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The Christian & The Government Definitions-- Govern--rule via authority; predominant influence Government--ruling body/authoritative managers.

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Presentation on theme: "The Christian & The Government Definitions-- Govern--rule via authority; predominant influence Government--ruling body/authoritative managers."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Christian & The Government Definitions-- Govern--rule via authority; predominant influence Government--ruling body/authoritative managers

2 Important Passages- Matthew 22.16-21 Romans 13.1-7 I Timothy 2.1,2 Titus 3.1 I Peter 2.13,14,17 Luke 3.19 II Peter 2.9-12

3 God Rules! Home Church Government Woe—Psalm 9.17

4 4 Levels Of Government Ordained by God Self—II Peter 1.6 Family—Ephesians 5.23__6.1-4 Spiritual— Old Testament: Government itself was theocracy New Testament: Philippians 1.1 Civil—Romans 13, etc

5 All Levels— Must practice discipline & punishment— Self—II Corinthians 13.5 Proverbs 25.28 Family—Proverbs 23.13,14 Church—congregational discipline, I Corinthians 5, etc Civil—Romans 13.4

6 Context of Romans 13… Ch1-11=how we were justified by faith Ch12-16=how to live as justified people Always remember: God does not ordain nor approve of abuses by civil government Proverbs 16.12

7 Summary Of The Text: Government is ordained by God— Thus, it is morally correct Government is designed to… Encourage good behavior… Punish bad behavior… Government has the right to… Bear sword & administer capital punishment Government may tax citizens to support itself

8 Take Note— Romans 12.19 forbids private vengeance… Citizens are not to be vigilantes— Proverbs 24.29 Therefore agents of the government [police, soldiers, etc] may use weapons to do their duty Christians are to respect government & obey the law

9 A Christian & The Government—

10 Romans 13.1-7 Some think there are 2 sets of rules from God— 1 for the world & 1 for the Christian Thus, they conclude the Christian cannot be involved in government But, Government is a divine institution Does not mean government will not abuse its role or its people To resist is to set yourself against the government—God says don’t!

11 Romans 13.1-7 To change the government… Go thru available process Christianity can survive under any kind of government... It survived under Rome which was hostile to it Romans 13 authorizes capital punishment If you defy government, your heart is not right with God Pay your taxes

12 2 Reasons To Obey The Government— Wrath… From God & government Conscience… It always feels good to know you are doing what is right [Josh’s Wednesday invitation lesson]

13 What About Taxes? To pay tax is not having fellowship with error Government will answer to God Consider: a Christian is to the government… As a Christian wife is to a non-Christian husband She must be subject to him We must be subject to the government

14 What About Taxes? “Tribute” is an ongoing tax Like annual income tax “Custom” is a one-time tax Like sales or import tax Since government has the duty to protect its citizens… Tribute pays for their living

15 What About Taxes? Paul's language says taxes are a debt which we owe They are a legal & moral obligation

16 Respect & Honor-- This is the word “fear” Parents ought to teach their children to respect government authority and offices… Though not necessarily the person who holds that office I Peter 2.17 Yet, Luke 3.19

17 Is There EVER A Time… That a Christian can RESIST/DISOBEY? Yes! Israel—Exodus 1.16-20 & death of babies Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah—Daniel 3 & the fiery furnace Daniel—Daniel 6 & prayer to idols Peter & John—Acts 4 & ceasing to preach… Acts 5.29

18 Christians & Government Service— Joseph over Egypt… Daniel was “president”… Eunuch over Candace’s treasury… Cornelius as centurion… Erastus as city treasurer [Romans 16.23] What did John the baptizer tell Roman soldiers [Luke 3.14]?

19 Syllogism: All institutions that are ordained by God are morally correct… The Government is an institution ordained by God… Therefore, the government is morally correct

20 Furthermore… All morally correct institutions may be participated in by Christians… The government is a morally correct institution… Therefore, Christians May participate in government For myself: II Timothy 2.4 Opinion: preachers should not be in government because it divides their labors & they may not be efficient in either

21 Sum: Government is ordained by God… They have work to do… They must enforce law & justice… They must protect innocent & execute life-takers… They are not perfect and will err… Some governments will not heed what God says…

22 THERE IS NO DOUBLE STANDARD! God does not have one rule for the Christian & a different rule for the non- Christian It is not the case that non-Christians can be soldiers, police, etc… But that Christians may not be Remember Romans 12.19— But God does this thru the agency/men: Government, soldiers, police, courts, etc.

23 Finally: How shall we obey the government? Be subject, give respect, pay taxes 2 Views/government— Some think the government is savior and our all in all… This was the pagan view of Roman government For the Christian: government is in power by God's authority, and realizes it may not take heed to God

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