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Aztec By Abbie And Milly. introduction The Aztecs lived in Mexico (1325-1525),At the same time the Tudors were living in England. The Aztecs were a powerful.

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Presentation on theme: "Aztec By Abbie And Milly. introduction The Aztecs lived in Mexico (1325-1525),At the same time the Tudors were living in England. The Aztecs were a powerful."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aztec By Abbie And Milly

2 introduction The Aztecs lived in Mexico (1325-1525),At the same time the Tudors were living in England. The Aztecs were a powerful and warlike group of people. They spoke Nuhuatl language and believed in many Gods. Read on to explore many awesome facts about the Aztecs. contents clothes and jewellery page 2 Warriors at war Warriors at war page 1 Eagle warriors Eagle warriors page 3 Life as an Aztec childLife as an Aztec child page 4 Did you remember page 5

3 Warriors at war There are two types of warriors the Jaguar warrior and eagle warrior. Aztec warriors wore fancy headdresses decorated with feathers because they wanted to scare their enemies. They had to capture three prisoners to become a jaguar warrior. However if they captured four or more they would become a nobleman. Back to contentsto

4 Clothes and jewellery Important clothes Colour feathered clothes were worn by important officials,warriors and priests during ceremony's. Sandals where made from the skin of a jaguar. A warrior commander would wear his cloak below his knee and wear a feathered headdress. Men jewellery Rulers and nobles wore head bands, arm bands, nose lip or ear plugs. Brooches and necklace's were made of turquoise pearls. Woman's clothes Women usually wore tunics. The women were expert weavers. Many of the clothes that were made had pictures of birds, fish and flowers. Back to contents

5 Eagle warriors Eagle warriors are top rank. Eagle warriors weapons: shield, a sword and a dagger. Eagle warriors dressed like eagles with beaked helmets and feathers. They looked terrifying and made loud frightening noises when attacking. Back to contentscontents

6 Life as an Aztec child School punishments. Unfoutuintly,if you fail a test the common punishment was having your hair shaved off, or being held over burning chillies. When the children got home they didn't have to tell their parents that they had failed a test, their parents guessed because they were bald or crying.. Back to contentscontents Boys and Girls Clever boys and girls went to school. They both learned to dance very well. However younger boys and girls were taught by their parents at home. Girls life's Beautiful girls learnt how to spin and weave cactus fibres. They also got married at the age of 15 years old and looked after their homes. Extremely naughty girls had to do extra housework.

7 DID YOU REMEMBER ???? What language did Aztec speak ? What did boys and girls do at school ? What happened when boys and girls do if they failed a test? Back to contents contents What warrior is top rank ?

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