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Wars Chris Gill AC Global 10 Final Project Mr. Manganiello.

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1 Wars Chris Gill AC Global 10 Final Project Mr. Manganiello

2 Historical Context: Wars have had important effects on nations and regions. Task: For each war identify two important effects of each war on the nation or region with which it is paired.  Crusades – Western Europe  World War I – Eastern Europe  Chinese Revolution – China  World War II – Japan  Arab-Israeli Conflict – Middle East

3 Crusades – Western Europe  Began in 11th through 13th century.  Pope urban sent crusades to Jerusalem to take the Holy Land back from the Muslims.  People are willing to fight because they havea religious connection with the land and they believe that if they fought they would go to heaven (some people could not afford indulgences).  The effects included: Feudalism (serfs worked on the land) is ended, trade routes are created, exchange of natural resources and ideas from the Muslims (like spices and astronomy).

4 World War I – Eastern Europe Causes:  M: Militarism (Germany built submarines and other nations from Europe built up their armies)  A: Alliances (Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Italy. Allies: Great Britain, France, Russia, Serbia)  I: Imperialism (European nations fight over terriotory in Africa. They wanted natural resources and slave labor).  N: Nationalism (Pride in your country. Example, Pan-slavism: Russia wanted the slavic people/countries like Serbia to unite)  A: Archduke Ferdinand (He was from Autria-Hungary and angry Serbs wanted to kill him. He was assassinated him). Austria-Hungry responded by attaking Serbia – this lead to other allies joining the war.

5 World War One Effects:  Trench warfare: soldiers fought in trenches.These trenched were dirty. People died from the rats which sp[read diseases.  Russia lost over a million soilders  Treaty of Versailles: Germany was punished. Had to pay reparations (6.6 million dollars), Germany had their terriories in Africa and their weapons, soilders, and submariens.  Leuge of Nations was created: Members from

6 Chinese Revolution – China  In 1946 China had a civil war between Chiang Kai- shek) (1925–49), the Nationalists, or Guomindan (People’s Party) and the Mao Ze Dong (leader of the Communists).  Mao Ze Dong lead the peasant farmers and wanted to create a communist economy.  Mao got much of his support from the U.S.S.R.  Great Leap Forward (created collective farms) and the Cultural Revolution (gets rid of Confusim and burned down museums).  Many people were also killed if they did not obey.  Today China is still Communist.

7 World War II – Japan  Japan fought on side of the Germany and Italy (Central Powers).  Japan became militaristic and invaded China and Korea.  The U.S dropped two bombs on  Today many people still suffere form Cancer.

8 Arab-Israeli Conflict – Middle East  Zionism: Jewish nationalism; the Jews want to create a homeland b/c threw out where past they had to live threw harsh conditions like world war 3  British Mandate: in 1937 great Britain built the third British mandate for India  Jihad: a war between muslims and jews to take the holy land  PLO  Jeruselum:

9 Work Cited

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