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Published byJerome Wolfenden Modified over 10 years ago
New and Emerging Federal Funding Opportunities-- The Office of Science (SC) at the US Department of Energy Bill Valdez Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy Industry University Cooperative Research Program (I/UCRC) 2006 Annual Meeting Friday, January 13, 2006
DOE Mission Areas Environmental Quality - To Repair the Environmental Consequences of the Cold War Energy Resources - To Foster a Secure and Reliable National Energy Supply National Security - To Maintain the Safety and Reliability of the Nuclear Stockpile Science...
To deliver the remarkable discoveries and scientific tools that transform our understanding of energy and matter and advance the national, economic, and energy security of the US. -SC Mission
Office of Science (SC) Supports basic research that underpins DOE missions. Provides over 40% of federal support to the physical sciences (including more than 90% of high energy and nuclear physics) Provides sole support to select sub-fields (e.g. nuclear medicine, heavy element chemistry, magnetic fusion, etc.) Supports the research of 15,000 PhDs and graduate students Constructs and operates large scientific facilities for the U.S. scientific community. Accelerators, synchrotron light sources, neutron sources, etc. Used by about 18,000 researchers every year Provides infrastructure support for the ten SC laboratories.
SC Research Areas BES - Basic Energy Sciences Materials Sciences and Engineering Experimental Condensed Matter Physics Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics X-Ray and Neutron Scattering Materials Chemistry and Biomolecular Materials Structure and Composition of Materials Mechanical Behavior and Radiation Effects Physical Behavior of Materials Synthesis and Processing Science Engineering Physics Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Science Chemical Physics Research Photochemistry and Radiation Research Catalysis and Chemical Transformations Separations and Analysis Heavy Element Chemistry Chemical Energy and Chemical Engineering Geosciences Research Energy Biosciences Research Scientific User Facilities X-Ray and Neutron Scattering Facilities Nanoscience Centers ASCR – Advanced Scientific Computing Research Mathematical, Information and Computational Sciences Applied and Computational Mathematics High-End Computer Science Research Computational Software Tools Collaborative Software Tools for Science High-Performance Computing Facilities Large-Scale Science Networks HEP - High Energy Physics Experimental HEP Theoretical HEP Accelerator Physics and Technology Accelerator Theory Detector Development Quantum ChromoDynamics (QCD) New Particle Searches Higgs Physics Fundamental Forces and Unification Rare Decays and Phenomena Electroweak Physics Quark Flavor Physics and CP Violation Cosmology Neutrino Physics Particle Astrophysics Dark Matter Searches Dark Energy NP – Nuclear Physics Structure of the nucleon Nuclear Structure Nuclear Astrophysics Fundamental interactions with cold neutrons Fundamental interactions with neutrinos Hot dense nuclear matter Nuclear theory Advanced instrumentation and accelerator R&D FES - Fusion Energy Sciences Fusion Sciences Advanced Fusion Designs Plasma Physics and Plasma Science Plasma Confinement Configuration Optimization High Energy Density Physics Enabling Plasma Technology Burning Plasma Physics BER – Biological & Environmental Research Life Sciences Microbial Systems Biology (Genomics: GTL) Low Dose Radiation Research High Throughput DNA Sequencing Functional Genomics Human Subjects in Research Structural Biology Facilities Medical Sciences Molecular Radiopharmaceutical Development Molecular Nuclear Medical Imaging Imaging Gene Expression Artificial Retina Biomedical Engineering Climate Change Sciences Decade to Century Climate Modeling Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Atmospheric Science Carbon Cycle Research Ocean Sciences Terrestrial Carbon Processes Ecosystem Function and Response Information & Integration Integrated Assessment of Climate Change Environmental Remediation Sciences Contaminant Fate & Transport In Situ Remediation Research Radioactive Waste Treatment Research Characterization & Performance Monitoring Environmental Molecular Sciences Lab
