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National 5 Word choice Tone Conclusions. Word choice questions can be answered once you understand connotation and denotation. Denotation : the actual.

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Presentation on theme: "National 5 Word choice Tone Conclusions. Word choice questions can be answered once you understand connotation and denotation. Denotation : the actual."— Presentation transcript:

1 National 5 Word choice Tone Conclusions

2 Word choice questions can be answered once you understand connotation and denotation. Denotation : the actual object being referred to. A pen, a PowerPoint, the sea, the stars. Connotation : the associations we have with the word. A home suggests warmth and safety. A serpent suggests sneakiness and danger.

3 When asked to comment on word choice, you are being asked to explore the connotations of the word(s). Answer in two parts: Explain the connotations (quote the words and explain) Link the explanation to the sentence I drifted away from my parents. Comment on the use of drifted in this sentence. Drifted suggests /has connotations of something that happens gradually, casually as if his parents became less relevant to him over time. My brother tackled the bullies like a dragon slayer. What impression of the brother is given in this sentence through word choice? The term dragon-slayer suggests/ has connotations of ancient knights bravely throwing themselves in to battle. His brother sounds very heroic as he takes on the bullies.

4 Your turn. Comment on the effect of the word choice in the following sentences. How does word choice in the sentence below, suggest the sadness of the writer? I mourn the end of summer and the arrival of autumn. How does the word choice in lines 1 to 5 below, reflect the mood of the tourists? The miserable town began to dampen his spirits – often quite literally! Not a day went by without at least a few hours of drizzle, the sort of rain that seeped into the bones, making it hard to even consider doing anything, leaving the holidaymakers huddled round fireplaces staring blankly at the board games they really didn’t want to play.

5 How does the writer’s word choice add to her argument about war in the 20 th century? The 20 th century won itself a ghastly reputation in many areas, from genocide to the creation of ever more horrific weaponry. How does the writer convey the negative aspects of ants through word choice in the paragraph below? As well as being resourceful, ants are also capable of being highly destructive. Most ants are carnivorous. Many prey upon termites, raiding the great mounds and doing battle with the soldiers. If they win, they devour the defenceless workers and larvae.

6 Tone questions

7 The tone created by a writer is conveyed by the words he/she uses. To create a happy tone, use cheerful words such as sunny, bright, delightful… To create a sad tone, use miserable words such as drizzle, dull, grey… Other popular tones in writing are worth learning: Angry Sarcastic(saying the opposite of what you mean to be hurtful. Great essay, Craig. Oh no, you didn’t hand one in!) Tongue-in-cheek ( not taking him/herself seriously) Ironic (saying the opposite of the truth but not to be unkind) Frustrated Amused Shocked

8 In the following examples comment on the tone used? Father: “We are going on a vacation.” Son: “That’s great!!!” the tone of son’s response is very cheerful. Father: “We can’t go on vacation this summer.” Son: “Ok. Great! That’s what I expected.” “You will get fabulous marks like in the prelims with all this work you’re not doing.” “Can some tell me what the hell is going on here?”

9 Conclusions

10 Questions on conclusions ask you to comment on how effective a conclusion is…

11 Remember that the job of a conclusion is to: Refer back to something that was said in the opening Sum up the key points of the passage Make a dramatic closing statement Your task in this question is to find one or all of these examples and refer to them. The writer refers again to the smokers outside hospitals, which is the point he made in the opening paragraph. The writer sums up the key points which were the dangers of smoking. The writer builds to a climax in the final sentence which makes a dramatic ending to the passage.

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