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Chapter 1.  A. Most of the earliest people united in clans.  groups of related famalies brought together for a common purpose.  1. Members of a clan.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1.  A. Most of the earliest people united in clans.  groups of related famalies brought together for a common purpose.  1. Members of a clan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1

2  A. Most of the earliest people united in clans.  groups of related famalies brought together for a common purpose.  1. Members of a clan cooperated to meet their basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter.  2. Experience taught them which plants and animals could be eaten without unwanted consequences – an effect.

3  4. Clans had no permanent year round settlements  set up seasonal camps in caves or rock shelters  set up where animals could be hunted  3. Clans hunted large animals for:  a. food  b. bones for tools  c. hides for clothing and shelter

4  5. Because of their migration - movement from one place to the next clans found enough to eat

5  A. As clans grew in numbers they had to roam farther to find food.  B. This migration helped clans to locate throughout the world

6  C. 25,000 years ago early humans reached Siberia.  1. During the Ice Age – a long cold winter period when huge ice sheets covered 1/3 of the Earths surface

7 2. These ice sheets wore down the land into huge areas of tundra. – large treeless plains in the Artic region. 3. There were few caves and rock shelters in the Tundra.  A. huts were made of layers of soil with grass growing on it.

8 A. Culture – is a unique way of life that sets a group apart from others. B. Artifacts – clothing, shelter and objects early people made. 1. art, beliefs, customs, and language C. Society – is an organized group of people living and working under an established set of rules and traditions.

9 D. As clans grew in size their society changed. 1. in larger clans 50-100 members of a division of labor began. – different members did different tasks based on their abilities and the clans needs. 2. Each person took on a role – a part he or she played to help their society

10  A. People learned to domesticate – control nature for peoples uses. Both plant and animals.  1. The dog was probably the first domesticated animal. B. People also began to grow more crops which meant they began to stay in one place.

11  C. Early farming societies built year round shelters.  1.these societies economy – the way people use resources to meet their needs became based on their crops.  2. people became more dependant on raising livestock such as: cattle, sheep and pigs.

12  3. many people with livestock were nomads – moved from place to place for their livestock to find food and water.

13  A. Agriculture – the raising of domesticated plants and animals.  1. agriculture provided a reliable food source  2. made food more available  3. there were deaths due to wars  A. people fought to protect their farms.

14  4. ways in which farmers practiced agriculture had consequences for the environment – their surroundings  a. they cleared the land by  Cutting down trees  Burning wild plants  This was know as “Slash and Burn”

15  5. plants that were later domesticated included: squash, gourds, guavas, and maize – corn  6. agriculture provided another way for people to subsist – survive.

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