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Note No WIKIPEDIA. Please note that only the online course syllabus version is the official version. please check the online version periodically to make.

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Presentation on theme: "Note No WIKIPEDIA. Please note that only the online course syllabus version is the official version. please check the online version periodically to make."— Presentation transcript:


2 Please note that only the online course syllabus version is the official version. please check the online version periodically to make sure that you have the most recent information.


4 Why do we eat and drink? What controls how much (or little) we eat and drink? Why do we consume certain foods and drinks? What stops us from eating and drinking?

5 Why do we eat and drink? Hunger Chemical signals from stomach, small intestine and blood dictate when we are hungry Thirst Concentration (water content of blood dictates thirst sensation) We lose water before we become thirsty

6 Why do we eat and drink? Sociology Religion -eat and drink-communion Social occasions -we eat to be social and not offend

7 What controls how much (or little) we eat ? Satiation -feeling of satisfaction (fullness) Satiety- -chemical signals from stomach small intestine and blood dictate when we are still full and not yet ready to eat

8 Pregnancy-increased metabolic demands of baby combined with the increased weight that mother must carry around means mother must consume more food to keep up with those demands Mental Illness- e.g. depression including bipolar disorder-sometimes eat comfort food to console depression - eating disorders What controls how much (or little) we eat ?

9 Physical Illness -people who are not feeling well will eat less -what are the implications for this ? Politics -ethnic cleansing in the Balkans-Milosevic -Russia/Poland case What controls how much (or little) we eat ?

10 Anthropology -undernutrition-affects ability to work and hence obtain food -perception of value of food What controls how much (or little) we eat ?

11 Sociology -rumours/gossip about best quantities of food to eat -society (or subsets e.g. ethnic groups) have certain foods they prefer or can have -culture of thinness as beauty at the moment (in the past) -culture is fueled by media advertising What controls how much (or little) we eat ?

12 Desire for Health -weight control -avoiding heart disease, diabetes and cancer Economics -we eat what we think we can afford (not always accurate) What controls how much (or little) we eat ?

13 Reading Food Labels -calories -nutrient content -what about illiteracy? Activity-specific (athletics) -carbohydrates are the limiting nutrient for athletes -proteins-necessary for building muscle -all other nutrients to meet requirements for particular activity What controls how much (or little) we eat ?

14 Information available to the consumer -taste -health -smell -texture -visual What controls how much (or little) we eat ?

15 Nutrient Deficiencies -pica-consumption of clay, ice chips when when people are iron deficient- -these foods contain no iron -clay inhibits iron absorption- -found particularly in poor women and children who are iron deficient Why do we consume certain foods and drinks ?

16 Anthropology/Sociology Religion -Communion -bread and wine (body and blood of Christ) -Jewish –kosher -what is left over after the forbidden items Why do we consume certain foods and drinks ?

17 Mental Illness -the belief that somebody may be trying to poison us with certain foods but not others Physical Illness -the desire to get well Why do we consume certain foods and drinks ?

18 Politics -what is available Desire for Continued Health -fish -fruit and vegetables -fibres -supplements -food allergies and intolerances Why do we consume certain foods and drinks ?

19 Economics- -what we think we can afford or can actually afford Reading food labels -calories -nutrient composition -avoiding food allergies and intolerances and food-drug interactions Why do we consume certain foods and drinks ?

20 Activity-specific (athletics) -carbohydrate-most limiting nutrient for performance -protein-muscle building Information available to the consumer -taste(flavour), health, smell, texture Why do we consume certain foods and drinks ?

21 Anthropology/Sociology -religion -Middle East-pork -India-Hindus-beef -Jews-certain foods must be kosher -Mormons-no alcohol and no caffeine drinks (tea, coffee, colas) Mental Illness - a belief that someone is trying to poison us or hearing voices telling us not to eat certain foods Why do we avoid certain foods and drinks ?

22 Physical Illness -unwell feeling- e.g. pain, nausea -coma Pregnancy- -e.g. alcohol - avoid fetal alcohol syndrome (facial deformities and learning disabilities) Why do we avoid certain foods and drinks ?

23 Desire for Health -high fat foods in excess and low nutrient density foods to be avoided Economics -reality or perception that we cannot afford a particular food Why do we avoid certain foods and drinks ?

24 Reading food labels -calories -nutrient composition -avoiding food allergies and intolerances and food-drug interactions Activity specific (athletics) -e.g. high fat foods –inhibit performance if taken just before a competition Why do we avoid certain foods and drinks ?

25 What stops us from eating (starving ourselves) Illness -physical -elderly-may not feel well or terminally ill who have the “ I just want to die” outlook -mental -eating disorders mainly -anorexia -bulimia

26 What stops us from eating (starving ourselves) Politics e.g. Bobby Sands in 1981 in Northern Ireland to protest the British presence

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