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Organization Effectiveness GS1 System Development Process 26th January 2009.

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1 Organization Effectiveness GS1 System Development Process 26th January 2009

2 2 2 GS1 System Development Process Objectives Implement a single system development process across GS1 Achieve a common and integrated process for standards, guidelines, solutions and services Leverage the best practices for process management across GS1 Will ensure that development includes relevant industry and technical expertise Will ensure guiding principles of existing GS1 standards development are maintained(GSMP and EPCglobal SDP)

3 3 GS1 System Development – GSMP, EPCglobal, Future GSMP (*)EPC SDP SDP Standards – 6 step process including Business Needs, Business Requirements, Solution Design, Approval and Ratification, Post Solutions – Variation of 6 step process Services – Not fully defined Standards – 11 step process including Business Needs, Business Requirements, Approval, Technical Standard Development, Prototype, Approval, IP review, Ratification Solutions and Services – Not defined Standards, Solutions and Services  Statement of Business Needs  Mapping of Needs against existing Solutions, Standards  Detailed Requirements Gathering & Analysis  Business Solution Design (A Standard? Solution? Guideline?)  Development  Pilot or Prototype  Approval (for all) and Ratification (for Standard)  Implementation Support DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Full development process for Complex and New Requests

4 4 GS1 System Development – GSMP, EPCglobal, Future Oversight bodies - GS1 MB - BCS BCS Groups - Operations Group - Process Group - Architecture BRG’s - GPC - …….. BRG’ working groups Technology Groups Leadership bodies EPCglobal BOG - Board Technology Committee - Board Strategy Committee SDP Governance - Joint Strategy and Plan Comm - Business Steering Committee - Technical Steering Committee Working Groups - Industry Action Groups - Joint Requirements Group - Technical Standards Groups Oversight bodies - Standards -GS1 MB -BCS  Architecture Group  Process Leadership Committee  EPCglobal BOG Technology Committee -Industry Engagement Committee Systems Development Groups -Joint Development Groups -Solutions/Services Development Groups -Technical Standards Development Groups ORGANIZATION

5 5 GS1 System Development – GSMP, EPCglobal, Future GSMP (*)EPC SDP SDP Membership - Member Organizations - End users Decision making - Consensus where possible - Stage Gates (Vote as necessary) Architecture - Under development Membership - End users - Member Organizations - Solution providers Decision Making - Consensus where possible - Votes for Requirements and Draft Standards - BSC and TSC approval Royalty Free Standards (where possible) - Intellectual Property Policy - “Opt-in” as needed Architecture EPCglobal Architecture Framework Membership -End users -Member Organizations -Solution providers as agreed Decision Making -Consensus where possible -Votes/Go No Go Royalty Free Standards (where possible) -Intellectual Property Policy - “Opt-in” as needed Architecture Single Integrated GS1 Architecture PRINCIPLES

6 6 Key Transformational Changes Clarity around prioritization and development of a single priority list Focus on a single cross-organizational process (from handoffs to collaboration) Business vs. Technology driven Focus on a comprehensive delivery of meeting agreed business needs 6

7 7 GS1 Six Steps Industry Engagement and System Development 1 Discovery - by MO's, GO etc. Observations, recommendation 2 Initial contact & planning 3 Form community, define needs 4 Develop Standards & solutions 5 Implementation 6 Ongoing engagement & support Global Engagement Plan Community, definition of needs Requirements Document Refer to ISDP Process Meetings, feedback, refinements Ratified standards, Guideline, Approved Solutions, Services

8 8 System Development Process 1 Statement of Business Need 2 Requirements Development 3 GS1 System Development 4 Deployment Clear Definition Of Need Ratified Standards, Guideline, Approved Solutions, Services Publications, Marketing, Support Tools and Training Requirements Document

9 9 GS1 System Development Process Cross Functional Roles and Responsibilities

10 10 Process Overview New Industries Deployment Publications, Marketing, Training Core IndustriesMember Organizations Business Needs Requirements System Development Industry Engagement and Community Management Prioritization Already available? New Development? Standard? Solution? Services? Standards Process Steps Vote Ratification Solutions & Services Process Steps as needed Pilot Integration

