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Joy T. DeSensi, David Cruise Malloy chapter 17 Ethical Challenges in Sport Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Joy T. DeSensi, David Cruise Malloy chapter 17 Ethical Challenges in Sport Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joy T. DeSensi, David Cruise Malloy chapter 17 Ethical Challenges in Sport Management

2 Introduction What is ethics? About how people ought to live, about preferred values and behavior Relative to sport managers –Have an understanding of personal and professional values, obligations, and rights –Know the difference between right and wrong (continued)

3 Introduction (continued) Being an ethical participant –As athlete –As coach –As manager –As administrator –As spectator We must know what we value about sport We must know why we hold those values

4 Values Defined Primary categories Hierarchy of values Values and commitment

5 Primary Categories Moral values Values that are founded on belief in a higher power or codes of moral standards of a society Social values Values that are based on the cultural context (continued)

6 Primary Categories (continued) Nonmoral values Values that are defined as things, events, and places that are regarded as central to one’s life Core values Values that are acted upon, no matter the circumstances

7 Hierarchy of Values Immediate values Values that directly cause pleasure or satisfaction Instrumental values Values that are a means to something intrinsically good Intrinsic values Values that are worthwhile on their own, not merely a means to something (continued)

8 Hierarchy of Values (continued) Baier’s criteria –Surveying the facts –Weighing the reasons; intrinsic value, satisfaction, and coherence Hodgkinson’s value paradigm –Preference –Consensus –Consequences –Principles

9 Values and Commitment Consciously developing a moral sensitivity to issues in sport Dependent on a thorough examination of values Commitment to upholding held values that lead to good actions

10 Existential Leadership in Sport Organizations Inauthenticity –We can and do waste time on inauthentic activities –Example: average day of a typical sport manager (continued)

11 Existential Leadership in Sport Organizations (continued) Existential thinking –Freedom –Responsibility –Dread –Authenticity

12 Freedom The view that humans have free will Any attempt to praise or blame behavior on nature or nurture are indications of a failure to take responsibility for action

13 Dread Results –Paralysis for fear of responsibility –Heightened awareness and commitment to making best efforts to choose wisely Coming to terms with the idea that existence precedes essence Realizing that we are constantly in the state of becoming the person whom we choose to be

14 Authenticity Structure Degree to which we abide by organizational rules, policies, and principles Behavior Rewarded by security, approval, power, and so on (continued)

15 Authenticity (continued) Conformity –Results in efficient, effective, and productive societal and organizational behavior –Also leads to the loss of authentic, meaningful life Pressure to conform –Bad faith –Good faith

16 Existentialism and Work Applying existential ethics to sport management –The existentialist among you –The one who questions –The one who is committed –The one who implements and develops on good faith (continued)

17 Existentialism and Work (continued) Existentialism and leadership –Facilitate independence and personal growth –See the organization as medium through which to thrive –View job as means to an end, which is to flourish (continued)

18 Existentialism and Work (continued) Future implications and explorations –Being dissatisfied and unfulfilled –Existentialism encourages voicing our opinions –Existentialism encourages search for meaningfulness –Nietzsche (1886-1992)

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