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Published byAntwan Spackman Modified over 9 years ago
Charter Schools: Grants Management Compliance and OMB Uniform Grants Guidance Changes NYSED – September 2014 Tiffany R. Winters, Esq. Brustein & Manasevit, PLLC
Agenda Background on Uniform Grants Guidance Allowability
Basic Cost Principles Time and Effort Documentation Grants Management Systems Financial Management Procurement Inventory
Key Dates: Feb 1, 2013 NPRM Dec 19, 2013 Final Guidance
Dec 26, Federal Register May New OMB Compliance Supplement June 26, ED Draft EDGAR Changes Dec 26, Final EDGAR Published
Date of Applicability of Revised Rules
OMB stated on 12/20/13 All Drawdowns, after December 26, 2014 ? ? ?
What is Covered? A-21 – Cost Rules – Rules – IHEs
A-87 – Cost Rules – State / Local Gov’t A-122 – Cost Rules – Nonprofit A-102 – Administrative Rules State / Local Gov’t Part 80 – EDGAR A-110 – Administrative Rules IHEs Part 74 – EDGAR A-133 – Audit Rules (>$750,000)
Who is covered? All “nonfederal entities” expending federal awards
Non-Federal Entity
Most Significant General Changes
Shift from focus on Compliance to focus on PERFORMANCE!!! Auditors (A Federal OIG) and Monitors (Federal and State Pass Through) must look more to “outcomes” than to “process” The Omni Circular adds significant flexibility to way grantees / subgrantees can adopt their own processes
Most Significant General Changes (cont.)
The Omni Circular has a MAJOR emphasis on “strengthening accountability” by improving policies that protect against waste, fraud and abuse
New: Required certifications 200.415
NEW: Official authorized to legally bind the non-federal entity must certify on annual and final fiscal reports or vouchers requesting payment: “By signing this report, I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the report is true, complete and accurate and the expenditures, disbursements and cash receipts are for the purposes and objectives set forth in the terms and conditions of the federal award. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent information or the omission of any material fact, may subject me to criminal civil or administrative penalties for fraud, false statements, false claims, or otherwise.”
Financial Management Controls The Key Component to Federal Grants
Crosswork Between 34 CFR 80.20 (b) and Omni Circular 200.302(b)
Identification of Awards (NEW) Financial Reporting Accounting Records (Source Docs) Internal Control Budget Control Written Cash Management Procedures (NEW) Written Allowability Procedures (NEW) Financial Reporting Accounting Records Internal Control Budget Control Allowable Cost Source Documentation Cash Management
1) Identification of Awards (New)
All federal “awards” received and expended The name of the federal “program” Identification # of award CFDA Title and Number Federal Award I.D. # Fiscal Year of Award Federal Agency Pass-Through (If S/A)
New shift to OMB approved performance metrics
2) Financial Reporting New shift to OMB approved performance metrics
2) Financial Reporting (cont.)
Accurate, current, complete disclosure of financial results of each award – Federal awarding agency can only collect OMB approved data elements, no less than annually, no more than quarterly – Non federal entity must submit performance reports at intervals required by federal agency or pass through. Annual performance reports due 90 days after reporting period; Quarterly performance reports due 30 days after reporting period and
3) Accounting Records (Source Documentation)
Combines (b)(2) and (b)(6) Source Documentation on: Federal Awards Authorizations Obligations Unobligated balances Assets Expenditures Income Interest (New) Eliminated liabilities
4) Internal ControlS Essentially same as 80.20 (b) (3)
Effective control over and accountability for: All funds Property Other assets Must adequately safeguard all assets Use assets solely for authorized purpose
5) Budget Control Same as 80.20 (b)(4)
Comparison of expenditures with budget amounts for each award
6) Written Cash Management Procedures
For states, payments are governed by Treasury – State CMIA agreements 31 CFR Part 205 No Change For all other non federal entities, payments must minimize time elapsing between draw from G-5 and disbursement (not obligation) See Payment
6) Written Cash Management Procedures (cont.)
Advances must be maintained in insured accounts Pass through cannot require separate depository accounts Accounts must be interest bearing unless: Aggregate federal awards under $120,000 Account not expected to earn in excess of $500 per year Bank require minimum balance so high, that such account not feasible Interest amounts up to $500 may be retained by non federal entity for administrative purposes Interest earned must be remitted annually to ED/HHS, etc.
