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Klimacheva Ellya, 5 th form Kluchanskaya secondary school Kluch, Ryazan region Teacher: Simkina Natalia Victorovna.

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Presentation on theme: "Klimacheva Ellya, 5 th form Kluchanskaya secondary school Kluch, Ryazan region Teacher: Simkina Natalia Victorovna."— Presentation transcript:

1 Klimacheva Ellya, 5 th form Kluchanskaya secondary school Kluch, Ryazan region Teacher: Simkina Natalia Victorovna

2 Aim and motivation The aim of my presentation is to tell curious children the answers to the most popular children’s questions about Christmas from around the world. I wanted to know it and I hope you will find the answers to your questions in my presentation. For more questions write to me.

3 Santa Claus has a lot of different names in different languages, but they all refer (относятся) to the person of St. Nicholas who was born in the 4th century (born 245 AD, died 350 AD).

4 St. Nicholas performed miracles (чудо), giving gifts. His feast day was December 6.

5 There are many legends of St. Nicholas, but this is the most famous legend : A man had three daughters. But they had no chance of marriage because their father had little money. One night, St. Nicholas threw a sack of gold through a window, which was enough for one daughter's marriage. The next night, he threw another sack of gold through the window for the second daughter.

6 But on the third night, the window was closed. So, St. Nicholas climbed onto the roof and dropped the sack down the chimney.

7 The next morning, the daughters found the gold in the stockings they had hung to dry by the fireplace.

8 Weihnachtsmann in Germany for "Christmas man" Pere Noel in France Papa Noel in many Spanish speaking countries Sinter Claus (or Sinterklaas, Sinte Klaas) in the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam (now New York City) The Italian Befana. Denmark he's called "Julemanden" ("Christmas Man") Joulupukki ("Yule Buck") in Finland.

9 Santa stopped counting at 550 and leave it at that!

10 Mrs. Claus' full name is Jessica Mary Claus. Her mother picked her middle name after the mother of Jesus.

11 Thomas Nast (1840-1902) was the first artist to draw Santa Claus as a fat, jolly, white- whiskered old man. He was a political cartoonist who created one of the most popular images of Santa Claus.

12 December 6th - in memory of St. Nicholas December 24th - Christmas Eve December 25th - Christmas day, the birth of Jesus January 1st - New Year's Day January 6th - Christmas day for some churches

13 John Callcott Horsley designed the first card for his friend Sir Henry Cole in 1843. It shows a family party and with the legend "A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to You."

14 Santa likes to keep a few things secret so he can always surprise the kids he is visiting – all he will say to this question is that he uses a little magic but he *always* finds a way!

15 A long time ago Santa and his helpers discovered magical oats and corn – when the reindeer eat the oats and corn they can fly and leap high into the air.

16 Lots of practice and hard work, proper use of time zones, and a little magic, Santa and the reindeer always make it in time.

17 Santa has a naughty and nice list with the help of all the elves who keep track of each person. You probably don’t even now they are around you, but elves have a special way of keeping an eye on you.

18 First, we (Santa and the Reindeer) come on Christmas eve to celebrate Christmas -- the birthday of Jesus. Second, it takes a whole year to get everything ready for one very special night for all the good children around the world. Third, only having Christmas once each year makes it very special.


20 Sources Christmas/Backgrounds-Santa-Claus/wallpaper-toys-santa.htm happy-new-year-cardsпарад-новогодних-героев-санта- клаус/ Текст - Фон презентации -

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