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1 Letters to Churches: messages from God Corinth – Source and Solution for Church Problems.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Letters to Churches: messages from God Corinth – Source and Solution for Church Problems."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Letters to Churches: messages from God Corinth – Source and Solution for Church Problems.

2 2 Problems of division & factions Sources of problem:  1:10-31  2:1-5  3:5-10, 18-23  4:1-7, 18 Suggested solutions  Revere revelation only  Men only messengers  No new information  Wary of the wise…

3 3 Problems with immorality Sources of problem:  5:1-2, 6 Suggested solutions:  Mourn over and separtate from sin.

4 4 Problems with idolatry Sources of problem:  8:1-3, 7-13 Suggested solutions:  Love edifies…  Edify your brother! Note: Paul’s boasting & humiliation. (9:15-23, 27)

5 5 Problems with temptation Sources of problem:  Still, the common problem: Idolatry  10:12-13  10:23-24, 29, 31-33 Suggested solutions:  No excuses for own failings … confess.  Be selfless – not self seeking.

6 6 Problems with the Lord’s supper Sources of problem:  11:18-19 - divisions  11:21-22 - haughty  11:28 – self-satisfied Suggested solutions:  Focus on the Lord  Care for each other

7 7 Problems with spiritual gifts/tongues Sources of problem:  12:15-37  13:1-3, 4-5  14:2, 20  14:30-35 Suggested solutions:  Understand membership.  Fulfill the Lord’s purpose.

8 8 Pride could contribute to other probs.:  Desecrating our bodies & suing bro. (ch.6)  Marriage question (ch.7)  Women’s role & covering (ch.11)  Questioning the resurrection (ch.15)  Hindrances to benevolence (ch.16)

9 9 2 Corinthians  Comfort & encourage church after its repentance and suffering in the gospel.  Collection for the needy saints in Judea  Paul must defend his apostleship because of persistent accusers and enemies.

10 10 The solution is found in:  Humility  In selfless service  With a spiritual focus  Commitment to revelation

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