7) Written Allowability Procedures (New)
Written procedures for determining allowability of costs in accordance with Subpart E – Cost Principles
Subpart E – Cost Principles
Cost Principles: “Factors Affecting Allowability of Costs” 200.403
All Costs Must Be: Necessary, Reasonable and Allocable Conform with federal law & grant terms Consistent with state and local policies Consistently treated In accordance with GAAP Not included as match Net of applicable credits (moved to ) Adequately documented
New: Prior Written Approval 200.407
In order to avoid subsequent disallowance: Non-Federal entity may seek prior written approval of cognizant agency (for indirect cost rate) or Federal awarding agency in advance of the incurrence of special or unusual costs
Program Income Non-Federal entities are encouraged to earn income to defray program costs where appropriate. Costs of generating program income may only be deducted if: Authorized by federal regulations or the Federal award; Costs are incidental and not charged to the Federal award. Property from the sale of real property or equipment is not program income – apply post award property rules. NEW: Program Income Must Be Deducted from Total Allowable Costs With prior approval may Add to Federal Award.
New: Direct v. Indirect Costs 200.413
Salaries of administrative and clerical staff should be treated as “indirect” unless all of following are met: Such services are integral to the activity Individuals can be specifically identified with the activity Such costs are explicitly included in the budget Costs not also recovered as indirect
The “Omni” now has 55 specific items of cost!
Selected Items of Cost The “Omni” now has 55 specific items of cost!
Selected Items of Cost Examples
Advertising/PR (Clarified) Allowable for programmatic purposes including: Recruitment Procurement of goods Disposal of materials Program outreach Public relations (in limited circumstances) Alcohol Not allowable
Selected Items of Cost (cont)
Conferences (Changed) Prior Rule: Generally allowable Includes Meals / Conferences / Travel and Family Friendly Policies Allowable conference costs include rental of facilities, costs of meals and refreshments, transportation, unless restricted by the federal award Costs related to identifying, but not providing, locally available dependent-care resources But “travel” allows costs for “above and beyond regular dependent care” Conference hosts must exercise discretion in ensuring costs are appropriate, necessary and managed in manner than minimizes costs to federal award
Selected Items of Cost (cont)
Collections of Improper Payments (New) The costs incurred by the non-Federal entity to recover improper payments are allowable as either direct or indirect costs, as appropriate.
Selected Items of Cost (cont)
Entertainment Costs (Clarified) Cost of entertainment are unallowable Amusement, Diversion, Social Activities Except where costs might otherwise be considered programmatic and are authorized or have prior written approval of the Federal awarding agency. Fines, Penalties, Damages and other Settlements If related to violation, alleged violation or failure to comply with Federal, state, tribal, local or foreign law and regulations then unallowable. Except with prior written approval of Federal awarding agency.
Selected Items of Cost (cont.)
Travel Costs (Changed) Prior rule: allowable with certain restrictions Travel costs may be charged on actual, per diem, or mileage basis Travel charges must be consistent with entity’s written travel reimbursement policies Grantee must retain documentation that participation of individual in conference is necessary for the project Travel costs must be reasonable and consistent with written travel policy / or follow GSA 48 CFR (a)
Selected Items of Cost (cont.)
Travel Costs (Changed) Prior rule: allowable with certain restrictions Travel costs may be charged on actual, per diem, or mileage basis Travel charges must be consistent with entity’s written travel reimbursement policies Grantee must retain documentation that participation of individual in conference is necessary for the project Travel costs must be reasonable and consistent with written travel policy / or follow GSA 48 CFR (a)
OMB Circulars Time and Effort Rule
Time Distribution Records “Standards for Documentation of Personnel Expenses” If federal funds are used for salaries, then time distribution records are required. How staff demonstrate allocability Paid in whole or in part with federal funds (i)(1) Used to meet a match/cost share requirement (i)(4)
Cost Objectives What is a cost objective? (slightly changed) Program, function, activity, award, organizational subdivision, contract, or work unit for which cost data are desired and for which provision is made to accumulate and measure the cost of processes, products, jobs, capital projects, etc.
Time and Effort Guidance by OCFO!!!
OCFO Guidance It is possible to work on a single cost objective even if an employee works on more than one Federal award or on a Federal award and a non-Federal award. The key to determining whether it is a single cost objective is whether the employee’s salary and wages can be supported in full from each of the Federal awards on which the employee is working or from the Federal award alone if the employee’s salary is also paid with non- Federal funds. Insert an example after this slide?
