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Pi0 Mass recon in the NCC R. Seto Oct 17, 2005. What I did Ran pisa – took hits file which gives dedx in each Si layer Partitioned the dedx into cells.

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Presentation on theme: "Pi0 Mass recon in the NCC R. Seto Oct 17, 2005. What I did Ran pisa – took hits file which gives dedx in each Si layer Partitioned the dedx into cells."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pi0 Mass recon in the NCC R. Seto Oct 17, 2005

2 What I did Ran pisa – took hits file which gives dedx in each Si layer Partitioned the dedx into cells to look like NCC 1.5 cm^2 three layers in z found “normalization” Clustered “photons” Found energy and position of each photon

3 Sample I studied Threw sample of single pi0’s –1 to 5 GeV momentum –10-30 degrees both gammas had to hit NCC required gamma to be separated by 6 cm required E1 and E2 > 0.5 GeV |E1-E2|/(E1+E2)<0.5

4 Clustering algorithm Find hottest tower in compartments 1 or 2 and use as seed Connect to vertex. Find “central” hot core by extrapolating to other compartments From central towers look for neighboring blocks. (all blocks must be a next-door neighbor to central tower) remove blocks from search Go again. Allow myself to find up to 3 showers pi0/gamma not used yet

5 display top left all 3 views bottom right 3 views colors are photons found “mass” is real mass “mass recon” – is reconstruct ed mass

6 GeV cm

7 expectations GeV input mass mass after smearing energy

8 Mass reconstruction GeV

9 Plans understand limitations of Ncc –Effect of position resolution –how close can the photons be? –how high energy can it do? Add backgounds –several pi0’s –Full event begin to use pi0/gamma Go after direct photons Go after W background

10 More general plans CDR planning –go back to looking at outline –have a CDR fest? –Work on physics section management section WBS Goal : Thanksgiving PS Eduard and I go to Korea Nov 14-18 Purchases –equipment ordered (some in) –Ordering si wafers? RPC HV?

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