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God’s Plan of Salvation True Repentance. Repentance A subject often misunderstood or underemphasized Many start right but fall away or become unfruitful.

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Presentation on theme: "God’s Plan of Salvation True Repentance. Repentance A subject often misunderstood or underemphasized Many start right but fall away or become unfruitful."— Presentation transcript:

1 God’s Plan of Salvation True Repentance

2 Repentance A subject often misunderstood or underemphasized Many start right but fall away or become unfruitful Often this is a result of not understanding true repentance

3 What is Repentance μετανοέω, metanoeo “to change one’s way of life as a result of a complete change of thought and attitude with regard to sin and righteousness” (Louw-Nida, 41.52)

4 What is Repentance μετανοέω, metanoeo “1. to change one’s mind. 2. To feel remorse, be converted.” (BDAG)

5 What is Repentance μετανοέω, metanoeo “to perceive afterwards.” (Vine’s Expository Dictionary)

6 Repentance in NOT… Being convicted of sin – Felix – Acts 24:25 Remorse – Judas – Matt. 27:3-5

7 Repentance in NOT… Saying, “I’m sorry” Do you mean it? King Saul – 1 Sam. 15:24 Confessing your sins – 1 John 1:9, Jas. 5:16 Today many brag about their sinful conduct

8 Repentance in NOT… Conditional confession - “I’m sorry I did that, BUT…” King Saul & David – 1 Sam. 15:24 vs. 2 Sam. 12:13 Sorrow – being sorry can be for many reasons.

9 Repentance in NOT… Godly sorrow – Psalm 51:4 2 Corinthians 7:10 Godly sorrow produces repentance

10 Repentance in NOT… Ceasing sinful conduct – what is the motive? Cf. Gal. 2:11-13 All these things are not repentance, but they are related to TRUE repentance

11 TRUE repentance Is a mindset! It is obeying God out of love and respect, (not just out of fear)

12 The need for repentance We live in a society filled with addictions, lack of self-control, selfishness, etc. Integrity is lacking. TRUE repentance will change these qualities in someone. But it will not happen until you MAKE UP YOUR MIND!

13 Who needs repentance? Luke 13:3, “Unless you repent…” Mark 2:17, why Jesus came 2 Peter 3:9, God commands all men to repent Hebrews 6:1, the foundation of repentance

14 Who needs repentance? Those who have never obeyed the gospel Acts 2:38 Acts 3:19 Acts 17:30-31

15 Who needs repentance? Christians when they sin Acts 8:22 Matthew 28:20 Hebrews 6:6

16 Who needs repentance? Churches Rev. 2:5 – Ephesus – left first love Rev. 2:16 – Pergamos – tolerating error Rev. 2:22 – Thyatira - teaching error Rev. 3:3 – Sardis – dead Rev. 3:19 – Laodicea – compromise Corinth!

17 Repentance demonstrated Luke 15:11-32, The prodigal son ( 15:17 – he came to himself) Psalm 51:1-4, David

18 Repentance demonstrated 2 Corinthians 7:11, What diligence – great effort What clearing of yourselves – doing all to make it right What indignation – despising sin and its damage What fear – facing God

19 Repentance demonstrated 2 Corinthians 7:11, What vehement desire – craving to be right What zeal – intense effort What vindication – proving you are changed

20 Repentance demonstrated 2 Corinthians 7:11, “In all things you proved yourselves to be clear in this matter”

21 Do you need to repent?

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