previous six months

9 9 RELEVANT LEGISLATION Children & Young Persons Act 1933/63 The Children (Performances) Regulations1968 The Children (Performances) (Amendment) Regulations 2000

10 10 Dressing Rooms Toilets Supervision VENUE REQUIREMENTS Stage Door

11 11 MEDICAL CLEARANCE All Performances: - Parent to make declaration of child’s fitness to take part in the performance

12 12 TIME AT PLACE OF PERFORMANCE Stage performance:- At place of performance between 10am – 10.30pm depending on age. Production no longer than 3.5 hours Child’s part no longer than 2.5 hours

13 13 TIME AT PLACE OF PERFORMANCE Broadcast or Recording Performance: - Under 5 yrs old - 5 hours 5yrs but under 9 yrs -7.5 hours 9 yrs old & over - 9.5 hours Breaks, meals and tuition vary according to age. Please consult daily regime (Booklet-Page 8)

14 14 WHAT IS EXPECTED FROM CHAPERONES? A standard of care that incorporates the following:- Children to be met at stage door and signed in Escorted on and off stage Know where children are at all times Children must be supervised at all times

15 15 CHAPERONE’S DUTIES contd.. Suitable refreshments between shows Written arrangements for leaving theatre Children not to leave theatre unaccompanied Children collected (named adult) signed out of theatre Uncollected children remain in the chaperone’s charge

16 16 Be familiar with the Fire Evacuation Procedures Be familiar with the First Aid Procedures Ensure Accidents are reported to and recorded by the management Examine accident book each day Injuries to be reported to LA CHAPERONES DUTIES Safety of children

17 17 It is important to realise that the Chaperone’s overall responsibility is to the Welfare of the Child, and not to the director/producer

18 18 CHAPERONE’S DUTIES (contd.) Where you: - Are not satisfied with the conditions for the children at the place of performance Insist they are put right! Consider a child unwell or too tired to continue You can insist they are seen by a medically qualified person

19 19 CHAPERONE’S POWERS & RESPONSIBILITIES Records: - The licence holder (Producer) MUST keep records of children engaged in any production under which a licence is granted for the life of the licence and for six months after the last performance Often the responsibility for this will be left with YOU

20 20 DAILY RECORD SHEETS The information the licence holder must keep and retain is: - For each child, for each day he/she is present at the place of performance: Date Time of arrival at and departure from place of performance Time of each period during which child took part Time of each rest and meal intervals Time of any night work authorised by LA Details of injuries and illnesses to any child

21 21 DANGEROUS PERFORMANCES Under the Children & Young Persons Act 1933 no child of compulsory school age (or under) is permitted to do anything which may endanger life or limb This could include, for example, working on wires such as in Peter Pan, or heavy lifting Chaperones must stop the producer using children this way Chaperones must:- Inform the LA immediately. A representative will respond swiftly

22 22 POWERS OF LOCAL AUTHORITY OFFICERS Can enter any place of performance where a child is performing under a S.37 licence To make an inspection To make enquiries about any child taking part To withdraw or refuse licences where reasonable grounds exist YES! Prevent any child from performing or from continuing to perform!

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