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Mr. Cleon M. McLean Department of English Ontario High School.

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1 Mr. Cleon M. McLean Department of English Ontario High School

2  1. litigious —disagreement/argument often involving the law 2. ludicrous —causing laughter because of absurdity 3. thus —means “so” 4. roly-poly —means “fat” 5. inevitable —means “will happen” 6. manipulate —to manage or influence skillfully, especially in an unfair manner 7. induce —to bring about, produce, or cause 8. substantial —of considerable amount, quantity or size 9. ailing —sickly or unwell 10. patrons —customers or clients Vocabulary (Part One of Two)

3  11. imperative —absolutely necessary or required 12. relative —something having or standing in some relation to something else 13. reluctant —unwilling or disinclined 14. ubiquitous —existing or being everywhere at the same time 15. annals —records 16. gargantuan —gigantic; enormous 17. pervade —to become spread through all parts 18. scoff —to speak mockingly 19. omni —means “all” 20. saturate —to soak up thoroughly and completely Vocabulary (Part Two of Two)

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