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The Copying & Content of the Canon Orthodox teaching claims only the original manuscripts are inerrant. Why then even discuss this? What of the originals.

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Presentation on theme: "The Copying & Content of the Canon Orthodox teaching claims only the original manuscripts are inerrant. Why then even discuss this? What of the originals."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Copying & Content of the Canon Orthodox teaching claims only the original manuscripts are inerrant. Why then even discuss this? What of the originals is lost?

2 The Copying & Content of the Canon We investigate… To gain confidence in the text we have. Because an intellectual faith is more robust than a blind faith.

3 The Copying & Content of the Canon We are going to discuss… Copying: how the text came to us throughout the ages. Copying: how the text came to us throughout the ages. Content: what books of the Bible are considered normative for God’s people – what can be called “Sacred Scripture.” Content: what books of the Bible are considered normative for God’s people – what can be called “Sacred Scripture.”

4 The Copying & Content of the Canon *The faith of the Patriarchs existed apart from a written text for Centuries. *Sacred Literature began 1 st with God and then with Moses and the Pentateuch. * Old Testament

5 The Copying & Content of the Canon “Then Moses turned and went down from the mountain with the two tablets “Then Moses turned and went down from the mountain with the two tablets of the testimony in his hand, tablets that were written on both sides; on the front and on the back they were written. The tablets were the work of God, and the writing was the writing of God engraved on the tablets.” Exodus 32:15,16 Old Testament

6 The Copying & Content of the Canon Oops! Oops! “And as soon as he came “And as soon as he came near the camp and saw the calf and the dancing, Moses’ anger burned hot, and he threw the tablets out of his hand and broke them at the foot of the mountain.” Exodus 32:19 Exodus 32:19 Old Testament

7 The Copying & Content of the Canon Oops Recovered… Oops Recovered… “The LORD said to Moses, “The LORD said to Moses, ‘Cut for yourself two tablets of stone like the first, and I will write on the tablets the words that were on the first tablets, which you broke.’” Exodus 34:1 Exodus 34:1 Old Testament

8 The Copying & Content of the Canon Old Testament A Journey of ~1000 Years Moses: circa 1400 BC Malachi: circa 450BC Via the PropheticVoice

9 The Copying & Content of the Canon Final Collection: the Tanakh – Knt Torah – Navi’im – Ketuvim arqm /Miqra “that which is read” No one ever disputed the Torah/Pentateuch. No one ever disputed the Torah/Pentateuch. The Prophets (Navi’im) may have been opposed in their ministries, but their writings were accepted. The Prophets (Navi’im) may have been opposed in their ministries, but their writings were accepted. Some of the Writings (Ketuvim) were disputed, but one Jewish tradition holds that the Great Assembly (~450 BC) settled on 24 books. Some of the Writings (Ketuvim) were disputed, but one Jewish tradition holds that the Great Assembly (~450 BC) settled on 24 books. Old Testament

10 The Copying & Content of the Canon Final Collection: the Tanakh – Knt Torah – Navi’im – Ketuvim arqm /Miqra “that which is read” Getting our 39 OT books out of the Hebrew 24: They Have One Minor Prophet; We have 12 Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, & Ezra Each are 1 Book NB: There are Many Different Orderings of the OT. Old Testament

11 The Copying & Content of the Canon Evidence of Internal Witness: Jeremiah’s (627-586 BC) life is “saved” by Micah (8 th century BC), Jer. 26:7-19. Jeremiah’s (627-586 BC) life is “saved” by Micah (8 th century BC), Jer. 26:7-19. Use of the Old Testament in the Old Testament, Psalm 95:7-11 references Exodus 17:1-7 & Numbers 20:2-13. Use of the Old Testament in the Old Testament, Psalm 95:7-11 references Exodus 17:1-7 & Numbers 20:2-13. The Prophet’s continually make reference to the Torah, esp. Deuteronomy. See Isaiah 24:1-5; Jer. 31:31-34; Ezek. 16:59-63. The Prophet’s continually make reference to the Torah, esp. Deuteronomy. See Isaiah 24:1-5; Jer. 31:31-34; Ezek. 16:59-63. Old Testament

12 The Copying & Content of the Canon Evidence of a Scribal Hand & External Resources: book of the wars of the LORD, Num. 21:14 ; book of Jasher, Josh. 10:13 ; book of the Acts of Solomon, 1 Kgs. 11:41 ; book of Samuel…Nathan…Gad the seer, 1 Chr. 29:29 ; et al. book of the wars of the LORD, Num. 21:14 ; book of Jasher, Josh. 10:13 ; book of the Acts of Solomon, 1 Kgs. 11:41 ; book of Samuel…Nathan…Gad the seer, 1 Chr. 29:29 ; et al. “The prayers of David, the son of Jesse, are ended,” Y72:20, and yet Y86, 101, 103, 108-110, 122, 124, 131, 133, 138-145. Also see Y90:0. “The prayers of David, the son of Jesse, are ended,” Y72:20, and yet Y86, 101, 103, 108-110, 122, 124, 131, 133, 138-145. Also see Y90:0. Do you think Moses wrote Deut. 34:1-12? Do you think Moses wrote Deut. 34:1-12? Old Testament

13 The Copying & Content of the Canon Old Testament Amos 8:11-12 Zech. 1:5,6 Traditional Jewish Thought Moses: circa 1400 BC Malachi: circa 450BC Closing the PropheticVoice

14 The Copying & Content of the Canon Old Testament Why Did the Prophetic Voice Close? Every Answer is only Speculation Sin: Malachi refers to the “blind and lame” sacrifices of those who returned. Many Jewish men intermarried upon returning to the land. Sin: Malachi refers to the “blind and lame” sacrifices of those who returned. Many Jewish men intermarried upon returning to the land. Failure to Return: A large number of the Jews chose to stay in Babylon/Persia. Failure to Return: A large number of the Jews chose to stay in Babylon/Persia. Messianic Expectation: A lack of prophecy leaves a “God is not here” feeling in the community. Messianic Expectation: A lack of prophecy leaves a “God is not here” feeling in the community.

15 The Copying & Content of the Canon New Testament Evidence for the Old: The Tanakh ( Knt) is referred to in Luke 24:44 by Jesus The Tanakh ( Knt) is referred to in Luke 24:44 by Jesus Jesus makes reference to “the blood of Abel to Zechariah,” Luke 11:51. Genesis 3 – 2 Chronicles 24:20-22. Jesus makes reference to “the blood of Abel to Zechariah,” Luke 11:51. Genesis 3 – 2 Chronicles 24:20-22. The numerous references throughout the gospels to the text as God’s word: “it is written,” Matt. 4; “God commanded,” Matt. 15:3; Jesus calls God’s word “truth,” John 17:17. The numerous references throughout the gospels to the text as God’s word: “it is written,” Matt. 4; “God commanded,” Matt. 15:3; Jesus calls God’s word “truth,” John 17:17. Old Testament

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