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Бабій І. В. вчитель іноземної мови Вихрівської зош І - ІІ ступенів.

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Presentation on theme: "Бабій І. В. вчитель іноземної мови Вихрівської зош І - ІІ ступенів."— Presentation transcript:

1 Бабій І. В. вчитель іноземної мови Вихрівської зош І - ІІ ступенів

2 ЗАВДАННЯ УРОКУ  Ввести і відпрацювати слова по темі « Британські свята »  Вдосконалювати навички аудіювання і усної мови  Розвивати мовну культуру учнів, культуру спілкування  Розширити за допомогою англійської мови уявлення учнів про навколишній світ  Навчати пізнавальної діяльності з використанням мови  Виховувати почуття пізнавальної діяльності з використанням іноземної мови

3 NEW WORDS: Decorate – прикрашати Christmas Eve – напередодні Різдва Custom – звичай Candles – свічки Stocking – панчохи Celebrate – святкувати

4 CHRISTMAS The most important day of the holiday is 25 December, or Christmas Day. The word “Christmas” comes from the words “ Christ’s Mass”-the Celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.

5 People send X-mas cards to their friends and relatives. People decorate a Christmas tree with toys, coloured balls and lights On the eve of the Christmas children hang their stockings, so that Santa Claus could put presents into them: oranges, sweets, nuts and if the child didn’t behave properly Santa Clause can put there a piece of as punishment.

6 THE QUESTIONS: When do people celebrate Christmas Day? Where does the word “Christmas” come from? Why do British children put stockings at the foot of their beds?

7 NEW WORDS Auld Lang Syne – в пам’ять про минуле Special - спеціальний Boxing day – подарунковий день Coal – вугілля Coin – монета To bring present – приносити подарунки

8 NEW YEAR Santa Claus brings present on New Year Eve in Britain The traditional song on New Year Eve is Auld Lang Syne

9 “ First Footers “ go from house to house after midnight bringing a piece of coal, a piece of dread, a silver coin. New Years Eve all British celebrate on the 31 st of December. most people see with friends and relatives.

10 FILL IN THE GAPS … brings present on New Year Eve in Britain. a)Father Frost b)Santa Claus The Traditional song on New Year Eve is … a)Auld Lang Syne b)Happy New Year “First Footers” go from house to house after midnight bringing… a)a piece of coal, a piece of bread, a silver coin b)a piece of bread with butter, a piece of turkey.

11 NEW WORDS Easter – Пасха Easter cakes – пасхальні кекси Christ – Ісус Христос Church – Церква Songs - пісні Eggs - яйця

12 EASTER In April or at the end of March English people celebrate Easter Day. On Easter Sunday people in England go to church, give thanks to Christ, sing songs.

13 They say that at Easter the Easter bunny brings coloured aggs. Families sit for a big dinner.

14 QUESTIONS What day is Easter Sunday? Where do the British go on this day? Do the children wait for this holiday ? Do they have Easter eggs in England? Who brings Easter eggs to English kids?

15 HALLOWEEN The symbol of this holiday is “jack o’lantern”. People make it from a pumpkin

16 Children like Halloween parties, they put on witch’s and ghost’s dresses. They go “ trick or treat”

17 QUESTION When is Halloween? What do children usually do at this time? What became the symbol of this celebration ?

18 NEW WORDS Festival – фестиваль Flowers – квіти Symbols – символи Cupid – купідон To receive – отримувати To admirer -захоплюватися

19 ST. VALENTINE’S DAY St. Valentine’s Day is 14February This festival of love and fun is celebrated by a lot of people One of the earliest popular symbols of the day is Cupid People of all ages love to send and receive “ a valentine” on St. Valentine’s Day. You can sign St. Valentine card “ Your Secret Admirer”


21 TRUE OR F А LS St. Valentine’s Day is 14 February This is the festival of flowers and spring One of the earliest popular symbols of the day is Cupid People of all ages love to send and receive telegrammes on St. Valentine’s Day You can sign St. Valentine card “ Your Secret Admirer”

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