11 11 Roles and Responsibilities Step 1: Statement of Business Need (from IE) Process Industry Engagement System Development MO Support Member Organizations Definition of Business Needs and Opportunities Engagement with external community; linkage to industry groups e.g. trade associations Local level interest or currently addressed at a local level Represent local members and industries. Clarify/reinforce needs Validation and Feasibility of Needs Assess financial viability and business case Provide impact analysis on existing GS1 System Components, technical advice Prioritization and approval from Industry for development (commitment to deploy) Assess commitment and industry readiness Support with outreach in conjunction with MOs Provide input from local members and industries

12 12 Roles and Responsibilities Step 2: Develop Requirements Process Step Industry Engagement System Development MO Support Member Organizations Describe business processes Ensure alignment with industry expectations and provide business expertise from community and staff Documentation of process Facilitation Initiate development of support materials Active involvement Detailed Requirements Ensure appropriate input to requirements from industry stakeholders Ensure contribution and community review of output Gathering and documentation of requirements; public review comment resolution Facilitation Initiate development of support materials Active involvement Harmonization of Requirements across GS1 System Impact Analysis Architectural Review

13 13 Roles and Responsibilities Step 3: Development Process Step Industry Engagement System Development MO Support Member Organization s Determine Development need – Standard, Guideline, Solution, Service Validate expected output to industry needs Map requirements to expected output (standard, solution, service, guideline) Identify type of support material needed Validate expected output Business Solution Design (Ensure Harmonization and Reusability) Ensure alignment with industry expectations Development and documentation Facilitation Align with implementation collateral Active involvement Technical Standard/Solution /Service Development Assure alignment with industry expectations Design and Documentation, Q&A, Facilitation Align w Implementation collateral Active involvement Prototype/Pilot IP Review and Ratification Industry participation in pilot Facilitation IP Review Ratification Active involvement

14 14 Roles and Responsibilities Step 4: Implementation Process Step Industry Engagement System Development MO Support Member Organizations Provisional Documentation Review and validate Supply content for implementation documentation Implementation material finalized (business case, process, etc.) Validate documentation Translation into local language Additional Collateral finalized Training program development (using expert input from other areas) Communication Newsletters, articles Web-site and wiki update Support in local language Final Documentation Review and validate Supply content for implementation documentation Implementation material finalized (business case, process, etc.) Support in local language

15 15 Governance Standards will be ratified by GS1 Management Board Board Committee for Standards will review standards and make recommendation to MB. (Informal advice and guidance from EPCglobal Board Technology Committee as required) Solutions/Services releases are approved by GS1 CEO GS1 Architecture Group Reviews and provides recommendations for all relevant business requirements, standards, solutions and services under development against the GS1 Architecture through the Architecture Review Process Process Leadership Committee Combination of roles of GSMP Process Group and EPCglobal Business and Technical Steering Committee Oversight of process and system development work for standards

16 16 Clarification of Business Needs Versus Business Requirements Business Needs Definition and prioritization of generic business opportunities and problems that an industry wants to solve Expected impact on community (, geographic) Business case definition Business Requirements Detailed process understanding and detailed specification of what end users will require in order to solve the problem or take advantage of business opportunity Includes specific parameters and details that can be used to define a standard, guideline, solution or service

17 17 Business Needs and Requirements Business Needs and Business Requirements should define the need for: GS1 Standards GS1 Solutions GS1 Services Then it can be determined if the needs apply to: Maintenance of EXISTING Standard, Solution or Service Or a NEW Standard, Solution or Service

18 18 Definitions (Expanded definitions in GS1 Glossary of Terms) GS1 Standards: Specifications for identifiers, attribute data, bar codes, RFID tags, data exchange and interfaces that ensure interoperability and consistency throughout supply chains. (e.g. EPCIS, Party Sync) GS1 Solutions: Bundled package of GS1 Standards and/or services designed to meet a business need. (e.g. Traceability, Extended Packaging) GS1 Services: Facilities or software that provide benefit or assistance in support of the implementation of GS1 standards and solutions. (e.g. ONS, GR, GEPIR) All GS1 Standards, Services and Solutions are created using GS1 System Development Process

