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When The Newness Wore Off. Examples in Scripture –A New Tabernacle Ex. 35:20-29; 36:2-7 What happened in time, when the newness wore off? It is left out.

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Presentation on theme: "When The Newness Wore Off. Examples in Scripture –A New Tabernacle Ex. 35:20-29; 36:2-7 What happened in time, when the newness wore off? It is left out."— Presentation transcript:

1 When The Newness Wore Off

2 Examples in Scripture –A New Tabernacle Ex. 35:20-29; 36:2-7 What happened in time, when the newness wore off? It is left out of the holy city and forgotten –A New Land Josh. 24:13-24 What happened in time, when the newness wore off? Give us a king! No longer content with God’s way

3 When The Newness Wore Off Examples in Scripture –A New Temple 1 Kg. 8 What happened in time, when the newness wore off? Disobedience; even from the very king that prayed so reverently! –God’s Law 2 Kg. 22 – A lost book was found. What happened in time, when the newness wore off? Disobedience; and led to captivity. But they return…Neh. 8:1-3 But when the newness wore off, Mal. 1:12-13

4 When The Newness Wore Off What About Us? –2002 – A new Preacher –2003 – A new projector and new children –2004 – New powerful lights outside, and new children classes –2005 – new songbooks, new adult class –2006 – New carpet, new song leaders –And new members every year –This newness brings excitement and zeal –But what happens when the newness wears off?

5 When The Newness Wore Off What are some signs? –Zeal in singing fades –Our giving slides –Our attention span shortens –Our concentration in prayers and the Lord’s supper is easily broken –Don’t work as hard at spreading the gospel –Don’t work as hard at encouraging others –Worship is a chore –Excuses build –It effects our entire religion!

6 When The Newness Wore Off How is dedication measured? –When it is not dependent upon new things for new zeal! –Growth and zeal cannot be dependent upon things! –Our growth and dedication must be based upon our love and devotion to God and God alone! –Titus 2:14-15; 1 Cor. 15:58

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