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Understanding Patient’s Needs.  The study of behavior and the functions and processes of the mind, especially as related to the social and physical environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Patient’s Needs.  The study of behavior and the functions and processes of the mind, especially as related to the social and physical environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Patient’s Needs

2  The study of behavior and the functions and processes of the mind, especially as related to the social and physical environment.  What does this definition mean?  Psychological reactions: tense, apprehensive

3  Factors that can influence a dental visit.  Current life situations  Stresses (work or home)  Past dental visits  Attitudes and belief’s of the patient’s (about themselves & dentistry)

4  Interpersonal Communications  Sharing understanding from one person to another  Verbal Communication  Using words to convey intent  Non-verbal Communication  Use of body language ie: raised eyebrow, crossed arms

5  Subjective Fear  attitudes, concerns, feelings based on others experiences  Objective Fear  attitudes, concerns, feelings based on ones own actual experiences

6  Psychosis  Any major mental disorder interfering with insight  Inability to maintain adequate contact with reality

7  Antisocial behavior  Patterns of behavior-repeated-that lack moral and ethical standards  Compulsive – interferes w/daily work  Behavior based on feelings of insecurity, doubt, excessive caution  Passive-Aggressive  Aggressive behavior disguised as passive  Procrastination, intentional inefficiency

8  Mental disorder w/symptoms unusual to a persons normal personality for no physical reason  Anxiety  Anticipation of danger, uneasiness, apprehension – temporary response to stress

9  Hysteria  Emotional disorder in which extreme excitability and anxiety – caused by conflict – changed into physical symptoms, ex.- rise in body temp, paralysis resulting from psychological causes rather than from a physical injury

10  Phobia  Abnormal intense fear or dread of situations or objects  Public speaking  Public restrooms  Elevators  Heights

11  Patients who avoid Tx unless in extreme pain  3 basic techniques to help patients  Progressive Muscle Relaxation – slowly tensing and relaxing all major muscles  Guided Imagery – Imagining a happy place, distracted  Systemic Desensitization – gradually exposed to dental Tx – short visits, small amount of Tx

12  Repression  Unconscious forgetting, ignore and it will go away  Rationalization  Making excuses or reasons for missing appts. the “why I didn’t” syndrome  Procrastination  Avoiding, postponing, not facing problem – “put off until tomorrow whatever you can get out of doing today”

13  Deployment  Turning attention elsewhere - headphones, TV, Relaxing techniques  Affiliation  Find something in common w/patient to help them feel comfortable  Rehearsal  Mentally going through the procedure

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