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Funding for All and All for Funding. Funding for All Rhiannon Lane Noleen Skudder Nigel Turley + 25 Specialist Mentors.

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Presentation on theme: "Funding for All and All for Funding. Funding for All Rhiannon Lane Noleen Skudder Nigel Turley + 25 Specialist Mentors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Funding for All and All for Funding

2 Funding for All Rhiannon Lane Noleen Skudder Nigel Turley + 25 Specialist Mentors

3 What will “Funding for All” Offer Developing project proposals and budgets Evidencing need and identifying outcomes Identifying suitable funding sources Developing funding applications Fundraising through events and activities Philanthropic giving and sponsorship Legacies Achieving operational/project cost savings Tenders/commissions Developing funding strategies Developing business plans

4 Plus The Kent and Medway Funding Fair Longfield Academy 20 th. February 2013 Booking will open in December

5 Why does the Sector need Funding for All A Specialist Organisation giving specialist advice in a specialist area. Same team achieved an 82% success rate with bids in their previous incarnation


7 But what is more important It has left these Groups with the knowledge, skills and confidence to be successful with grant applications, contracts, fund-raising events, working with businesses and philanthropists in the future. It really does work


9 How does Funding for All meet the 3 elements of any Grant Application Evidence of Need Outputs Outcomes

10 Evidence of Need 4540 Charities in Kent ( over 50% have turnover under £10,000, 32% under £100,000 ) Over 5000 unincorporated Community Groups 78 % in 2 recent surveys stated that funding advice was their main priority Previous Project exceeded numbers target by 42%


12 Comments from Groups supported “I know that bids filled me with dread-and I never knew where to begin. There were times that I gave up or never completed a bid as I lost heart. Having Helen-my funding buddy there alongside me and then knowing she was at the end of the phone whenever I got stuck/panicked made it possible” “Help/ideas received from the Funding Buddies was excellent. I don't know where else we could get such expertise. We would recommend anyone having difficulty with funding to ask your help. “ “Funding Buddies has been a real Godsend to us and it would be a tragedy for it not to be available. The Funding fairs you have run have been the most helpful of all I have ever attended and we have been able to establish two significant grants directly due to the contacts made there and to the help we have received from Karin Moncrieff” “Your group provide a vital service which helps worthwhile causes to achieve their funding and become more businesslike and sustainable in the process. I just can’t imagine how the local third sector can manage without the services you offer and this will have a knock-on effect for the community they are wanting to serve”

13 Outputs With 25 Specialist Mentors, every type of project should be able to have an expert Social Health – Arts – Sport - Heritage – Buildings – Environment – Young people – Older People – IT and Technology

14 Outcomes Although short term success is very satisfying, the whole point of what we do is to cascade the skills required to ensure that Charities and Community Groups remain viable and sustainable in the long term ensuring that they can continue to provide their service/asset to the Community


16 What we don’t do Training – if we have funding for training courses, we sub-contract VAM who have the specialist skills and experience in delivering this support Set-up support – if a group needs advice on constitutions, bank accounts, trustees, becoming a charity or company limited by guarantee then we would signpost them to VAM who have this knowledge


18 LAST SLIDE Question – How do we contact you? We are currently in the process of setting ourselves up and having everything in place – Charity registration – Payroll – Insurance – Website – etc As soon as we are ready to offer Groups the “Free Mentoring Support” VAM will be the first to know

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