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WARM UP: o Grab the handouts and a marker. Look up the following words, you’ll need to know them for today o Messianic o Limned o flagellant o Go to

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Presentation on theme: "WARM UP: o Grab the handouts and a marker. Look up the following words, you’ll need to know them for today o Messianic o Limned o flagellant o Go to"— Presentation transcript:

1 WARM UP: o Grab the handouts and a marker. Look up the following words, you’ll need to know them for today o Messianic o Limned o flagellant o Go to and get ready for a Then vs. Than grammar quiz! (The top scorers today gets a small prize WOO HOO!)

2 CHRIS ABANI Imprisoned three times by the Nigerian government, Chris Abani turned his experience into poems that Harold Pinter called "the most naked, harrowing expression of prison life and political torture imaginable.“ Chris Abani's first novel, published when he was 16, was Masters of the Board, a political thriller about a foiled Nigerian coup. The story was convincing enough that the Nigerian government threw him in jail for inciting a coincidentally timed real-life coup. Imprisoned and tortured twice more, he channeled the experience into searing poetry.Masters of the Boardpoetry

3 WRITER’S NOTEBOOK RESPONSE Chris Abani says, “But what I've come to learn is that the world is never saved in grand messianic gestures, but in the simple accumulation of gentle, soft, almost invisible acts of compassion, everyday acts of compassion.” Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? Give an example from your own life of history to support your stance.

4 “WAR WIDOW” FIRST READING * Use a star for significant information, devices, and strategies you notice. ! Use an exclamation point to indicate what you feel strongly about. ? Use a question mark next for parts that are confusing or next to any information that you’d like to explore further.

5 SHARED INQUIRY DISCUSSION o Share with your partner what you marked in the poem. o Then share with your whole group. o Then each table will share one * noticing, ? Question and ! Thing they felt strongly about.

6 WAR WIDOW SECOND READING F Figurative language. Look for similes, metaphors, personification, etc… I Imagery. What are the main images of the poem? What can you infer based on these images? D Diction. What do you notice about the word choice in the poem?

7 TP CASTT POETRY ANALYSIS o In your groups, compare your shared inquiry notes. o Then fill in your TP CASTT graphic organizer. o Be prepared to share with the class.

8 READING COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS o Silently and on your own, answer the reading comprehension questions. Mark your answers on the sleeve with your marker or or on scratch paper. o When you’re finished go to o We will putting our answers into a kahoot quiz. And yes, there are more prizes and glory to be had!

9 SHORT ANSWER EXIT TICKET o What is one theme in the poem? Support your answer with evidence from the text. (APE format) o You can answer on an index card or use our padlet.    

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