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Music and Slavery Jeff Cole Bishop Elementary. Day 1 Word Knowledge 1  Allowed  Forbidden  Freedom  Slavery (antonyms—name others like: difficult.

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Presentation on theme: "Music and Slavery Jeff Cole Bishop Elementary. Day 1 Word Knowledge 1  Allowed  Forbidden  Freedom  Slavery (antonyms—name others like: difficult."— Presentation transcript:

1 Music and Slavery Jeff Cole Bishop Elementary

2 Day 1 Word Knowledge 1  Allowed  Forbidden  Freedom  Slavery (antonyms—name others like: difficult easy, first last) Someone choose someone else to use a word in a sentence then extend it.

3 Day 1 Word Knowledge 2  Tribute  Music  Future  Continued Long u sound (pupil, funeral, universe) Someone choose someone else to use a word in a sentence then extend it.

4 Day 1 Word Knowledge 3  Singing  Swaying  Clapping  Stomping (Sometimes verb can be nouns, gerunds; name others) Reading, writing, listening Someone choose someone else to use a word in a sentence then extend it. Use a word as a noun, then choose someone else to use it as a verb.

5 Day 1 Word Knowledge 4  mo. month  wk. week  yr. year  hours (abbreviations and plurals)

6 Day 1 Word Knowledge Sentences 1& 2  Drums were forbidden on most plantations. ( forbidden used as an adjective but it also can be used as a verb. They had forbidden drums on most plantations. Forbidden must have a helping verb had.)  One way the slaves dealt with hardship was through music. Identify the present-tense form of the irregular past-tense verb dealt deal

7 Day 1 Word Knowledge Sentences 3& 4  Singing helped take their minds off the difficulties of their work. Difficulty changed using y to i and add –es Difficulties  There are twenty-four hours in a day. Is hours singular or plural? singular

8 Day 1 Background  What do we know about the history of slavery in the United States? (Where did slaves come from? What were the conditions like?)  Music has been a part of human life for thousands of years, it is used to express many things.

9 Day 1 Background  When slaves were taken to America, they came with little or no possessions. All they had with them was their memories and their traditions. Plantation

10  Slaves often sung about Bible stories. The Israelites, who were slaves in the Bible, were promised a homeland. Slaves who couldn’t own land or even leave the land without their masters permission, looked forward to the “Promised Land” mentioned in the Bible. There they could worship at camp meetings, or religious gatherings, whenever they wished.

11 Day 1 Background  School was not allowed, and most slaves never learned to read or write. This is why the language sometimes does not display correct English grammar. Also, songs often do not use correct grammar.  Song is a noun  Sing is a ______.  Sing (present tense), sang (past tense), would sing (future tense)

12 Day 1 Background  Clues, problems and wonderings  Clue- Rememberences-title  Problems- heritage  Wonderings-How can music help someone survive?

13 Day 1 Identify Main Idea and Details  Understand how hard life was for slaves  Understand that slaves used music to express themselves  Identify details that support a given main idea of a paragraph  pick, spin, express, hope, beat, run-down, survive, slave, master, cotton, cabin, freedom, struggle, escape

14 Day 1 Identify Main Idea and Details (406-407): pick, spin, express, hope, beat, run-down, survive, slave, master, cotton, cabin, freedom, struggle, escape  Who did the slaves have to work hard for?  The slaves had to work hard all day for their masters.  Where did the slaves have to live?  The slaves had to live in small run-down cabins.  Why did the slaves have to stay with their masters?  The slaves had to stay with their masters because they had no freedom.

15 Day 2 Identify Main Idea and Details ( 407 (last two paragraphs) to 408  Understand how slaves used music to help them survive  Identify details that support the main ideas of a passage  Plantation, forbidden, celebrate, express, hope, mind, spiritual, instrument, survive  Slaves used music to _______ their feelings and hopes.  (express)

16 Day 2: Plantation, forbidden, celebrate, express, hope, mind, spiritual, instrument, survive  Slaves used songs to take their ______ off the hard work they had to do.  (minds)  Slaves used spirituals to say what they think about the brutality of _______.  (slavery)

17 Day 3 Identify Main Idea and Details (409-411)  Understand what a “call and response” chant is  Use details to identify the main idea of a song  Vocabulary: peck, corn, celebrate, main idea, detail, auction back, lash, gone, chant, response  What part of the song means that the singer does not want to be sold as a slave?  “No more _____ for me.”  (auction back)

18 Day 3 Identify Main Idea and Details (409-411) Vocabulary: peck, corn, celebrate, main idea, detail, auction back, lash, gone, chant, response  What part of the song means that the singer does not want to be hit anymore?  “No more ______ for me.”  (hundred lash)  What is the main idea of this song?  The singer does not want to be a ______.  (slave)

19 Day 4 Identify Main Idea and Details (410-411) Understand what a spiritual is Use the question words, who, what, and where to analyze the main idea and details of a song  Vocabulary: weary, mourn, camp meeting, Promised Land, spiritual, hope, free  Who are the “children” in the song?  The children are the _______.  (slaves)  What should the children do so they will not get weary?  They should walk and _____ together.

20 Day 4 Identify Main Idea and Details (410-411)  Where are the children going?  They are going to the ______ Land.  Promised  What will the children do in the Promised Land?  They will go to a great _________.  Camp meeting

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