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Security Scan melalui Internet Onno W. Purbo

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1 Security Scan melalui Internet Onno W. Purbo



4 Feature / Service


6 Port Scan Features TCP full scan pada port 1-1024 & 1062 common port Optional TCP 'stealth' scan Optional fragmented packet TCP scan UDP scan pada port 1-1024 termasuk 956 common UDP port

7 OS Identification & TCP signature nmap OS fingerprint guess queso OS fingerprint guess TCP sequence number difficulty rating

8 Windows-specific checks Netbios machine/user name scan Netbios open disk/guest access check

9 Services probed finger server check FTP server check dump of any port greeting lines found 45 common web server vulnerability checks SMTP server open-relay check Web server requests-per-second benchmark

10 Denial of service testing Syn-flood on demand bonk,jolt,land,nestea,newtear syndrop,teardrop,winnuke,sping,fawx,c od



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