19 19 GS1 Standards Development Community Structure

20 20 Industry Engagement Statement of Business Need Note: Its is planned to leverage the GSMP name for standards development and maintenance although a significant communication effort will be required to ensure clear understanding across all parts of the GS1 community GS1 Standards Dev Community Structure (groups shown are examples) Prioritization & Feasibility Tech Standards Deployment System Development GS1 Identification EPCIS Industry Engagement Committee Process Leadership Committee Discovery UHF Gen2 EANCOM Standards Maintenance (BRG) Joint Requirement Groups Bar Codes eCom and Data Exchange Identification Data Sync Healthcare Traceability Guideline Party Sync Standard Missing Identification Guideline Data Discovery

21 21 Industry Engagement Statement of Business Need System Development Groups by Type Joint Req Groups Prioritization & Feasibility Step 2- Req Step 3 - Dev Step 1 Step 4 Deployment Technical Dev Groups Joint Req Group Business Req Group Simple Change Requests Complex Application Stds Complex Tech Standards Solutions and Services Step 2 and 3 – Req and Dev Work In Progress Systems Development

22 22 Purpose: Advice on cross industry prioritization and applicability Review and understand business needs identified by Industry Engagement Composition – End user representatives from each Industry that is part of Core MO representatives End users from other industries as recommended and agreed by Committee who are currently engaged in work efforts in GS1 Representation from staff as needed - IE, ISDP, Marketing, Public Policy and MO Support Purpose and ongoing requirement for Industry Engagement Committee to be reviewed annually Industry Engagement Committee

23 23 Purpose Ensures efficient delivery of system development based on due process Responsible for oversight of Process and Standards Development issues First level of approval for formation of new Groups in Standards Development Is a merge of GSMP Process Group and EPCglobal Technical Steering committee Composition Representation from stakeholders of system development – end users, MOs and Solution providers Staff representation from ISDP, IE and MO Support Process Leadership Committee

24 24 Roles & Responsibilities: Similar to BRGs today Maintain existing standards via Simple Standards Request Purpose: Develop the Requirements to feed new / updated Standards Make recommendations to changes in standards Cross Industry Representation Solution Provider Participation Standards Maintenance Teams (BRG) Bar Codes eCom/ Data Exchange IdentificationData Sync

25 25 Joint Requirements Groups Healthcare Traceability Guideline Party Sync Standard Missing Identification Data Discovery Roles & Responsibilities: Can be cross industry Mission specific and sunset when charter is completed Create requirements related to Technical standards Develop requirements and application standards Include expertise from GS1, Solution Providers and BRGs as applicable Purpose: Develop & approve Business Requirements Create Application standards and/or relevant guidelines Solution Provider can participate and vote at appropriate phase as decided by End Users Intellectual Property Opt-in where applicable Item Level Tagging

26 26 Roles / Responsibilities: Structure for the technical standards development Supply expertise to Joint Requirements Team and Complex Standards teams for application standards development Creation of Technical Guidelines Purpose Develop technical standards from Joint Requirements Create Technical Guidelines Intellectual Property Opt-in Tech Standards Development GS1 Identification EPCIS Discovery UHF Gen2 EANCOM

27 27 Example of GS1 Standards: Data Discovery 1 Statement Of Need 2 Requirements Development 3 GS1 System Development 4 Deployment Industries define need to securely answer questions about objects with known/unknown trading partners Regulatory drivers and/or other opportunities identified Align w 1-3 year plan and identify cross- industry impact Go/ No Go Create Joint Group, Develop Bus Requirements Develop specific parameters Architecture Group Review and Reqs Finalization Create Tech WG, and charter/plan for Data Discovery Standards Pilot test, etc… Publish and launch ratified Standard(s) Publish and launch implementation campaign Create Training Materials Marketing materials Developed Development of application standards, tech standards and tech guidelines … Ratific ation Go/ No Go

