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FORZA 2-CAPITOLO 5. Pronomi Diretti  A direct object receives the action of a verb directly and answers the question what? or whom?  Direct objects.

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Presentation on theme: "FORZA 2-CAPITOLO 5. Pronomi Diretti  A direct object receives the action of a verb directly and answers the question what? or whom?  Direct objects."— Presentation transcript:


2 Pronomi Diretti  A direct object receives the action of a verb directly and answers the question what? or whom?  Direct objects generally follow the verb. SUBJECT VERB DIRECT OBJECT Gli studentihanno mangiato una pizza The students ate a pizza

3 Pnonomi diretti  DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUN REPLACE DIRECT ABJECT NOUNS.  DIRECT OBJECT NOUN  DIRECT OBJECT NOUNS 1) Compri le pere?  Le compri? Are you buying the pears? Are you buying them? 2) Conosciamo il professore.Lo conosciamo. We know the teacher. We know him.

4 Le forme dei pronomi diretti singularplural  mi  me  ti  you  La  you (formal) m/f  lo  him / it  la  her / it  Ci  us  Vi  you  li  them (m.)  le  them (f.)

5 Posizione dei pronomi diretti  Place the direct object pronoun immediately before a conjugated verb.  Esempio:  Non ti vedo mai al mercato. I never see you at the market.  Arturo mi saluta sempre. Arturo always greets me. d

6 Two-verb construction  In two-verb- constructions with an infinitive, drop the final –e and attach the pronoun to the end of the infinitive.  Ecco le mele! Hai voglia di margiarle?  Il film? Non mi piace guardarlo!

7 In Two verb construction with DOVERE / POTERE / VOLERE  Place the pronoun before the conjugated verb or attach it to the infinitive.  Esempio:  Ho dimenticato di comprare le carote. Le devo comprare! or Devo comprarle! You have to buy them!

8 Completa con i pronomi diretti. 1. La scatola: Giorgio _________ apre. 2. I cioccolatini: Mia madre _______compra. 3. Il pompelm0: Io ___________mangio sempre. 4. Le rose: Tu __________compri sempre rosse.

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