Time and effort (Current A-87 Rule)
Semi-Annual Certifications Personnel Activity Report (PAR) If an employee works on a single cost objective: After the fact Account for the total activity Signed by employee or supervisor Every six months (at least twice a year) If an employee works on multiple cost objectives: After the fact Account for total activity Signed by employee Prepared at least monthly and coincide with one or more pay periods
NEW: “Standards for Documentation of Personnel Expenses” 200.430
Charges for salaries must be based on records that accurately reflect the work performed Must be supported by a system of internal controls which provides reasonable assurance charges are accurate, allowable and properly allocated Be incorporated into official records Reasonably reflect total activity for which employee is compensated Not to exceed 100%
NEW: “Standards for Documentation of Personnel Expenses” 200
NEW: “Standards for Documentation of Personnel Expenses” (cont) Encompass all activities (federal and non-federal) Comply with established accounting polices and practices Support distribution among specific activities or cost objectives
NEW: “Standards for Documentation of Personnel Expenses” 200
NEW: “Standards for Documentation of Personnel Expenses” (cont) Budget estimates alone do not qualify as support for charges to Federal awards (i)(1)(viii) Percentages may be used for distribution of total activities (i)(1)(ix)
NEW: “Standards for Documentation of Personnel Expenses” 200
NEW: “Standards for Documentation of Personnel Expenses” (cont) Grantees encouraged to adopt “substitute systems” if approved by cognizant agency for indirect cost (i)(5) Acceptable to allocate sampled employees’ supervisors, clerical and support staffs, based on results of sampled employees
Procurement Standards
State, Local and Tribal Governments: States may use their own procurement policies and procedures to procure equipment. Other grantees and subgrantees must follow policies and procedures that meet the standards set out in EDGAR Omni Circular Still provides flexibility for States; all other nonfederal entities follow policies and procedures under Section BRUSTEIN & MANASEVIT, PLLC
Procurement Standards - NEW
Omni Circular : All nonfederal entities must have documented procurement procedures which reflect applicable Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. (a) BRUSTEIN & MANASEVIT, PLLC
Open Competition All procurement transactions must be conducted with full and open competition. Must have protest procedures to handle disputes To eliminate unfair advantage, contractors that develop or draft specifications, requirements, statement of work, and invitations for bids or RFPs must be excluded from competing for such procurements. From EDGAR 74.43; now applicable to all nonfederal entities ( (a)) Not really a new requirement just moving it BRUSTEIN & MANASEVIT, PLLC
Open Competition Situations that restrict competition:
Unreasonable requirements on vendors to qualify to do business Pre-qualified lists should not limit competition Requiring unnecessary experience or excessive bonding Noncompetitive pricing practices Noncompetitive awards to consultants on retainer Organizational conflicts of interest Specifying a brand name Any arbitrary action in the procurement process In-state or local preferences BRUSTEIN & MANASEVIT, PLLC
Conflict of Interest Must maintain written standard of conduct, including conflict of interest policy. A conflict of interest arises when any of the following has a financial or other interest in the firm selected for award: Employee, officer or agent Any member of that person’s immediate family That person’s partner An organization which employs, or is about to employ, any of the above or has a financial interest in the firm selected for award Institutional conflict new to state and locals BRUSTEIN & MANASEVIT, PLLC
Conflict of Interest - NEW
If the non-federal entity has a parent, affiliate, or subsidiary organization that is not a state or local government the entity must also maintain written standards of conduct covering organization conflicts of interest! (b)(2) All non federal entities must establish conflict of interest policies, and disclose in writing any potential conflict to federal awarding agency in accordance with applicable Federal awarding agency policy BRUSTEIN & MANASEVIT, PLLC
Vendor Selection Process
Method of procurement: NEW: Micro-purchase Small purchase procedures Competitive sealed bids Competitive proposals Noncompetitive proposals BRUSTEIN & MANASEVIT, PLLC
Vendor Selection Process: NEW: Micro-Purchase
Acquisition of supplies and services under $3,000 or less. May be awarded without soliciting competitive quotations if nonfederal entity considers the cost reasonable. To the extent practicable must distribute micro-purchases equitably among qualified suppliers. (a) BRUSTEIN & MANASEVIT, PLLC
Vendor Selection Process: Small Purchase Procedures
Good or service that costs $100,000 or less (NEW: $150,000 under ) Organization may set lower threshold Must obtain price or rate quotes from an adequate number of qualified sources “Relatively simply and informal” BRUSTEIN & MANASEVIT, PLLC
Vendor Selection Process: Noncompetitive Proposals