28 28 GS1 Solutions and Services Development Process

29 29 Industry Engagement Statement of Business Need GS1 System Development Structure: Services and Solutions Solution / Service Joint Requirements Groups (Maintenance of Existing and/or New Functionality) - Requirements Solution / Service Development (Internal or 3 rd Party) -Technical (software development) -Bundling / Creation of Components for Solution / Service -Pilot Test -Guidelines Prioritization & Feasibility Deployment System Development Step 2 - Reqs Step 3 - Dev Step 1 Step 4

30 30 Industry Engagement Statement of Business Need Solutions / Services Development Community Structure (groups shown are examples) Prioritization & Feasibility Step 3 Step 1 Step 4 Deployment System Development Industry Engagement Committee Solutions & Services Development (Internal or 3rd Party) GEPIR Authentication Traceability ONS Solution / Service Joint Requirements Groups (Maintenance of Existing) Solution / Service Joint Requirements Groups (New Functionality) Step 2 Authentication EPCIS Data Discovery Registry GEPIR Traceability ONS Registry Data Discovery Data Driver MO Training Tools MO Training Tools

31 31 Roles / Responsibilities: Create relevant and community requested solutions and services thatsolve business problems as defined during Requirements process Address needs that ensure effective use of technology based on GS1 standards Further process details to be developed in Phase 3b Purpose Develop comprehensive guidance and supporting tools that integrate GS1 standards to meet a business need Solutions & Services GEPIR Authentication Traceability ONS Registry Data Discovery Data Driver MO Training Tools

32 32 Example of GS1 Service Creation: Authentication 1 Statement of Need 2 Requirements Development 3 GS1 System Development 4 Deployment IE identifies need to register, validate, share info re: GS1 Keys ID Regulatory and other drivers for implementation Align w 1-3 year plan and identify cross-ind impact Go/ No Go Create Joint Group, Develop Bus Requirements Develop specific parameters Architecture Group Review and Reqs Finalization No new standards devt. Create development plan for Service. Engage 3 rd party to develop central registry function. Create MO Service Agreement (Legal) Publish and launch implementation campaign Create Training Materials Marketing materials Developed Development begins to enhance GEPIR for distributed functions. Go/ No Go Go/ No Go

33 33 Example of GS1 Solution Creation: Extended Packaging Solution 1 Statement Of Need 2 Requirements Development 3 GS1 System Development 4 Deployment IE identifies need to enable trade item & mktg data transmit to consumers via mobile devices ID Regulatory and other drivers for implementation Align w 1-3 year plan and identify cross-ind impact (retail / CPG only) Go/ No Go Simple CR for Data Sync BRG and Form Joint Group Develop specific requirements for Guideline for Ext Packaging for Mobile Comm Architecture Group Review and Reqs Finalization Create agreements for external parties (Legal) Publish and launch implementation campaign Create Training Materials Marketing materials Developed Go/ No Go Go/ No Go Enhancement to standards and development of Extended Packaging Guideline Prototype the solution using Existing/updated/new standards

34 34 GS1 System Development Organizational Support

35 35 Critical Success Factors for SDP Organization Structure – Staff Presence of sufficient technical expertise/support Must come from MOs, GO Effective Facilitation Neutral dialogue Committee rapport Gaining community trust Focused discussion Transparency in Processes Project/Process Management Timeliness Due process Positive result Consensus Decision Making 35

36 36 GS1 SDP Functions Integrated Standards Development Process Conformance Management /Certification Technical Expertise System Development Process Mgmt/ Facilitation Development Administration Barcodes Identificati on EPC/RFID Program Mgmt Tech Support Data Sharing Traceability Solutions and Services Development Process Mgmt/ Facilitation Development Administration

37 37 Community Management: Single Face Unified Events/Meetings Focus on solving business problems Facilitate community involvement in System Development In collaboration with Industry Engagement who is responsible and accountable for GS1 relationship with industries An integrated GS1 System development process Uniform User experience Community-Room, infrastructure (i.e., CR system) Communication 37

