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Welcome Webinar!. The Team Rebecca Huft Events Marketing Manager +1 973-944-5100 x5296 Jessica Rausch Speaker Engagement & Production.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Webinar!. The Team Rebecca Huft Events Marketing Manager +1 973-944-5100 x5296 Jessica Rausch Speaker Engagement & Production."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Webinar!

2 The Team Rebecca Huft Events Marketing Manager +1 973-944-5100 x5296 Jessica Rausch Speaker Engagement & Production Manager +1 973-944-5100 x5247 Claire Ardley Sponsor Relations Manager +1 973-944-5100 x5224

3 San Jose Convention Center 410 Almaden Blvd, San Jose, CA

4 We need a file ending.gif or.jpg.

5 Event Hours 8:30 am – 6:30 pm Tuesday 10:00 am – 6:30 pm Wednesday 10:00 am – 12:30 pm Thursday


7 EAS Rooms Booths Hospitality Suites Kiosks Meeting Room A mounted 32” screen with cabling a required Socket to power screen and source 1 stool Waste paper bin 1 wired IP connection Literature rack Daily cleaning Fully branded panels 1 wired IP connection 1 table seating 6 people 1 side table for brochures 1 power strip WiFi 1 table seating 10 people 1 side table for brochures 1 power strip WiFi 1 table seating 6 people 1 side table for brochures 1 power strip WiFi

8 Exhibitor Registration

9 Register My Staff

10 Register My Clients/Prospects


12 Deadlines! ActionDeadlineDetailsContactEmailPhone Company ListingOctober 10, 2014 100 words, company website, contact name and email address, company logo in EPS format and company website Claire 7513467700 Ads ArtworkOctober 31, 2014Please contact me for specsClaire 7513467700 Banner ArtworkOctober 31, 2014Please contact me for specs on specific bannersClaire 7513467700 Kiosk ArtworkOctober 31, 2014Please contact me for specs documentClaire 7513467700 Lead RetrievalNovember 7, 2014Form in Exhibitor Manual Expo Badge US 1.800.490.9941 or Intl +1.714.712.7380 Exhibitor appointed contractor notification deadline November 10, 2014Form in Exhibitor ManualShepardlasvegas@shepardes.com407.888.9669 First day for warehouse deliveries without a surcharge November 10, 2014Form in Exhibitor ManualShepardlasvegas@shepardes.com407.888.9669 Discount price deadline for all Shepard orders November 17,2014 Furniture, cleaning, signage, booth structure etc. Form in Exhibitor Manual Shepardlasvegas@shepardes.com407.888.9669 AV November 28, 2014Form in Exhibitor Manual PSAV (408) 792-4103 CateringDecember 1, 2014Form in Exhibitor ManualMichael Last day for warehouse deliveries without a surcharge December 1, 2014Form in Exhibitor ManualShepardlasvegas@shepardes.com407.888.9669 First day freight can arrive at show facility: December 8, 2014

13 Shepard San Jose Convention Center Edlen Electrical Exhibitor Invites EMI Please find all order forms on the Exhibitor Resources Web Page.Exhibitor Resources Vendors

14 FORMAL NETWORKING FORMAL NETWORKING Tuesday, 9th Unconference & Hub Happy Hour Tuesday, 9th Unconference & Hub Happy Hour Tuesday, 9th The Hub Tuesday, 9th The Hub Tuesday, 9th Women of the Digital World Lunch Tuesday, 9th Women of the Digital World Lunch Monday, 8th VIP Reception Monday, 8th VIP Reception Wednesday, 10th The Hub Wednesday, 10th The Hub Wednesday, 8th Hub Happy Hour Wednesday, 8th Hub Happy Hour Thursday, 11th The Hub Thursday, 11th The Hub

15 Promote your presence at Digital Disruption 2014 Promote your presence and increase traffic to your booth by creating a custom co-branding assets that highlights your company's program at TM Forum Live! Digital Disruption. –Custom Banners –Event Logos –Email Signatures –Blog Banners –Anything else?? Just ask! Contact: Kate Mitchell to discuss your marketing

