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Finger Rhyme 1 Autumn Term Module 1  Culturethèque-ifru2013 May not be copied for commercial purposes.

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2 Finger Rhyme 1 Autumn Term Module 1  Culturethèque-ifru2013 May not be copied for commercial purposes.

3 2 Finger Rhyme 1 Provide regular opportunities for children to learn and practise a finger rhyme You model each segment of language and its matching action You pause to invite the children to speak in chorus, echoing your words and copying your action Children gradually learn to perform it by heart

4 3 Click on the images to play Voici ma main Elle a cinq doigts En voici deux En voici trois hold hand up with closed fist hold hand up with open fingers hold hand up with closed fist hold hand up with open fingers hold up thumb and index finger, with back of hand towards children tuck index finger under thumb, turn hand round so that palm is facing children with 3rd, 4th and 5th fingers up

5 4 Click on the images to play This is my hand It has five fingers Here are two of them Here are three of them Voici ma main Elle a cinq doigts En voici deux En voici trois

6 5 Finger Rhyme 1 Voici ma main Elle a cinq doigts En voici deux En voici trois

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