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Maryam Ramezani fear dislike aversion abnormal dread of being in a high place : fear of heights  ac·ro·phobe \ ˈ a-krə- ˌ fōb\ noun  ac·ro·pho·bic.

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Presentation on theme: "Maryam Ramezani fear dislike aversion abnormal dread of being in a high place : fear of heights  ac·ro·phobe \ ˈ a-krə- ˌ fōb\ noun  ac·ro·pho·bic."— Presentation transcript:


2 Maryam Ramezani fear dislike aversion

3 abnormal dread of being in a high place : fear of heights  ac·ro·phobe \ ˈ a-krə- ˌ fōb\ noun  ac·ro·pho·bic \-bik\ adjective Acrophobia

4 Agoraphobia a fear of being in open or public places  ag·o·ra·phobe \ ˈ a-g(ə-)rə- ˌ fōb\ noun  ag·o·ra·pho·bic \- ˈ fō-bik\ adjective or noun

5 Anglophobe a person who dislikes England and English things  An·glo·pho·bia \ ˌ aŋ-glə- ˈ fō-bē-ə\ noun  An·glo·pho·bic \-bik\ adjective

6 Claustrophobia  a fear of being in closed or small spaces  an unhappy or uncomfortable feeling caused by being in a situation that limits or restricts you claus·tro·phobe \ ˈ klo ̇ s-trə- ˌ fōb\ noun

7 Germanophobia One who dislikes or fears Germany, its people, and its culture. Ger·man′o·phobe′ adj. Ger·man′o·pho′bi·a noun

8 Hydrophobia a morbid dread of water hy·dro·pho·bia \ ˌ hī-drə- ˈ fō-bē-ə\ noun

9 Monophobia a morbid dread of being alone mono·pho·bia \- ˈ fō-bē-ə\ noun

10 Photophobia  intolerance to light; especially : painful sensitiveness to strong light  an abnormal fear of light pho·to·pho·bia \ ˌ fōt-ə- ˈ fō-bē-ə\ noun

11 Xenophobia fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners  xe·no·pho·bia \ ˌ ze-nə- ˈ fō-bē-ə, ˌ zē noun

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