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The Porphyry System Applied to Multilingual Urban Ontologies Towntology Madrid 14-15 may 2007 Pôle d'expérimentation du réseau ARTCADHi-CNRS Sylvie Calabretto,

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Presentation on theme: "The Porphyry System Applied to Multilingual Urban Ontologies Towntology Madrid 14-15 may 2007 Pôle d'expérimentation du réseau ARTCADHi-CNRS Sylvie Calabretto,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Porphyry System Applied to Multilingual Urban Ontologies Towntology Madrid 14-15 may 2007 Pôle d'expérimentation du réseau ARTCADHi-CNRS Sylvie Calabretto, LIRIS, INSA Lyon

2 2 Outline The porphyry project Intersubjectivity The Porphyry model The Porphyry system / Experimentations Porphyry for the towntology project Perspectives

3 The Porphyry project

4 4 The Porphyry project: semantic access to digitized corpora archeological series (1876-now) ? archeologist 200,000 digital facsimiles making sense

5 5 The Porphyry project AIM: Instrumenting experts’ work in digital libraries MEAN: By iterative enrichment of the corpus with hypermedia structures NOTIONS TO INSTRUMENT - Intertextuality: Two texts read in parallel - Intersubjectivity: Plurality of viewpoints

6 6 Intersubjectivity

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8 8 n°116 (1992) p.708 Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique Point de vue du maquettiste Point de vue de l'archiviste Auteur Moretti, J-Ch. Date 1991 Fig. 30a : Bloc inscrit, inv.17316, éch.120 Fig. 32 : Bloc inscrit, inv.17316, face antérieure Point de vue du bibliothécaire Auteur Date 1991 Moretti, J-Ch. Mulliez, D. Petridis, P. A l'ouest du sanctuaire d'Apollon Heroon corinthien (dit "de Blum") Point de vue du professeur Tartempion Travaux de l'Ecole française à Delphes en 1991

9 9 The Porphyry model

10 10 The Porphyry model: a description network

11 11 An example of simple description network Artifact by type vase by date roman Jones, Dec. 2000 Jones, Jan. 2001 Smith, 1960 Brown, 1968

12 12 Screenshot

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17 The Porphyry system/experimentations

18 18 The Porphyry system 5 years R&D 18 000 code lines (Java) Free software!

19 19 The porphyry system

20 20 The porphyry system

21 21 Experimentations Plateforms: –Archaeology: Paestum vases Travels of Chenavard Sanctuary of Delos –Medicine: Paediatrics

22 22 Porphyry and multilingual urban ontology One facet by language Experimentations on a set of french, english and italian terms

23 23 Cost action C21 WG2 Resources : –1 excell file in english, french and italian –1 excell file in spanish

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26 26 Experimentation with Porphyry 3 viewpoints: one per language –English –French –Italian A definition is linked to a descriptor of a viewpoint.

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