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This presentation is licensed for use on a single computer and is non-transferable. This presentation works best with Microsoft PowerPoint 2003. The teaching.

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Presentation on theme: "This presentation is licensed for use on a single computer and is non-transferable. This presentation works best with Microsoft PowerPoint 2003. The teaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 This presentation is licensed for use on a single computer and is non-transferable. This presentation works best with Microsoft PowerPoint 2003. The teaching guide for this presentation is in a separate PDF file. ADULT SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON IN POWERPOINT PRESENTATION Teach With Power Ministry Email:

2 ADAPT it! Teaching Approach 1st Quarter 2011, The Bible and Human Emotions Adult Sabbath School Lesson PowerPoint Presentation January 1, 2011

3 Grief, sorrow and anguish will turn to joy. This is the core of Jesus’ promise.

4 Memory Verse HEBREWS 16:, 20, NIV “I tell you the truth, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy.”

5 SORROW TO JOY STEPS WE NEED TO TAKE Experience God’s love Believe and claim God’s promises


7 God’s love A. What is the most outstanding positive emotion according to Paul? Col. 3:12-14 Though love is more than emotion, it is still the supreme emotion. God is love, and it is His plan for His children to experience love for others. He wants us to know what it means to love God and to be loved by Him.

8 God’s love B. How should the fruit of the Spirit make a difference in the way, people experience life? Galatians 5:22 The promotion of a positive outlook can promote health and longevity. The more positive your outlook and emotions, the better the overall health you can enjoy.


10 Promises of God “compassion” was the motivator that led Jesus to devise a plan for feeding the multitude. Jesus observed that some had traveled far; thus, He knew that they could collapse if sent home without anything to eat. A. What motivates Jesus to help those who are needy? Mark 8:1-3

11 Promises of God The passage offers great hope to anyone going through physical or psychological pain. Here are a few things that can be learned from this text. B. Read John 16:20–24. What is Jesus’ promise in regard to pain and grief?

12 Promises of God The passage offers great hope to anyone going through physical and physiological pain. While many committed to God are in pain. Jesus said that this will not go on forever. Grief, sorrow and anguish will turn to joy. This is the core of Jesus’ promise. C. How can the message of this text bring us closer bond with Jesus especially in times of suffering? Heb. 4:15

13 SUMMARY OUR SORROWS CAN BE TURNED TO JOY BY Experiencing God’s love Believing and claiming God’s promises

14 Grief, sorrow and anguish will turn to joy. This is the core of Jesus’ promise.

15 APPLY How can this lesson about about turning sorrow into joy affect my life today? Do I have the desire to experience God’s love? Do I have the desire to believe and claim God’s promises? Q

16 PLAN How can I use this lesson about turning sorrow into joy this coming week? What are some practical ways I can do to develop my faith in God’s promises?? Q

17 TRANSFER TRUTH What changes do I need in my life? What biblical principle from the lesson can we use today? Q

18 TRANSFER TRUTH What changes do I need in my life? I need to develop my faith in God’s promises Most of the time I am busy with my work 1. By studying the Bible regularly 2. By claiming God’s promises in my prayer This coming week I will regularly spend time in praying and meditating upon the promises of the Bible PRINCIPLEAPPLICATIONPROBLEMDECISION Let’s make the decision! Q

19 ASSOCIATE truth – Why should I study this lesson? DISCOVER truth – What does the Bible say about this truth? APPLY truth – How can this truth affect my life today ? PLAN using the truth – How can I use this truth today? TRANSFER truth to life – What changes do I need in my life? ADAPT it! Teaching Approach Teach With Power Ministry Effective for SMALL GROUPS

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