38 38 IT Support and Infrastructure Common Telco provider and web tools Web presence Integration of Community Rooms Integration of EPCglobal into Knowledge Center 38

39 39 Legal Considerations for Standards Development GS1 Anti-trust Policy needs to be reviewed to best address what is required GS1 Intellectual Property Policy based on EPCglobal Policy should be signed by all participants of ISDP IP Council should review workgroup charters and confirm whether IP protection (opt-in) is required Call for IP declarations will be included at appropriate steps in detailed process for appropriate groups An updated code of conduct will be developed to best address what is required for GS1. Legal input required.

40 40 Healthcare Traceability Solution An Example of Development in the proposed GS1 SDP – Reflecting Interaction of IE, SDP, and MO Support

41 41 Roles and Responsibilities Step 1: Statement of Business Need (from IE) Process Global Healthcare Traceability Industry Engagement / Marketing System Development MO Support Definition of Business Needs and Opportunities GS1 Healthcare Group defines the need to track pharmaceuticals, medical devices and … (COMPLETED) Engagement with external community; linkage to industry groups e.g. trade associations Local level interest or currently addressed at a local level Validation and Feasibility of Needs Discussion about Regulatory Requirements and other drivers for implementation (COMPLETED) Assess financial viability and business case Provide impact analysis on existing GS1 System Components, technical advice Prioritization and approval from Industry for development (commitment to deploy) Review versus 1 year and 3 year plan and present to Industry Steering Committee – Determine if cross industry opportunity exists. Assess commitment and industry readiness Support with outreach in conjunction with MOs

42 42 Roles and Responsibilities Step 2: Develop Requirements Process Step Global Healthcare Traceability Industry Engagement / Marketing System Development MO Support Describe business processes Create HC (or Cross Ind Traceability) WG Develop Business Requirements Analysis Document Ensure alignment with industry expectations and provide business expertise from community and staff Documentation of process Facilitation Initiate development of support materials Detailed Requirements Develop specific parameters required to meet Requirements (Business Solution Design) Ensure appropriate input to requirements from industry stakeholders Ensure contribution and community review of output Gathering and documentation of requirements; public review comment resolution Facilitation Initiate development of support materials Harmonization of Requirements across GS1 System Review of Req by Architecture Group – ensure consistency with GS1 system. Process Leadership Group reviews and approves Impact Analysis Architectural Review

43 43 Roles and Responsibilities Step 3: Development Process Step Global Healthcare Traceability Industry Engagement / Marketing System Development MO Support Determine Development need – Standard, Guideline, Solution, Service Map requirements to existing standards where applicable For Tech Requirements, form WG with Opt-in (e.g. Discovery, EPCIS, ONS). If Solution or Service, create development plan (industry specific as needed) Validate expected output to industry needs Map requirements to expected output (standard, solution, service, guideline) Identify type of support material needed Business Solution Design (Ensure Harmonization and Reusability) Ensure requirements are included in Technical Standards. Ensure alignment with industry expectations Development and documentation Facilitation Align with implementation collateral

44 44 Roles and Responsibilities Step 3: Development Process Step Global Healthcare Traceability Industry Engagement / Marketing System Development MO Support Technical Standard/Solution Development Develop Working Draft of Tech standards, Develop Outline of Solution GS1 AG Review Assure alignment with industry expectations Design and Documentation, Q&A, Facilitation GS1 AG Review Align w Implementation collateral Prototype/Pilot IP Review and Ratification Prototype the use of standard in the Solution IP review Industry Steering and Process Leadership Committee Review Ratification of Standards (BCS) Approval of Solution, Service (Advisory Council?) Industry participation in pilot Facilitation IP Review Ratification

45 45 Roles and Responsibilities Step 4: Deployment Process Step Global Healthcare Traceability Industry Engagement / Marketing System Development MO Support Provisional Documentation Create Global Healthcare Traceability Solution Collateral Review and validate Supply content for implementation documentation Implementation material finalized (business case, process, etc.) Additional Collateral finalized Finalize Training Materials Training program development (using expert input from other areas) Communication Marketing materials Developed Newsletters, articles Web-site and wiki update Final Documentation Publish Content and launch implementation campaign Review and validate Supply content for implementation documentation Implementation material finalized (business case, process, etc.)

