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Shared Services Roundtable March 17th, 2015 A collaborative environment for private and federal stakeholders to improve the state of shared services in.

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Presentation on theme: "Shared Services Roundtable March 17th, 2015 A collaborative environment for private and federal stakeholders to improve the state of shared services in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shared Services Roundtable March 17th, 2015 A collaborative environment for private and federal stakeholders to improve the state of shared services in government

2 Partnership Industry Leaders Policy Offices Federal Providers SAGEs Shared Services Roundtable

3 Accenture Federal ServicesAccenture Federal Services AvayaAvaya Booz Allen HamiltonBooz Allen Hamilton CACICACI CGI FederalCGI Federal CSCCSC DeloitteDeloitte MicrosoftMicrosoft SavantageSavantage USISUSIS IBC, InteriorIBC, Interior ARC, TreasuryARC, Treasury PSC, HHSPSC, HHS FSC, VAFSC, VA GFS, StateGFS, State HRS, OPMHRS, OPM NSSC, NASANSSC, NASA OMBOMB OPMOPM GSAGSA FITFIT

4 Agenda 1.Why Now? 2.Future Vision for the Marketplace 3.Enterprise-wide Governance Framework 4.Market Infrastructure and Service Acquisition Models 5.Performance Customer Service Measures 6.Service and Provider Navigator

5 Talent Track Record Tech Budget Constraint Leadership Why Now?

6 Characteristics of the Future Marketplace

7 Vision for a Marketplace “Federal shared services would be provided in an open and dynamic, and smartly governed marketplace that relies on innovation, scale, competition, and choice by well informed buyers.”

8 Recommendations Enterprise-wide Governance Market and Acquisition Strategies Performance and Customer Service Metrics Service and Provider Tool

9 Enterprise-wide Governance Framework

10 Governance Concept: Phase I Oversight and strategic direction Performance, benchmarks, best practices Ensure competitive procurement model Advisory, Customer, Stakeholder boards Create market incentives and mandates as needed Developing market infrastructure Engage OMB, Congress, etc. New funding flexibilities One Voice for Shared Services Unified Policy and Management Shared Acquisition Vehicle Users/Users Groups Central Management Agency Common and standardized governance model suitable to all SSPs and to agencies of all sizes

11 Market Infrastructure and Service Acquisition Models

12 Characteristics of a Healthy Marketplace Minimizes operations costs over the long termMinimizes operations costs over the long term Minimizes switching costsMinimizes switching costs Delivers optimal functional fit between provider and consumerDelivers optimal functional fit between provider and consumer Provides for ability to adapt and innovate to future consumer needsProvides for ability to adapt and innovate to future consumer needs Provides cost and quality transparency in support of informed government decision makingProvides cost and quality transparency in support of informed government decision making Manages assumed risks for both providers and agenciesManages assumed risks for both providers and agencies

13 Market Infrastructure Recommendations Enable management/mediation roles within shared services marketplaceEnable management/mediation roles within shared services marketplace Lower the cost of provider switching costs through interoperability initiativesLower the cost of provider switching costs through interoperability initiatives Decouple Shared Service Migration Services from Provision of Operation and Enhancement ServicesDecouple Shared Service Migration Services from Provision of Operation and Enhancement Services

14 Exploring Shared Service Marketplace Roles

15 Lowering the Cost of Transition through Interoperability

16 Decoupling Shared Service Migration Services from Service Provision/O&M Shared Service Platform Agency A Agency B Agency C Embedded Migration Services SSP Migration Services BPA/IDIQ Provider #1 Provider #2 Provider #3 Provider #4 Delivered Capabilities: Organizational Change Management Business Process Reengineering Data Quality Remediation Enterprise Integration Strategy Agency D

17 Performance and Customer Service Measures

18 Evaluate effective “exchange of value for money”Evaluate effective “exchange of value for money” Quantify qualitative benefits of shared services in order to allow customers to see the long-term value of investing in business transformationQuantify qualitative benefits of shared services in order to allow customers to see the long-term value of investing in business transformation Design and promote common metrics to facilitate interoperability for transitioning in and out of shared service providersDesign and promote common metrics to facilitate interoperability for transitioning in and out of shared service providers Project Objectives

19 Level 2 Maturity Traditional “are the lights on” metrics in the cost, efficiency and customer service categories. Three Key Phases of Maturity Mission Benefit Innovation Efficiency/Productivity Communication/Stakeholder Voice Readiness/Change Management Timeliness Customer Satisfaction Quality Utility Compliance and Internal Controls Process efficiency vs. industry benchmarks. Information on stakeholder usage and patterns to inform the longer term service quality measurement Innovative approach to measuring value of the services being delivered to the mission and the level of service enablement Level 1 Maturity Level 3 Maturity

20 Comprehensive Performance Metrics Model

21 Case Study from NSSC Mission: “to provide timely, accurate, high-quality, cost- effective, and customer-focused support for selected NASA business and technical services.” Implemented a robust performance metrics approach to diagnose problem areas and support continuous improvement Opportunity to pursue Level 3 metrics in order to quantify the value of shared services to the overall mission

22 Service and Provider Catalog and Navigator

23 Develop an integrated, centralized, interactive online government-wide catalog of available services and providers Assess Compare Connect

24 Catalog and Navigator Characteristics Centralized Leverage existing catalogs Open and accessibly Ability to compare Emphasize user experience and customer service Solution centric Driven in design by data

25 Shared Services Roundtable A collaborative environment for private and federal stakeholders to improve the state of shared services in government

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