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WH- QUESTIONS ANDRESSA RIBEIRO DO AMARAL. WH - QUESTIONS WH- QUESTIONS são perguntas iniciadas por wh: WHAT (O que): What are they doing? Why (Por que):

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2 WH - QUESTIONS WH- QUESTIONS são perguntas iniciadas por wh: WHAT (O que): What are they doing? Why (Por que): Why are you leaving so soon? When (Quando): When does she arrive? Who (Quem): Who were you talking to? Which (Qual): Which languages do you speak? Where (Onde): Where did you last meet? Whose (De quem): Whose wallet is this?

3 WH- QUESTIONS Essas perguntas tem uma estrutura fixa, que é: Question word + auxiliary verb + subject + main verb + complement When did you see him? What are you talking about? Whose*: O whose é a única exceção a esta estrutura, pois o subject pode vir antes do auxiliary verb: Whose car have you been driving?

4 SUBJECT QUESTIONS As subject questions se referem à identidade do sujeito na oração. Neste caso, os verbos auxiliares não são usados: “Who told you that story?” “John.” “Who was talking to you?” “A colleague from school.” “Who came here this afternoon?” “Nobody.”

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