SC Laboratories, User Facilities, and the Institutions that Use Them Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Ames Laboratory Argonne National Laboratory BrookhavenNationalLaboratory Oak Ridge National Laboratory Los Alamos National Laboratory Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Sandia National Laboratories FermiNationalAcceleratorLaboratory PrincetonPlasmaPhysicsLaboratory Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility National Renewable Energy Laboratory StanfordLinearAcceleratorCenter Idaho National Environmental & Engineering Laboratory National Energy Technology Laboratory General Atomics SC Supported Research Institution (Universities, Colleges, Medical Centers) User Facilities SC Multiprogram Laboratory SC Program Dedicated Laboratory Other DOE Laboratory
SC makes long-term investments Office of Science Strategic Plan 20-Year Facilities Outlook DOE Strategic Plan
SC Investment in the Future Advance the Basic Sciences for Energy Independence Harness the Power of Our Living World Bring the Power of the Stars on Earth Explore the Fundamental Interactions of Energy, Matter, Time, and Space Explore Nuclear Matter-From Quarks to Stars Deliver Computing for the Frontiers of Science Provide the Resource Foundations that Enable Great Science SC set seven long-term (20-year) goals for our programs:
20-year Facilities Outlook Public Prioritizations Builds Consensus that Builds Facilities CD0 ORNL LCC – CD4 CD3 CD0 CD1 Working with NASA on Joint Project CD0 Phase one underway CD0 Indicates Department Approval of Any of the Following Stages (stage is current status) CD0 – Mission Need Approval CD1 – Approval of Alternative Selection and Cost Range CD2 – Approval of Technical, Cost, and Schedule Baselines CD3 – Approval to Start Construction CD4 – Approval for Start of Operations
Competitively Selected, Peer Reviewed Basic Research SC $3.6 B (FY06) NSF $5.6 B (FY06) mission-drivenproposal-driven SC Programs ASCR BER BES FES HEP NP NSF Directorates Biological Sciences (BIO) Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE) Education and Human Resources (EHR) Engineering (ENG) Geosciences (GEO) Mathematical & Physical Sciences (MPS) Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences (SBE)
Joint Efforts with NSF National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (ASCR) NSF/DOE Partnership in Basic Plasma Science and Engineering (FES) EPSCoR (started by NSF and led to creation of DOE/EPSCoR) DOE/NSF Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (NP) High Energy Physics Advisory Panel (HEP) Astronomy and Astrophysics Advisory Committee (also NASA) (HEP) Climate Change Research (Also NOAA, NASA, UDSA, Interior & EPA) (BER) Southern Ocean Iron Experiment (Jointly funded by BER and NSF) Joint Genome Institute (also NIH, USDA, NASA) (BES, BER) Arabidopsis Genome Initiative (2010 Project) (also USDA, the EU, and the Chiba Prefectural Government of Japan) (BER) Maize Genome Sequencing Project (also USDA) (BER) The IT 2 Initiative (terascale computing) (ASCR) Summer Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) (WDTS) Faculty–Student Teams (FaST) (WDTS) Pre-Service Teacher (PST) Internships (WDTS)
Office of Science Budget Universities Receive One Third of Research Funds and Provide Half of the Users at SC Facilities
High Energy Physics (HEP) $717M in FY06 Understand the unification of fundamental particles and forces and the mysterious forms of unseen energy and matter that dominate the universe; search for possible new dimensions of space; and investigate the nature of time itself. –Supports 90% of U.S. High Energy Physics and Coordinates with NSF, NASA and International Efforts –HEP’s Fermilab Currently Holds the Energy Frontier and the Potential for Higgs Physics –HEP’s SLAC is Transitioning to LCLS but the Physics Program Continues until 2009 –Partner in the Large Hadron Collider – the Next Frontier –Initiative in Physics of Neutrino Masses and Mixing –Research Efforts in Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Lattice QCD –R&D for the International Linear Collider – Future Frontier
