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“Towards a Sustainable Future” Environmental Improvements in Glass Batch Production “Towards a SustainableFuture” PRILOX ®

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Presentation on theme: "“Towards a Sustainable Future” Environmental Improvements in Glass Batch Production “Towards a SustainableFuture” PRILOX ®"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Towards a Sustainable Future” Environmental Improvements in Glass Batch Production “Towards a SustainableFuture” PRILOX ®

2 “Towards a Sustainable Future” Overview Introduction What is Prilox Why Prilox Project Aims Proposed Concept Practical Experience Benefits Conclusion and Summary

3 “Towards a Sustainable Future” Health, Safety and Environmental pressures continue to play an important role in the decision making process within our industry. New European Legislation currently being considered will reduce the existing suspension level for lead in blood to possibly 40 microgram/decilitre. To continually meet the proposals, and satisfy presumed future reductions, glass manufacturers have to consider the best solutions for manufacturing glass, both through the “ batch house” and the delivery of that formulae to the melting phase Why Prilox? Introduction

4 “Towards a Sustainable Future” Chemson has a history in Lead chemicals of circa. 150 years, with the past 50 years supplying masterbatch ‘one-packs’ to the Plastics Industry. The synergy between the two industries is remarkable, and transferring some of the techniques and protocols developed over the past decade it making the plastics industry a highly advanced and automated industry, competing on a global stage, were used to develop this project Prilox is a masterbatch of ingredients delivered in a desired form. What is Prilox? Introduction

5 “Towards a Sustainable Future” Introduction Project Aims Reduce Interface with Hazardous Materials Automated Handling Reduced number of individual components High Quality Product A long term cost acceptable solution

6 “Towards a Sustainable Future” Proposed Concept Two Component Auto Handling System

7 “Towards a Sustainable Future” Trail period The Prilox test trial by: Inn Crystal Glass / Braunau am Inn / Austria started 16.Aug. 2001 and completed 15. Sept. 2001. At three times, the TÜV – (an external international accredited body for certification of quality management systems) measured the emission of dust and lead in air at three different areas: a) in the furnace (closed room) b) production hall – over the production units c) with the workers

8 “Towards a Sustainable Future” Practical Experience Date / Name MAK Reduced power consumption of over 5 % Reduced vault temperature of over 20 % Reduced batch mixing time of over 40 % Reduced water consumption of over 80 % Reduced total dust emissions of over 90 % incl. reduced lead emissions.

9 “Towards a Sustainable Future” Practical Experience Results of the Prilox test trial (16.Aug.01 to 15.Sept.01) measured on by TÜV Dust and lead in air content in the exhaust air of the furnace first measurement: after 2 weeks production with Prilox reduction the dust proportion by furnace 1 over 90 % reduction the lead in air by furnace 1 over 90 %Second measurement: in the last week of the trial confirm the first test results

10 “Towards a Sustainable Future” Practical Experience Date / Name

11 “Towards a Sustainable Future” Practical Experience Date / Name Fig 1. Furnace 1 cold top closed surface dust free Fig. 2. Furnace 2 hot top open surface dust

12 “Towards a Sustainable Future” Practical Experience Date / Name Results of the Prilox test trial measured by TÜV Dust and lead in air content in the exhaust air of the production hall over the machines First measurement: after 2 weeks production with Prilox no reduction of the dust load, by the last comparative measurement because only furnace 1 are working (furnice 2 started on 11/99) but very low workplace concentration from lead, less than 0,14 mg / m³ Second measurement: in the last week of the trial confirm the first test results

13 “Towards a Sustainable Future” Practical Experience 1)Only furnace 1 works 2)Furnace 2 starts his production to 11/1999 3)On the measurement 11/12.08.01 - production problems according to Inn Crystall

14 “Towards a Sustainable Future” Practical Experience Date / Name Information: in accordance with the Austrian Law / BGBL 498 /1994 –the limit of the emissions of the exhaust air in glass- producing production is 5,0 mg / m³

15 “Towards a Sustainable Future” Practical Experience Date / Name Results of the Prilox test trial measured by TÜV Measurement the dust and lead load at the furnace workers without protection First measurement: after 2 weeks production with Prilox reduction of dust load over 50 % reduction of lead load over 70 % Second measurement: in the last week of the trial reduction of dust load over 85 % reduction of lead load over 95 %

16 “Towards a Sustainable Future” Date / Name

17 “Towards a Sustainable Future” Benefits Date / Name Reduced number of raw materials Simplified Mixing Process Automatic Storage and Handling Encapsulation of hazardous refining chemical No moisture pick up Reduced energy consumption Reduced wastage The easy-to-use oxide innovation enhances crystal strength and purity whilst improving the manufacturing process and gives users a more competitive edge.

18 “Towards a Sustainable Future” Summary & Conclusion Date / Name The industry is seeking a permanent solution to the health, safety and environmental issues. The solution needs to be cost acceptable. Prilox provides a modern concept of material delivery, storage and handling to the melt furnaces. Technical and processing benefits became cost benefits. Modern handling concept provide a Sustainable Future.

19 “Towards a Sustainable Future”

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