46 46 Anti-Counterfeit Solution An Example of Development in the proposed GS1 SDP – Reflecting Interaction of IE, SDP, and MO Support

47 47 Roles and Responsibilities SOLUTION Step 1: Statement of Business Need (from IE) Process Anti-Counterfeit Solution Industry Engagement System Development MO Support Definition of Business Needs and Opportunities GS1 Healthcare Group, Retail, Apparel, Consumer Electronics, DVD’s define the need to address counterfeit product Engagement with external community; linkage to industry groups e.g. trade associations Local level interest or currently addressed at a local level Validation and Feasibility of Needs Document current approaches to defeating counterfeiting, government support Assess financial viability and business case Provide impact analysis on existing GS1 System Components, technical advice Prioritization and approval from Industry for development (commitment to deploy) Determine if anti- counterfeiting is a cross industry priority. If solution is developed, how quickly will it be utilized Industry Steering Committee Review and Approval Assess commitment and industry readiness Support with outreach in conjunction with MOs

48 48 Roles and Responsibilities Step 2: Develop Requirements Process Step Anti-Counterfeit Solution Industry Engagement System Development MO Support Describe business processes Create Joint Anti- Counterfeiting Workgroup with reps from multiple industries, customs Ensure alignment with industry expectations and provide business expertise from community and staff Documentation of process Facilitation Initiate development of support materials Detailed Requirements Identify how better information can defeat counterfeiters Identify how better defense methods (inspections, authentication) can be use Ensure appropriate input to requirements from industry stakeholders Ensure contribution and community review of output Gathering and documentation of requirements; public review comment resolution Facilitation Initiate development of support materials Harmonization of Requirements across GS1 System Review of Requirements by Architecture Group – ensure consistency with GS1 system. Process Leadership Group reviews and approves Impact Analysis Architectural Review

49 49 Roles and Responsibilities Step 3: Development Process Step Anti-Counterfeit Solution Industry Engagement System Development MO Support Determine Development need – Standard, Guideline, Solution, Service Map requirements to existing standards where applicable If new standard required, create WG and Opt-in as needed. If Solution or Service, create development plan (Industry specific as needed) Validate expected output to industry needs Map requirements to expected output (standard, solution, service, guideline) Identify type of support material needed Business Solution Design (Ensure Harmonization and Reusability) Ensure requirements are included in new Technical Standards if needed. Ensure alignment with industry expectations Development and documentation Facilitation Align with implementation collateral

50 50 Roles and Responsibilities Step 3: Development Process Step Anti-Counterfeiting Industry Engagement System Development MO Support Technical Standard/Solution Development Develop Working Draft of Tech standards (if needed), Develop Outline of Solution GS1 AG Review Assure alignment with industry expectations Design and Documentation, Q&A, Facilitation GS1 AG Review Align w Implementation collateral Prototype/Pilot IP Review and Ratification Prototype the use of standard in the Solution IP review Industry Steering and Process Leadership Committee Review Ratification of Standards Approval of Solution, Service Industry participation in pilot Facilitation IP Review Ratification

51 51 Roles and Responsibilities Step 4: Deployment Process Step Anti- Counterfeiting Industry Engagement System Development MO Support Provisional Documentation Anti-Counterfeiting Solution Document (industry specific as needed) Review and validate Supply content for implementation documentation Implementation material finalized (business case, process, etc.) Additional Collateral finalized Pilot Training Materials Training program development (using expert input from other areas) Communication Contribute to marketing material Newsletters, articles Web-site and wiki update Final Documentation Review and validate Supply content for implementation documentation Implementation material finalized (business case, process, etc.)

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