Nuclear Physics (NP) $367M in FY06 Understand the evolution and structure of nuclear matter, from the smallest building blocks, quarks and gluons; to the elements in the universe created by stars; to unique isotopes created in the laboratory that exist at the limits of stability, possessing radically different properties from known matter. –Supports 90% of U.S. Nuclear Physics and Coordinates with NSF, NASA and International Efforts –NP’s RHIC is Unique Forefront Heavy Ion Facility EBIS Upgrade Underway, Additional Upgrade Planned –NP’s CEBAF is Unique Forefront Nuclear Confinement Facility Upgrade Planned –Partner in Large Hadron Collider - Heavy Ion Program –R&D for Rare Isotope Accelerator – Future Frontier Facility –Research Efforts in High Energy Density Physics, Double Beta Decay, Lattice QCD and Nuclear Structure
Biological and Environmental Research (BER) $580M in FY06 Provide the biological and environmental discoveries necessary to clean and protect our environment, offer new energy alternatives, and fundamentally alter the future of medical care and human health. –Life Sciences with Energy and Environment Potential Microbial Ethanol, Bioremediation, Carbon Sequestration, Etc. –Key Partner in Genomics Facilities - Joint Genome Institute, Mouse Genetics Research Facility 3-4 Genomics: GTL Facilities Planned –Key Partner in Climate Change Efforts Aerosols, Atmospheric Radiation, Clouds; Facilities - FACE, ARM) –Environmental Sciences for DOE Mission needs Environmental and Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) –Medical Applications that Utilize DOE Capabilities / Technologies Artificial Retina – R&D Magazine “Inventor of the Year”
Basic Energy Sciences (BES) $1,135M in FY06 Provide the scientific knowledge and tools to achieve energy independence, securing U.S. leadership and essential breakthroughs in basic energy sciences. –Unique Suite of Scientific Research Facilities that Provide a Spectrum of Capabilities to a Wide Array of Researchers Three Neutron Scattering Facilities, Four Synchrotron Radiation Light Sources, Three Electron Beam Microcharacterization Centers, the Combustion Research Facility, Materials Preparation Center, and Notre Dame Radiation Lab Forefront Capabilities at new Facilities: Spallation Neutron Source, Five Nanoscale Science Research Centers, the Transmission Electron Aberration Corrected Microscope, and the Linac Coherent Light Source –Core Basic Research in Nanoscience, Materials, Engineering, Chemistry, Catalysis, Geosciences, Energy Biosciences –Initiatives in Nanoscience, Energy (Hydrogen, Solar, Solid State Lighting)
Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) $235M in FY06 Deliver forefront computational and networking capabilities to scientists nationwide that enable them to extend the frontiers of science, answering critical questions that range from the function of living cells to the power of fusion energy. –Facilities - NERSC, ESNet, Leadership Class Computing Facility Upgrades to NERSC and ESNet Planned –Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) Partnerships with Science Programs in Simulation and Applications of Terascale computing to Scientific Research –Testbeds and Partnerships for Next Generation Architecture –Core Research in Applied Math, Networks, Computer Science –Expansion of Ultrascale Computing Efforts Planned
Fusion Energy Sciences (FES) $288M in FY06 Answer the key scientific questions and overcome enormous technical challenges to harness the power that fuels a star, realizing by the middle of this century a landmark scientific achievement by bringing “fusion power to the grid”. –The U.S. Investment in Fusion Energy Sciences –90% of Plasma Science – coordinated with NSF and NASA –Partner in High Energy Density Physics –Partner with NNSA in Inertial Fusion –3 Unique Fusion Experiments National Spherical Torus Experiment, Alcator C-Mod, and D-IIID –New Facility – National Compact Stellarator Experiment –Partner in ITER – Next Frontier Facility
Obtaining Funding Apply to a Project –Ex: SciDAC grant at; deadline for letter of intent January 23, 2006 Apply to an SC Program –Ex: Nuclear Physics at Apply to a National Lab –Ex: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory at All this info can be found at the SC web site,
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