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The Delaware, Ottawa, Shawnee, and Miami Chapter 1, Section 5.

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1 The Delaware, Ottawa, Shawnee, and Miami Chapter 1, Section 5

2 Algonquian Culture Algonquian Tribes  Delaware, Ottawa, Shawnee, and Miami These tribes were driven from their lands by the Iroquois and European settlers – Lived along rivers and fished Hunted deer, bears, birds, rabbits, squirrels, Grew corn, squash, and beans Traded with other tribes Shared similar ways of life, but each tribe developed their own culture

3 The Delaware Late 1600s, traveled from the Delaware River in New Jersey and settled in eastern Ohio Some lived along the Muskingum River Others in the northwest along the Auglaize River Lived in wigwams  tent-like houses Frames = wooden poles; cover = skins and furs

4 The Delaware Oldest woman led the household Oldest woman in the village held the power to choose the village chief

5 The Delaware Decorated their clothing with feathers, copper shells, and porcupine quills Wore deer-skin moccasins Algonquian people wore similar clothing – Most men wore leggings made from animal skins – Women wore blankets of their shoulders or long skirts – By mid-1700s, used European cloth or wool instead

6 The Ottawa 1700s  moved to northern Ohio from Canada to hunt animals for fur Settled in villages along the Cuyahoga, Maumee, and Sandusky Rivers – Many settled near Toledo Trading with Europeans = important! – Traveled to Wisconsin and Quebec to trade

7 The Ottawa Work in their villages was divided – Women raised and harvested crops – Men hunted and fished – Often went on hunting trips in the winter

8 The Shawnee Lived in Ohio in 1700 along the Ohio River – Driven off their lands by the Iroquois for hunting purposes 1740s  Iroquois lost some of their control over Ohio lands and the Shawnee returned home

9 The Shawnee Oldest male led the household Men hunted and were warriors – Most skillful warriors became war chiefs Women planted and cared for crops, and raised children

10 The Shawnee Held ceremonies Sometimes these were festivals filled with dancing and music – Green Corn Dance – Fall Bread Dance

11 The Miami 1700  settled in the Maumee Valley Over time, became one of the most powerful tribes in Ohio Lived in longhouses – Roofs = cattail mats Enjoyed having fun – Told stories, played music, danced – Their toys – balls, blocks, and tops – are similar to toys today

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