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Employee Appraisals. Performance Appraisals  The formal structured system for measuring, evaluating, & influencing an employee’s job related attributes,

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Presentation on theme: "Employee Appraisals. Performance Appraisals  The formal structured system for measuring, evaluating, & influencing an employee’s job related attributes,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Employee Appraisals

2 Performance Appraisals  The formal structured system for measuring, evaluating, & influencing an employee’s job related attributes, behaviors, and outcomes

3 Why do them?  To make management decisions –Training…developmental –Retaining…developmental –Promoting…administrative –Rewarding…administrative

4 What should be evaluated  Job specific competencies –Written & oral communication –Supervision & leadership –Management & administration  Avoid personality unless it impacts job performance

5 When should appraisals be conducted?  Anniversary dates  End of the calendar/fiscal year  1-2 x’s per year  Probationary employees –end of probation, midterm, annually

6 Appraisal Systems  3 basic needs 1) A description of relevant behaviors that everyone agrees is critical to job performance (core & job specific) 2) A method to collect & evaluate data on the behavior of the person being evaluated 3) The ability to have a constructive discussion

7 Appraisal Systems 1) A description of relevant behaviors that everyone agrees is critical to job performance Competencies with general definitionsCompetencies with general definitions Takes Initiative – Proactively initiates changes or takes action to improve efficiency, address existing and potential problems, and satisfy customers. Rating: ________ Exceeds expectations(3); meets expectations (2); below expectations (1) 1=Poor5=Excellent

8 Appraisal Systems Customer Service Activities designed to enhance the experience of visitors before, during and after purchase/interaction. Rating: ________ Effective written communication Written documents that are free of errors and express thoughts, purposes and ideas clearly. Rating: ________

9 Conflict Management 54321 Has adequate skill resolving differences & reaching agreement by maintaining a problem solving attitude Has high level of skill resolving differences & reaching agreement by maintaining a problem solving attitude Has little skill resolving differences & reaching agreement by maintaining a problem solving attitude Oral Communication Skills 54321 Asks & answers most questions clearly; displays adequate understanding of questions; demeanor is generally professional Always asks & answers questions clearly; displays good understanding of questions; demeanor is highly professional & friendly Questions & answers not clearly stated; often does not understand questions; demeanor is often unprofessional & unfriendly

10 CompetencyExcellent Above averaged Average Below average Extremely poor Ability to manage projects54321 Ability to manage contracts 54321 Ability to prepare specifications for bid documents 54321 Develop and administer a budget 54321 Financial management54321

11 Appraisal Systems 2) A method to collect & evaluate data on the behavior of the person being evaluated –Rating scales –Forced distribution –Critical incidents –MBO –360 degree evaluations

12 Rating Scales  Form with listed criteria 1.Submits reports promptly   Examples… ExcellentAbove averaged AverageBelow average Extremely poor 54321



15 Rating Scales  Results –Total score  Avoids showing stronger or weaker areas since there is 1 score –Score by section  Gives a score for each sub-section  More valuable to ee  See example…


17 Rating Scales  Problems with rating scales –Clarity of standards  What does satisfactory really mean  Can top be attained? –Insufficient evidence  Slanted toward managers view  Often no input from staff

18 Rating Scales  Problems with rating scales –Different perceptions  Impartiality is difficult –Excessive leniency or strictness

19 Rating Scales  Problems with rating scales –Halo effect  Carry over success in 1 area to all areas –Organizational skills are strong, assume leadership is strong –Influence of a person’s job  Assume the higher in the organization the better they perform

20 Forced Distribution  Rank order ee within a class  Used to distribute money  Like grading on a curve Grade%# based on %Actual no. A10%22 B20%55 C40%118 D20%55 F10%25

21 Forced Distribution  Weaknesses –Assumes not everyone can be top performers –May penalize workers meeting all expectations

22 Critical Incidents  Determine critical incidents for the job  Evaluate extent to which ee fulfills the critical incidents  Mgr keeps a record of how ee handles C.I.’s  Allows manager to use + & - egs.  Eg….


24 Critical Incidents  Weaknesses –Mgr too focused on recording people’s actions –Seen as keeping a file on the ee

25 MBO  Look at org & indiv g & o  Evaluate on mutually agreed upon objectives  Beneficial to both agency & ee  Individual has control over eval



28 MBO  Weaknesses –Time consuming –EE & mgr must agree on obj. –There are functions that are difficult to put into a measurable objective  Creativity, play well with others

29 MBO  Weaknesses –Have to be able to write quality, measurable objectives

30 360 Evaluation  Direct supervisor, peers & subordinates  Helps ee see themselves as others see them  Gives a better perspective of performance  Biggest issue: confidentiality  Example…

31 Appraisal Systems 3) The ability to have a constructive discussion Tips….Tips….

32 Appraisal Systems 3) Constructive discussion tips… Set a meeting in advance with the employeeSet a meeting in advance with the employee Do not put off the meeting Do not put off the meeting 30-60 minutes 30-60 minutes Have a written eval that is discussed orally Have a written eval that is discussed orally Self evaluations…. Self evaluations….

33 Note: Questions are poorly written!

34 Appraisal Systems 3) Constructive discussion tips… 30 minute prior screening period for the employee30 minute prior screening period for the employee Why?Why?

35 Appraisal Systems 3) Constructive discussion tips… Conduct the meeting systematicallyConduct the meeting systematically  Non-threatening, 2 way conversation  Explain your appraisal  Ask for comments, ?’s  Discuss plan for the future…career building –Focus is to max. performance in the future, not dwelling on the past

36 Appraisal Systems 3) Constructive discussion tips… End result – action plan for the next evaluation periodEnd result – action plan for the next evaluation period Have no surprisesHave no surprises Have ee sign the formHave ee sign the form Give time for written comments Give time for written comments Place the form in the ee filePlace the form in the ee file

37 Reduce the Dread of Evals  Give ee proper training & resources  Give proper feedback – no surprises  Set goals & objectives for each eval period  Provide rewards at different levels of achievement

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