Appropriate only when: The good or services is available only from a single source (sole source) There is a public emergency The awarding agency authorizes NEW: awarding agency or pass-through must expressly authorize noncompetitive proposals in response to written requires from nonfederal entity (f)(3) After soliciting a number of sources, competition is deemed inadequate BRUSTEIN & MANASEVIT, PLLC
Vendor Selection Process: Noncompetitive Proposal
As a practical matter, noncompetitive contract raises “red flags” Ensure persuasive and adequate documentation to facilitate audit BRUSTEIN & MANASEVIT, PLLC
Vendor Selection Process
Cannot contract with vendor who has been suspended or debarred Appendix II(I) BRUSTEIN & MANASEVIT, PLLC
Contract Administration
Must maintain a contract administration system that ensures contractors perform in accordance with the terms, conditions, and specifications of the contract (b): Nonfederal entities must maintain oversight to ensure that contractors perform in accordance with the terms, conditions, and specifications of the contract BRUSTEIN & MANASEVIT, PLLC
Property Management BRUSTEIN & MANASEVIT, PLLC
Inventory Management Must have adequate controls in place to account for: Location of equipment Custody of equipment Security of equipment BRUSTEIN & MANASEVIT, PLLC
What is equipment? Equipment: tangible, nonexpendible, personal property having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit. Grantee may also use its own definition of equipment as long as the definition would at least include all equipment defined above. EDGAR 74.2 and 80.3 Omni Circular BRUSTEIN & MANASEVIT, PLLC
Supplies Anything that is not equipment is considered supplies. 200.94
“Highly Walkable” Items NEW: Computing devices Machines used to acquire, store, analyze, process, public data and other information electronically Includes accessories for printing, transmitting and receiving or storing electronic information Computing devices are supplies is less than $5,000 BRUSTEIN & MANASEVIT, PLLC
Internal Controls Regardless of cost, grantee must maintain effective control and “safeguard all assets and assure that they are used solely for authorized purposes.” (b)(4) BRUSTEIN & MANASEVIT, PLLC
Ownership Generally, title to equipment purchased with federal funds vests in the organization that made the purchase. BRUSTEIN & MANASEVIT, PLLC
Inventory Management Must have inventory management system
Property records Description, serial number or other ID, title info, acquisition date, cost, percent of federal participation, location, use and condition, and ultimate disposition Physical inventory At least every two years Control system to prevent loss, damage, theft All incident must be investigated BRUSTEIN & MANASEVIT, PLLC
Inventory Management Must protect against unauthorized use
May use for other projects as long as use is incidental and does not interfere BRUSTEIN & MANASEVIT, PLLC
Use of Grant-Acquired Equipment
Use on the grant project or program that helped pay for the equipment. Use on federally-funded projects funded by the federal agency that funded the original project. Use on other federally-funded activities. Use on other activities. BRUSTEIN & MANASEVIT, PLLC
Use of Grant-Acquired Equipment - Clarified
Clarified: shared use is allowed if such use will not “interfere”: 1st preference – projects supported by federal awarding agency 2nd preference – project funded by other federal agencies 3rd preference – use for non federally funded programs NEW: Cannot “encumber” the property without approval of Federal agency or Pass-through agency (c)(1) BRUSTEIN & MANASEVIT, PLLC
Inventory Management - NEW
When grantee acquiring replacement equipment, the equipment to be replaced may be used as a “trade-in” without recourse to federal agency (c)(4) BRUSTEIN & MANASEVIT, PLLC
When property no longer needed, must follow disposition rules: Transfer to another federal program Over $5,000 – pay federal share Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals and Other Nonprofits must request disposition instructions from the Secretary of the before disposal of equipment. Under $5,000 – no accountability (e): Nonfederal entity must request disposition instructions from the federal awarding agency if required by the terms of the grant. BRUSTEIN & MANASEVIT, PLLC
Disposition - Supplies
If there is a residual inventory of unused supplies exceeding $5,000 in total aggregate value upon termination or completion of the project or program and the supplies are not needed for any other federal award, must compensate the federal government for its share. BRUSTEIN & MANASEVIT, PLLC
Records and Reviews BRUSTEIN & MANASEVIT, PLLC
Methods for collection, Transmission and storage of information - NEW
When original records are electronic and cannot be altered, there is no need to create and retain paper copies. When original records are paper, electronic versions may be substituted through the use of duplication or other forms of electronic media provided they: Are subject to periodic quality control reviews, Provide reasonable safeguards against alteration; and Remain readable. BRUSTEIN & MANASEVIT, PLLC
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