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Chapter 12 Readings. Jimmy Carter Representative Works Author of 25 books: ◦ Talking Peace: A Vision for the Next Generation ◦ Negotiation: The Alternative.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 12 Readings. Jimmy Carter Representative Works Author of 25 books: ◦ Talking Peace: A Vision for the Next Generation ◦ Negotiation: The Alternative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 12 Readings

2 Jimmy Carter

3 Representative Works Author of 25 books: ◦ Talking Peace: A Vision for the Next Generation ◦ Negotiation: The Alternative to Hostility ◦ Our Endangered Values: America’s Moral Crisis ◦ Beyond the White House: Waging Peace, Fighting Disease, Building Hope ◦ White House Diary

4 Losing My Religion for Equality Women and girls have been discriminated against for too long in a twisted interpretation of the word of God Severed ties with the Southern Baptist Convention after 60 years View that women are inferior to men is not restricted to one religion

5 Losing My Religion for Equality This discrimination, unjustifiably attributed to a Higher Authority, has provided a reason or excuse for the deprivation of women's equal rights across the world for centuries It excuses slavery, violence, forced prostitution, genital mutilation and national laws that omit rape as a crime

6 Losing My Religion for Equality It also costs many millions of girls and women control over their own bodies and lives, and continues to deny them fair access to education, health, employment and influence within their own communities "The justification of discrimination against women and girls on grounds of religion or tradition, as if it were prescribed by a Higher Authority, is unacceptable."

7 Mary Ann Sorrentino

8 Representative Works The A Word—Abortion: Real Women, Tough Choices, Personal Freedom Columnist for Keene, NH Sentinel Columnist for Providence Phoenix

9 My Church Threw Me Out While director of Planned Parenthood, she was told by her church that her 15 year old daughter had to renounce abortion in order to be confirmed Luisa was the only person in a class of 75 to be asked to state her views regarding abortion Mary Ann is excommunicated because of her occupation

10 My Church Threw Me Out Excommunication: formal, official procedure; must be informed by local bishop Can no longer receive the sacraments of her faith Those who perform abortions or who have had an abortion can be excommunicated; she did not fit those categories Labeled “public enemy number one of babies in the womb”

11 My Church Threw Me Out First got in trouble with the church for using birth control She was singled out and punished while two priests in the same diocese had been accused of sexual abuse of children: “These men are passing out communion on one side of the altar rail while trying to keep me away on the other”

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