16 Social Media Amplification Blog Content Tweets Facebook Posts LinkedIn Updates Google Plus Posts YouTube Videos Use hashtag #LIVEDD14 on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus Contact: Kate Mitchell for social

17 Enhance Your Experience at Digital Disruption with the Mobile App Got a smart phone? Make sure you (and your team) get the official Digital Disruption Mobile App so you don’t miss out on the fun! This easy-to-use app is available for iPhone/iPad, Android and other mobile devices (HTML5). SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY Reach attendees at their fingertips by sponsoring the official Interop Mobile App. Packages include promoted messages, branded micro app, custom badges and more. For more information or to learn about additional sponsorship opportunities, please contact your Account Manager. Contact: Kate Mitchell to discuss ways of promoting your onsite activities!

18 Accommodation BOOK TODAY! TM Forum has secured a Fantastic Rate of $239 per night for TM Forum's Digital Disruption 2014. Special Rate expires November 14!

19 Sarah Love March Communications

20 Pre-Event PR Tips Map out your news pipeline Pre-arrange on-site conversations and demos with press and analysts Leverage social media #DD14 @tmforumorg

21 Summary of PR Opportunities How to submit your company news – Contact Jessica Nagotko ( – Please submit links instead of documents TM Forum’s press release program – Quotes available from appropriate TM Forum spokespeople – Contact March Communications ( Allow for at least 72 hour Press release requests – Please include “ Digital Disruption 2014 is happening December 8- 11, 2014, at the San Jose Convention Center in San Jose, Calif.,” in the first paragraph of your press releases

22 PR When You’re On Site… Network, network, network! Give press a great story Use social media while there

23 On-Site Press Center The press center will be inside the conference hub - Tuesday and Wednesday: 8:00am – 6:00pm - Thursday: 8:00am – 12:00pm Briefing rooms - Beginning on October 26 th, private press meeting rooms will be available for reservations in 30 minute increments, up to an hour - Contact: Jessica Nagotko ( Press kits and collateral - Leave press kits and collateral in the Press Center

24 Post-show tips Follow the news items coming out of the show Feed your content pipeline Continue to focus on social media

25 PR Strategy and Counsel Interested in a 30-minute Digital Disruption consultation? Reach out! Sarah Love, March Communications +1 617 960 9875

26 Nick McCallion Exhibitor Invites

27 What is Exhibitor Invites? A free, pre-show marketing campaign Send three personalized emails to all your customers and prospects Let them know you’ll be at the show, and what you’ll be displaying Invite all your customers and prospects in a professional html email that comes from your company Offer your customers and prospects c  *15% off a VIP Conference pass * Offer expires December 5th.

28 A Few Key Points 100% free for exhibitors No limit on the number of email addresses you can send to This is your opportunity to look great in front of your customers and prospects In this economy, offering 15% off a VIP Conference pass is valuable, and it means more coming from you.

29 Rewards Program Earn Rewards! Help promote your presence at TM Forum Live! Digital Disruption TM Forum Live! Digital Disruption Email Program Contest The exhibitor who deploys all three emails using Exhibitor Invites and brings in the most verified attendees (minimum of 20) via the Exhibitor Invites program will receive a feature Executive Interview on Inform and whitepaper or collateral download with lead generation post 60 days of TM Forum Live! Digital Disruption 2015. Reward 1:Ad space in email to pre-registered attendees Reward 2:Ad space on TM Forum Live! Digital Disruption Reward 3:Free Ad on TM Forum Live! Digital Disruption Mobile App

30 What You’ll Need Your company logo Your customized message Product photo (optional) Your list – completely hidden, not shared with anyone Company contact – you decide

31 A Safe, Secure System Password protected – username & password provided to you in the launch email No customer is going to get hammered with a ton of messages You can upload multiple lists You can change your messaging for a second campaign to a different list, or keep it the same






37 We’re Here to Help Questions? Need Assistance? Contact Exhibitor Invites Specialist: Nick McCallion Phone: 541.363.3115


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