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Vocabulary Words Houghton Mifflin Reading Theme 2 - Journeys

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1 Vocabulary Words Houghton Mifflin Reading Theme 2 - Journeys
Boss of the Plains Vocabulary Words Houghton Mifflin Reading Theme 2 - Journeys Created by Mike Brewer  2008

2 See if you can correctly identify the following vocabulary words.

3 If necessary, use the context clues from the sample sentences to help you.

4 settlers

5 The early settlers to our state came from all over.
Sample Sentence: The early settlers to our state came from all over.

6 n. People who travel to a little known area and make a home.
settlers Definition: n. People who travel to a little known area and make a home.

7 derbies

8 The cowboys wore hats called derbies.
Sample Sentence: The cowboys wore hats called derbies.

9 n. stiff felt hats with rounded tops and narrow brims .
derbies Definition: n. stiff felt hats with rounded tops and narrow brims .

10 sombreros

11 The children wore different colored sombreros to help stay cool.
Sample Sentence: The children wore different colored sombreros to help stay cool.

12 n. Large straw hats with tall tops and broad rims.
sombreros Definition: n. Large straw hats with tall tops and broad rims.

13 homburgs

14 The cowboy either wore a sombrero or a homburg.
homburgs Sample Sentence: The cowboy either wore a sombrero or a homburg.

15 n. soft felt hats with dented tops and rolled brims.
homburgs Definition: n. soft felt hats with dented tops and rolled brims.

16 drenching

17 The drenching rains left the baseball field looking more like a lake.
Sample Sentence: The drenching rains left the baseball field looking more like a lake.

18 n. to soak something or someone
drenching Definition: n. to soak something or someone

19 suited

20 suited Sample Sentence:
Even though a burrow was slow and stubborn it was well suited to the miner.

21 suited Definition: verb. to fit the needs of

22 frontier

23 The frontier proved to be a challenging place to start a new life.
Sample Sentence: The frontier proved to be a challenging place to start a new life.

24 frontier Definition: n. an unexplored land

25 territory

26 The eastern territory was a more challenging area to get through.
Sample Sentence: The eastern territory was a more challenging area to get through.

27 n. A region or area of land
territory Definition: n. A region or area of land

28 pioneers

29 Pioneers came from all over the country looking for a new home.
Sample Sentence: Pioneers came from all over the country looking for a new home.

30 n. people who are the first to settle in a region
pioneers Definition: n. people who are the first to settle in a region

31 form

32 form Sample Sentence: Before they poured the cement they used a form to form a perfect circle.

33 n. As a noun, a mold used to give shape to something
form Definition: n. As a noun, a mold used to give shape to something

34 tanned

35 The skins will shrink up and get hard unless they are properly tanned.
Sample Sentence: The skins will shrink up and get hard unless they are properly tanned.

36 verb. Change animal hide to leather by soaking it in chemicals
tanned Definition: verb. Change animal hide to leather by soaking it in chemicals

37 scoffed

38 scoffed Sample Sentence:
The children scoffed at the man when he told them he had been to the moon.

39 scoffed Definition: n. made fun of

40 matted

41 The fishing line became matted after it came off the fishing reel.
Sample Sentence: The fishing line became matted after it came off the fishing reel.

42 verb. as a verb, to become tangled or twisted
matted Definition: verb. as a verb, to become tangled or twisted

43 swig

44 The little boy took a swig of water after working in the yard.
Sample Sentence: The little boy took a swig of water after working in the yard.

45 n. to drink something in large gulps
swig Definition: n. to drink something in large gulps

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